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Old 02-06-2021, 02:06 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Adventures With the First Angel

Part 1 The Meeting

She appeared to us one day as we relaxed on a lawn near a lake. We were resting now in preparation for our return trip. We were visiting our animal friends and noted that some of these were of types which are no longer extant on the physical Earth. A land of wonders we thought it. It was, truly.

In a small stone circle, within a burst of brilliance, magical fire perhaps but not ordinary light, she stood. Without speaking we all knew her name. The Lady (in the Light). Telepathy between all of us and her. The various animals took note as well… Perhaps they had seen her before. Without speaking in the ordinary way she bid us travel with her, for a while, to see a land that is usually hidden to those on Earth.

We had been visiting this land, using a magical carpet as our conveyance. It seemed the thing to do especially since it was our animal friend, Lady Pumpkin (an Indian elephant) who had shaped it for us into a howdah which afforded room for us all, in comfort, on her back. And there were others as well. Then, with Rudolph from the land of the Sami people guiding us… off we went.

We were not on Earth at the time. Our physical selves were of course but in our astral bodies we all met in our healing room garden as we often did. Where is this place? In about the mid range of the Earth’s astral plane, above many others but still far below the highest, the land of the golden light. Here there is found solace from the burdens of the Earth, for a while.

We were in our garden when, one day, we heard a call, a summons. Following this we found ourselves on a long journey to the other side of the astral plane, to a distant land which is seldom open to we humans. It was the land set aside for animal souls who, like us, rest between incarnations. Here in this particular area were domestic animals and others which lived with humans in their lives just past. And we? We would have the opportunity to visit the souls of our dear little friends who had earlier brought us so much joy. Now, the visiting finished, we rested on the lawn waiting to return when the Lady appeared.

To be continued...

Last edited by bartholomew : 03-06-2021 at 01:47 AM.
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Old 02-06-2021, 09:28 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Wonderful article James.

Can't wait to see more.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 03-06-2021, 01:12 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Stories like the first post have been given the 'go-ahead' by Lynn, btw.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 03-06-2021, 01:24 AM
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I'm there...
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Old 03-06-2021, 01:53 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn
Wonderful article James.
Can't wait to see more.
After this the original story merges . And... after the retelling and return to the garden, and after a suitable period of rest, a new sequence will be revealed. It's going to be quite profound.
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Old 03-06-2021, 01:59 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Stories like the first post have been given the 'go-ahead' by Lynn, btw.

I still wish we had a specific place for stories. I was considering "Most Anything". Probably there aren't many on the forum who write stories. So we have to adapt.

Who is to say that matters of the spiritual life may only be revealed in certain ways?
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Old 03-06-2021, 02:00 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Thanks Legrand
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Old 03-06-2021, 06:10 PM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Part 2 A Visit to a Far Place

I think the year was 1949. I had just turned seven. I was enrolled at our local Catholic school in San Diego, CA. As I remember my class was being instructed in preparation for our first communion. This was the time when I began to think about aspects of life that were spiritual and not just physical. Did we really have souls? What were they like? I remember wondering that, if I should try hard enough, could I rise up and float away in my sleep. Exploring heaven and meeting God would be fun.

Yes there really are heavens associated with the Earth. This is one aspect of the afterlife that is not discussed by any religion that I know of. They will teach about heaven but never examine it closely or connect it in a relational way with the Earth. But the Earth does have spiritual as well as physical realms. Further all of us are connected to the various subtle (spiritual) planes and sub planes while yet living. This is the function of the chakras that we all have. So few know that the Earth has chakras too. Ours are connected to hers. This is the reason, the mechanism that allows us to claim we are “of the Earth”. And these subtle connections give us the ability to experience what we call psychic events. The various planes are the conduits through which intuitive glimpses travel, one person to another, your chakra to the corresponding Earth’s chakra then to me via my chakra which was “tuned in”. This phenomena is exactly what meditation is all about. If neither the Earth nor us had chakras psychic sensitivity would be impossible. No need to believe in magic. Everything is knowable in rational terms. I always emphasize the above because it is seldom fully understood, even by mediums.

