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Old 03-08-2024, 06:01 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Starman. Your last two threads totally resonated for me especially…”we grow are awareness, which expands our consciousness”.
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Old 03-08-2024, 07:11 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Thank you Redchic12, and others for your feedback. I experience a lot of love from all of you. I am very careful about not getting my ego involved because often, but not always, what I share here on this forum comes through me and not from me. It often comes from a place where there is no me.

I deeply feel I am approaching the end of my physical journey, and being here on Spiritual Forums has been a blessing to me; it has helped me grow spiritually and I am glad to be able to contribute and give back to this wonderful space and the people who come and go here. You have touched my heart and resonated with me as much as you say I have with you.

Blessings to all of you.
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Old 03-08-2024, 07:26 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
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Thank you Starman. It is much appreciated.
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Old 03-08-2024, 02:53 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I love you, Starman.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 03-08-2024, 04:18 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Starman…….” what I share here on this forum comes through me and not from me. It often comes from a place where there is no me”

I would love to hear more about this experience, but only if you wish to.
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Old 03-08-2024, 05:36 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Love has pulled me back here as it often has. I can tell intuitively when someone has posted a message to me here in this forum even when I am offline and my computer is turned off; I feel it, sometimes stronger than other times.

Redchic12, this is what I mean when I say it does not come from me rather it comes through me. Over the decades I have formed a very strong relationship with my deeper being. It began many decades ago with a very simple trusting in my deeper self.

I would be out and about and see something that I wanted to further explore, at that time I would send my attention within me and say “remind me of this when I get home.” Every time when I got home what I asked to be reminded of would pop into my head.

This was the very simple beginnings of learning to trust my deeper being. Then came a deeper trust, because I did not trust not thinking and felt I had to think to walk, talk, and do common human things. It took sometime for me to trust inner silence, and once I trusted inner silence I began to give it more of my attention and grow it.

With the growing of inner silence intuition also grew. Answers to inquiries started coming to me almost instantly. My overall spiritual experience grew much quicker with trust; no second guessing, no doubt or questioning. It was, and still is, much more about feeling than it is about thinking.

Feeling became a greater foundation than thinking or imagining. The feeling is an incredible blanket of peace with occasional raptures of love, otherwise called “bliss.” This would rise up from inside of me. I never asked what is this or why was this happening, that was part of the trusting process. Just flowing with it and being open to it.

I keep the labels, concepts, and constructs, at arms length and use words lightly. Logic and reasoning became secondary to intuition. Impulses come to me and I attempt to lightly put those impulses into words, posting here on this forum while meditating on silence. I have been doing quiet meditation for almost 50-years and it has bared incredible fruit. I strive to keep my ego out of this as humility is a very important part of my path.

Although I do not feel it takes 60-years as some may achieve similar fruit in less time, or more time. It depends on what we, as individuals, have to work through. The horrendous and horrible things which I have experienced I approached as my teachers, and was able to turn my demons into angels.

Understanding that many think they are walking a spiritual path when in the truth which I perceive, we ourselves are the path which we walk. The path is how we unfold ourselves and bring out our inner light. In my opinion it is not something outside of ourselves. What we learn from spiritual teachings has to be applied until they become our true nature; in my experience spirit will transform us and bring our true deeper nature to the surface.

One of the fundamental things was being able to distinguish between emotional feelings and intuitive impulse. Of course thoughts were there also but I had begun to distant myself from my thoughts and knew their quality. It was differentiating the quality between emotions and intuition which presented my biggest challenge. Basically emotions are dualistic and intuition is singular. Emotions involve choices while intuition gives one singular answer without explaining why.

Every time I ignore intuition I end up with an emotional butt kicking, or at minimum having to relearn an often tough lesson. Today I have no doubt which is which, emotions are surface but they can also go deep, while intuition comes from a very incredible open space-less space and intuition has no duality about it. It is definitely a different quality. So Redchic12 this is something about my inner journey, and I suspect it will be different for different people.

CosmicWonder, I appreciate you also and sense you are on an incredible spiritual journey. Thank you for your openness and kindness.

Miss Hepburn, I love you also, in the Biblical sense, because you may or may not remember back before you became a Moderator I lusted after you. That was fun even though it was not meant to be. We both have experienced some similar things in our history, regarding living in Denver, gurus, darshan, etc.

So this is one of my longest posts but it seems I still have a lot to say which I did not know how to say in a shorter post.

Peace and Good Journey To All
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Old 04-08-2024, 04:07 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Thank you Starman. That was a lovely post.
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Old 05-08-2024, 03:19 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Compelled to share more because I sense some may wonder what I mean by “turning my demons into angels.” Again as it relates to my own spiritual journey. Human beings tend to look at things as concrete objects when in my experience everything is a process, a flow on its way somewhere and we glimpse a snapshot of the moment hoping to hold on to and crystallize that snapshot in time. But it is said that change is the only constant in this physical universe; without change we would not grow or develop.

I have told the story here of how I lost my eyesight and was blind for many years, it was initially a major freak-out, fear, anxiety, etc., and I got no help from my family. I lived alone when I was blind and while waiting for government benefits I got evicted from my apartment because I could not pay my rent. I was blind and I lived on the streets for a period; later I was helped by charity organizations who helped me move into the YMCA. What I have just described was one of my demons.

I came to embrace this hardship and learn from it; that is how I turned it into an angel. Including the rejection I got from my family, siblings, etc. I learned a great deal from being blind and after more than a dozen eye surgeries I had to learn how to see again with my eyes. Rejection from my family gave me independence and freedom, which I did not see in the beginning. It took going through a process of pain and insecurity before I could perceive any benefit from what I considered a horrific drama.

Life has become for me about negotiating the drama, moving through it while protecting and maintaining inner peace. Intuitively processing it has helped a great deal. For me, one of my most effective tools is to be organized, because the drama can scatter us with anxiety and fear. When I am organized I can see what I have to work with. Organize thoughts, emotions, and our outer life; this has worked for me when dealing with the drama. What we call good and bad exist side by side and are inherent in every situation, this is the nature of duality. Finding the benefit in the most horrible places is what I mean about turning my demons into angels.
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