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Old 30-07-2024, 12:27 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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The intensity seems to be why most twins can't stay together.

Panic attacks since meeting TF

panic attack

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Old 31-07-2024, 07:15 AM
~Lioness~ ~Lioness~ is offline
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Oops never mind
The pain that made you the odd one out, is the story that connects you to a healing world.

Last edited by ~Lioness~ : 31-07-2024 at 12:09 PM.
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Old 02-08-2024, 07:33 PM
lamb1 lamb1 is offline
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Originally Posted by JustBe
I’m glad it was helpful.

The twin flame process can activate so much and it will unearth many fears. I know this very well. What part scares you the most in what your sharing about telepathy?
I'm writing and writing and all the time its being lost and I start doubt if its meant to be written here. I cannot differentiate what dialogues between us happened in real or material world and what in this spiritual or mental, I have a memory of him dancing and that has NEVER happened in my, our life, to me, to lamb to this body this situation have not happened and I have this memory! There were also a situation in the, kind of spiritual? realm?? that we both had an opportunity to end the suffering in this world, and its really wierd and I don't know how to understand it and I feel really alone with all of it.

We have seen each other lastly, I could feel his energy that is open to me but didnt know how to answer, I suppose I was afraid and am still very hurt. I don't know if I have any fears and if there is something that scares me, I just don't understand it and still I am almost only in this silly bad or stupid ego thoughts like that I want to be with him ect.

What helps me the most arę words of saint Paul apostotle "... Love is not self-seeking" and in Polish we have wonderful translations of this like: Love is not seeking an applause - miłość nie szuka poklasku. This really helps me and I'm suffering like an idiot and feel that nothing will never change and I'm only wasting time.

I wanted to share some hard to understand situation from this spiritual field, that happened between us, it seemed to be important and showing many important things, maybe someone could shed some light on this for me, because I don't know how to understand it, I don't know anything right now, feel lost and don't know what to do next.
I don't understand, why this sadness , is so strong and I cannot move on or rather don't know where to move, in what direction as everything is completely pointless. Sorry, I needed to open to someone and pour my emotions because I was drowning.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Forgive me mistakes! Still learning English
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Old 03-08-2024, 07:05 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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lamb - Personally when I try to rest my own head I get into all sorts of trouble, there is a way I go about it that isn't liked somehow. So for me it is a lot of, well like with the telepathy the way that has been done in past lives it was awful. Kinda like, I had to spend all my time guarding my thoughts lest someone come lock me up and throw away the key and I hated it. And I wished for a long time they would just go away but they didn't and I had to deal with it. So now I'm likely to say things like i don't care if someone listens in I'm not going to go tailoring my thoughts to make them happy or whatever I think they should be to save me from a beating. They can just listen in if that is what they want to do and can do and whatever bad things are going to happen to me are going to happen.

Kinda like, I face it head-on. Even with death I'm like, I'm not going to run around trying to guarantee my own life no matter how badly someone threatens me with impending death. It just doesn't seem worth it to live life if it has to be on those terms... not anymore not after all the horrible things that I had to do when I thought I had to preserver my own life.

I guess I kinda feel like, I don't get a lot of control over what is presented but I do get to decide how I want to spend my time when I'm dealing with it... and anymore taking whatever beating seems to be presented seems a lot more entertaining than the beating I give myself every time I try to avoid whatever it is I think is coming...

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