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Old 17-11-2023, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I remember when gasoline was .28 and .32 cents a gallon...in the US.
Yes those were the g00d days!!
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Old 17-11-2023, 01:10 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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I remember when there was nothing open on a Sunday . It was SO quiet everywhere .
And certainly no 24 hour opening as in supermarkets and petrol stations etc.
Sunday's were lovely.
We had a roast dinner and all the family were together .
In winter we played board games and in summer we had days out.
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Old 17-11-2023, 07:54 PM
Albert100 Albert100 is offline
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I remember when I was 4 and my dad taking me into our back garden and saying people are on the moon tonight, over 50 years a go now.
That time's flown by.
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Old 17-11-2023, 08:32 PM
Podshell Podshell is online now
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Seems dear for crisps that Angel,we had a very limited selection of snacks at junior school in early seventies with three types of crisps think Puffs were the cheapest at 2d,salt n shake 3d,there were also penny wafers,I used to sometimes get a small bottle of pop with my 3d or was it 3p,cant recall if we had decimilised by then,also Caramacs were a cheap option,now being phased out.My first wage was £12 a week and had to walk about six miles to work as I couldn't afford the adult busfare,I got away with paying child rate for a while but my work clothes gave me away eventually!
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Old 17-11-2023, 08:48 PM
Albert100 Albert100 is offline
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I remember bounty bars and milky ways being in paper wrappers with a cardboard type holder under them, that must have been over 30 years a go now.
I suppose they did away with the cardboard holders to save money.
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Old 17-11-2023, 09:50 PM
gemma gemma is offline
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I remember when kids played outside all day, all year long, summer, winter and in between only coming home when the streetlights went on...
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Old 17-11-2023, 09:59 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I remember when children had respect for elders and recall a moment that's friends we called ever mum and dad friends auntie and uncle we did and the were like auntie and uncle to us
Plus I remember when you say please and thank you as a child you don't hear that much these days
dream jo

i dream dreams all dreams
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Old 18-11-2023, 05:57 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Ooohhhh I can totally relate to every single one of the above posts and experienced/ did same with all of them....
( Me thinks we are all giving our ages away here haha...)
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Old 18-11-2023, 06:55 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Speaking of buses, Podshell reminded me of them.
Everyone used to go into town on the buses as not many people had cars in those days.
Do you remember when the buses were all double deckers and you got on at the back ( it had no doors, just a pole in the middle !) And the stairs were at the back and spiralled round to the top deck.There was a conductor/conductress with a ticket machine strapped across their body. I used to be fascinated by this ticket machine . They would punch the fare in and wind a little handle and tear your ticket off....
And how on earth did they remember who had just got on in order to get the fare on a crowded bus ?...
Happy days.
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Old 18-11-2023, 01:50 PM
Albert100 Albert100 is offline
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Also they had smoking upstairs on the double decker buses.
My parents and uncles would go up there for a cigarette, ashtrays were on the back of the seats.
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