Here in the Healing Room we are somewhere near the mid point of the concentric shell which is the astral plane. In physical terms this would put us approximately thirteen thousand miles distant from the center of the Earth. Of course we can’t see it with our physical eyes or sense it using scientific instruments. Hints of it’s existence are not understood therefore brushed aside. It is there nonetheless. We interact with it all the time via our chakras.

We have come to understand what we can and cannot do here in the Room. We’ve had some good times. Today we will take a look at another aspect, one which is seldom spoken of but one that will find familiar acceptance in all of us. We are going on a journey of discovery to the part of heaven which is reserved for our animal friends. We can do this so long as we don’t stay too long and as long as we observe and interact with respect. It will be an area of different vibrations.

Our hostess and guide today will be our dear friend Lady Pumpkin. She is very proud of being of the order pacydermata. She wears this distinction with a genuine sense of contentment in her service to us and we to her. We find ourselves understanding better the sometimes unknown paths in creation. Lady stands ready for departure just outside the entrance to the Room. Big John directs the magical carpet to the ground at her left side. We all climb aboard. As we are seated we note that the carpet, being magical, increases its size to accommodate everyone. Elfin is seated right in front. A huge smile on her face. Others are here. Anala hops aboard carrying a basket filled with freshly baked scones. She has some butter and honey too in the other hand. In a basket are fresh strawberries, and clotted cream. My goodness who will eat all of this? Now Bartholomew steps aboard and finds a spot. For once he has little to say. Just Tim watches, hesitates but then steps onto a corner of the carpet. Anyone else? Miss Hepburn is up front where she can help to navigate. Legrand and Gemma are here too. Lastly there are three others. They’ve been following the thread but never joined in. We don’t know their names but we sense their nearness. They are welcome.

Big John has loaded so much food that we begin to wonder if the carpet is able to stretch itself to the required dimensions and, if so, will it be able to lift off. Sure it’s magic but just the same we wonder. Sausages, hot pasta, pastries, steak cutlets for Elfin, a couple bales of alfalfa and a dozen or so pumpkins for Lady to munch on. Two barrels of homemade beer courtesy of… well it’s a secret but Lady found out about it and put “dibs” on one of them. One large Thermos filled with G and T in case anyone has a “scratchy throat” Last are two bags of special treats. Ready? All aboard... At the last moment the most amazing thing happens. The carpet, loaded as it is, floats gently off the ground then ascends to the level of Lady’s back. It moves sideways. It’s over her. Now it descends and transforms. It’s not a carpet anymore. Now it’s a genuine Indian style howdah. Amazing. Are we ready? Lady lifts her trunk in salute and sounds a call to any and all animals who might be listening. She is also bidding farewell to Goodness and High Bette who dutifully stay behind to mind the Room in our absence. They nod in return. Lady takes a step forward, looks up into the sky. What? Is it really? Here come the reindeer all the way from the north land of the Sami people. And in front is Rudolph. It’s their off season after all. They’re happy to help. They arrange themselves in the lead and, hang on tight, off we go.

To be continued...
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Old 03-06-2021, 06:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by bartholomew

Yes there really are heavens associated with the Earth. This is one aspect of the afterlife that is not discussed by any religion that I know of. They will teach about heaven but never examine it closely or connect it in a relational way with the Earth.

In this sense, I do like the work of Dante with is Divine Comedy and the huge poetic work of Sri Aurobindo in his book Savitri.

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Old 03-06-2021, 08:44 PM
Just Tim
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Originally Posted by bartholomew
After this the original story merges . And... after the retelling and return to the garden, and after a suitable period of rest, a new sequence will be revealed. It's going to be quite profound.
Oooh, new sequence you say !
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