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Old 05-04-2011, 07:15 PM
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phone calls from the dead

many years ago I remember reading a book called "phone calls from the dead" this was pre the digi age,apparently there were many cases on record of people answering their phone ,only to find themselves talking to a decesed relative or friend,the bizarre thing was ,when they were talking to the caller they seemed to forget that the person was dead,only afterwards did the full import of it register,most voices seemed perfectly normal,but in other cases the it was stated that the voice seemed to have a metallic sound to it ,dalek like,in one particular case there even seems to have been what you might call,a spirit telephone operator,directing the call,all very strange,but there are loads of cases like this in the book
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:00 PM
Adrienne Adrienne is offline
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hi jondav,

Sounds like a very interesting book to read. I would like to receive a phone call from the Other Side !

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Old 05-04-2011, 08:37 PM
Shabda Shabda is offline
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ive had several of such calls, they can and do happen...
"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all... I belong to the Beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being."
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Shabda
ive had several of such calls, they can and do happen...

Oooh Shabda! I'd love to hear more if you'd like to share.
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:40 AM
Shabda Shabda is offline
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Originally Posted by luvblooms
Oooh Shabda! I'd love to hear more if you'd like to share.
i met this girl in 2000...we met, talked everyday, and fell in love...we met, and not long thereafter she died of cancer....she had asked permission to call me from beyond before she died, i said yes, and lo and behold, but it happened, every single day for a year and a half after she had died...
"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all... I belong to the Beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being."
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:56 AM
Silver Silver is offline
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Originally Posted by Shabda
i met this girl in 2000...we met, talked everyday, and fell in love...we met, and not long thereafter she died of cancer....she had asked permission to call me from beyond before she died, i said yes, and lo and behold, but it happened, every single day for a year and a half after she had died...

And it sounded normal or 'metalic'? When the phone calls happened, did you feel like you were in a dream or trance or ? Fascinating, Shabda.

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Old 11-04-2011, 04:02 AM
Shabda Shabda is offline
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Originally Posted by Silvergirl
And it sounded normal or 'metalic'? When the phone calls happened, did you feel like you were in a dream or trance or ? Fascinating, Shabda.
they were actually quite regular....ive lived to see some of the prophecies told me then to come true...
"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all... I belong to the Beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being."
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Old 11-04-2011, 04:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Shabda
i met this girl in 2000...we met, talked everyday, and fell in love...we met, and not long thereafter she died of cancer....she had asked permission to call me from beyond before she died, i said yes, and lo and behold, but it happened, every single day for a year and a half after she had died...

First, I am very sorry on the loss of your loved one.

However, what a cliff hanger! Was this a house phone? You kept the same number over the course of the year and a half? Did you talk or did you just know it was her? How long did the calls last (each day)? Why did she stop calling?
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Old 11-04-2011, 04:07 AM
Silver Silver is offline
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Originally Posted by Shabda
they were actually quite regular....ive lived to see some of the prophecies told me then to come true...

Are you sworn to secrecy or can you share some more about the calls? It's hard not to be curious~*

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Old 11-04-2011, 05:06 AM
Shabda Shabda is offline
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Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Are you sworn to secrecy or can you share some more about the calls? It's hard not to be curious~*
at the time i was going through a divorce...i was told to find a psychic as a girlfriend, and that we'd be married and have a son...i thought that was quite ridiculous at the time, didnt believe a word of it...but 6 years later it happened, i met the girl, married her, and had a son with her...she wasnt even supposed to be able to bear another child, almost died in the process, but it happened...
"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all... I belong to the Beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being."
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