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Old 14-05-2023, 05:53 AM
BelleFlower2 BelleFlower2 is offline
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The Possibility of Celebrity Soulmates Shouldn't Always be Written Off

I've read some of the threads on celebrity soulmates, and personally, I don't think it's fair to write off everyone who says they think they have one. You never know. The universe is full of possibilities. Celebrities are people too, and especially in this day and age of social media, it can be easier to connect with people even if that person is a celebrity.

There are also quite a few stories of people who have manifested their celebrity soulmates. It's not impossible. The probability might decrease if you're not in the same circles, but who is there to say that life and/or the universe might not take you there?

Right now there's a certain celebrity who I suspect might be a soulmate. To be fair, we haven't met in person yet, and we're both in different countries, but I DID used to encounter him on social media before he was famous. He barely had any followers back then, and I didn't even realise it was him till I put two and two together recently.

It's a really odd story. All I can say is that I keep being led back to him every time I try to move on.

It's weird too because I've heard him tell his story multiple times, and it's eerily similar to mine despite being from different cultures and countries. We both wanted to go into singing and acting initially, and made a lot of the same choices. For example, I once listened to him tell a funny story in an interview about something he used to do when he first got into music. It was a very odd practice that I use to do too. I recently found out that there was even a point where we both made the same business with the same name.

In the end, he succeeded and I failed because he had more family support and something bad happened to me that didn't happen to him. I stopped, and he continued.

Nowadays he has interviews and lives and we clearly have the same ideas and views on life, and it feels like my soul recognises his somehow. He articulates things that I never felt like I could ever verbalise and he feels familiar.

That's a tiny shred of a years-long story of being pulled back into this one guy's orbit, but I genuinely feel like this person might be a soulmate. Yet, I also feel that people would be more accepting of it if it was still a few years ago when he wasn't famous and just some guy I could probably chat with online. What's the difference?

Plus, it might not be impossible for us to meet since we're both in the entertainment industry now. So, again, why is it impossible for your soulmate to be a celebrity? Why is it so unlikely?
Old 20-05-2023, 05:58 AM
girlsearching girlsearching is offline
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I don't think anyone is ruleing out having a celebrity twin, I just think we are being realistic, the chances of someone being with a public figure is very slim.There a Billion people that would like to think they are destined to be with someone they admire, and celebs are people too, they have to be cautious of fans/ or admires motives. My Celebrity Soulmate died on April 21rst 2016, and I'd like to believe that he has a s Doppleganer somewhere out here. O(+>
Old 20-05-2023, 10:44 AM
TattieHowker TattieHowker is offline
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Originally Posted by BelleFlower2
So, again, why is it impossible for your soulmate to be a celebrity? Why is it so unlikely?
What are the reasons people think they have a celebrity Soulmate in the first place? The reasons are not always Spiritual.
Old 20-05-2023, 07:25 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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so true Tattie

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Old 20-05-2023, 08:09 PM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is offline
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I think if you think the connection is there it probably is.. it’s just a lot of things can get in the way- information. But I found with myself having dreams the information I have been looking for. It might be a total fabrication but there’s always alternative life’s and universes..

I think the self would be content in telling me if that were the solution or problem!!!

I think things happen and it’s sometimes not the right time for any reason- you just want it all to be perfect. And sometimes it’s not~ you have to accept all the other predicaments because your fully invested… another partner, children, country, and the existing can continue this list…


What gives our life meaning is our inner dialogue- our beliefs and at times it’s enough to get us through until one does reunite…

But it’s not chaos that one could have a celebrity soulmate..

It’s probably about formal and circulatory that one would succeed a little more than the other so the conviction of the life moved with the times and changes that the other can match in establishment- rebel!

Dynamically it’s twisted but an imitation of chaos theory and butterfly affect-
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
Old 22-05-2023, 01:26 AM
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Real love doesn't happen only between two famous people, it's too convenient in this case (for publicity, etc.). It's all relative. Is there a twin flame story between a celebrity and a fan who is not famous? I really wish it would happen someday, that would be very interesting to see, after all, isn't a twin flame connection all about overcoming huge obstacles/differences in one's journey and changing people's preconceptions/defying pre-established ideas? I truly think the world needs a different twin flame story like this right now for a change. That would require a lot of courage though, especially for the famous person, but that's exactly where the beauty/lesson is.
Old 22-05-2023, 02:06 AM
girlsearching girlsearching is offline
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Originally Posted by girlsearching
I don't think anyone is ruleing out having a celebrity twin, I just think we are being realistic, the chances of someone being with a public figure is very slim.There a Billion people that would like to think they are destined to be with someone they admire, and celebs are people too, they have to be cautious of fans/ or admires motives.
I really wanted to belive that Prince Rogers Nelson (1958-2016) and Zayn Javadd Malik were my soulmates , but both men are not. if God or the Universe did not put neither men in my proxmity than that is all the signs I need to know.
Old 22-05-2023, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by backhere
Real love doesn't happen only between two famous people, it's too convenient in this case (for publicity, etc.). It's all relative. Is there a twin flame story between a celebrity and a fan who is not famous? I really wish it would happen someday, that would be very interesting to see, after all, isn't a twin flame connection all about overcoming huge obstacles/differences in one's journey and changing people's preconceptions/defying pre-established ideas? I truly think the world needs a different twin flame story like this right now for a change. That would require a lot of courage though, especially for the famous person, but that's exactly where the beauty/lesson is.

And “celebrity” is just a temporary status on planet Earth, it doesn’t mean anything, we’re talking about souls here. And yes, I agree that celebrities must be cautious when getting into a relationship with a fan (who may be interested in fame, etc.), but when a famous person approaches another famous person, there may be lots of interests behind too, even more in some cases, since they already have a public reputation, they work in the same industry, they have a show biz persona, etc. Things are not so black and white.
Old 24-05-2023, 05:22 AM
girlsearching girlsearching is offline
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I know I should have not entered this thread . For me this topic of having a "celebrity soulmate" is opening up a can of worms . I can count on all ten of fingers/toes of countless celebrity men that I assumed I was "destined to be with" as a teenager. Now that I'm 29 about to be 30 this year you would think the notion would wear off ? well because I Maladaptive Daydream Intense, vivid daydreams that present as a story, with characters, settings, and plotlines ·*

Last edited by girlsearching : 25-05-2023 at 02:59 AM.
Old 24-05-2023, 08:32 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by TattieHowker
What are the reasons people think they have a celebrity Soulmate in the first place? The reasons are not always Spiritual.

Biological my guess. A large group of folks competing for a tiny minority of highly attractive folks. They want the 'best', which is unavailable anyway and the crazy competitiveness that surrounds it makes it an even more powerful drug.
~ verus nullus, omnis licitus
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