Originally Posted by green1
Forgives himself/herself by noticing that he/she committed his/her negativities because he/she did not know about God's love and negativities he/she received contributed to them.
Sounds simple but the whole process may take decades.
Being the stubborn creatures that we are, the healing process often takes many human lifetimes.
Those who now despise scammers and deceivers had scammed and deceived others in this or past lifetimes.
Those who now are strongly against wars and killings had been in wars and killed others in this or past lifetimes.
Those who now wholeheartedly embrace God had dismissed and mocked God in this or past lifetimes.
All part of our very long spiritual journey spanning many human lifetimes here to go from purposely “disconnected” from God to start off with very little wisdom and so will often make poor and malicious choices, and then through many lifetimes of free will exploring and experiencing work our way to return to being in alliance, in unity, and in Oneness with God by choosing to have sincere love, compassion, and wisdom to make far more benevolent choices.
It is why Jesus taught people to not judge lest ye be judged.
And so it is that those who are further ahead on the spiritual path to love will have deeper understanding and greater compassion for the people behind them, for they too were once at that earlier point of less awareness and not knowing any better yet.
Though souls are a big part of God and so are eternal, divine, and infinite, some have coined the terms “young souls” and “old souls” to indicate how many human lifetimes we had been here and the amount of wisdom we hold.
The young souls who are newbies here in this very unfamiliar low vibration and low consciousness part of reality are struggling hard just to survive, let alone have time to work on spiritual grow. Without much wisdom yet, they are often found in prisons.
The old souls are the ones who had been here for hundreds or thousands of human lifetimes and will have gained, or better yet remember, the wisdom and benevolent maturity to make much better choices that align with love and compassion. All from having lived lifetimes as a male gender and as a female gender, as a human in each of the skin colors, as a poor person and as a wealthy person, as a kind person and as an evil person, as a person who died early after birth and as a person who lived to a very old ages, and essentially all scenarios offered on this beautiful planet that is in partnership with us consciousness wise.
Truly an amazing but extremely challenging and very long term human adventure of finding ourselves that we bravely and passionately “jumped in line” for when we are not in the human form and in our true home on the other side of the self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.
At our soul level, what we do here living life as humans and making choices we had done similar on other young planets before this one. We just don’t remember by our own design. All part of a much bigger and grander divine plan for new creations to come.
The young souls will see each other as individuals with separate lives, whereas the old soul will see we are all in Oneness with each having a piece of God within that is pure unconditional love.
God that is also known to some as Spirit, Prime Creator, Creative Source, Soul, Higher Self (higher vibration self), the much bigger multi-dimensional part of us, and many other names.
Regardless, it is all in Oneness of the meld of multi-dimensional quantum energies of love, compassion, benevolence, and joy that is our true nature.