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Old 18-05-2023, 08:35 AM
Alonso24st Alonso24st is offline
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Wink Finished Usui Reiki Attunement level 1!

I'm happy to announce that i finally got the 1st level attunement of usui reiki healing energy,2 days with my teacher,i have now to practice for 21 whole days so to get a basic experience and to connect with the energy.

What i felt was some hot vibration through my hands when i got meditation to connect with the energy,in the point of heart and low down to feet.
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Old 18-05-2023, 12:55 PM
Catsquotl Catsquotl is offline
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Old 18-05-2023, 04:12 PM
txsha txsha is offline
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Congratulations Alonso! Very exciting!
Go deeper on law of attraction, ascension, and spirituality here: www.youtube.com/user/psychicts?sub_confirmation=1
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Old 18-05-2023, 06:40 PM
Alonso24st Alonso24st is offline
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I will need some support and guidance from members who have more levels and experience.
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Old 18-05-2023, 07:40 PM
Catsquotl Catsquotl is offline
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I am by no means a Reiki expert.
I was attuned many years ago in level 1 and 2 via the reiki alliance.
Master attunement In a Diane Stein.
several other flavors over the interwebs.

Had a lot of time to practice, to ignore and to re learn.
I am more then happy to throw in my 2 cents when you have questions.
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Old 19-05-2023, 09:28 AM
Alonso24st Alonso24st is offline
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Well,i'm learnoing two basic methods of meditation,the Gassho and the Reiji-Ho,then follow Chiryo.
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Old 19-05-2023, 11:01 AM
Catsquotl Catsquotl is offline
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Originally Posted by Alonso24st
Well,i'm learnoing two basic methods of meditation,the Gassho and the Reiji-Ho,then follow Chiryo.

Those are good.
Gassho for cultivating feelings of gratitude and connection.
Reiji Ho is good, but often difficult to do on oneself. It's kind of human nature to hide the places where you need something these days so often our minds get in the way when "scanning" ourselves for places where healing is needed.

My practice is not so different. Allthough I do start with a meditative period in which I try to keep my attention with my Hara (seika tanden) before I close my eyes and perform gassho. When I am in Gassho I chant the Usui principles. In japanese these days, But did them in dutch and english before..
Just to keep them in mind and feel what comes up..

As for the handpositions. It seems that Usui only had "fixed" positions for the head. and then scanned the rest of the body where his hands were drawn to. Which could account for some of the buddhist and shinto roots of thinking about dis-ease.

With Love

Last edited by Catsquotl : 19-05-2023 at 12:14 PM.
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Old 24-05-2023, 07:32 AM
Alonso24st Alonso24st is offline
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Can i send reiki to others from level 1 or need the symbols,or will be weak energy?
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Old 25-05-2023, 06:44 PM
Catsquotl Catsquotl is offline
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Originally Posted by Alonso24st
Can i send reiki to others from level 1 or need the symbols,or will be weak energy?

It took me a while to come to an answer for this that does justice to the question.
Even though your question one sentence long it covers a lot of ground.

First of all Reiki in essence is a practice of self development. As such I think your primary goal should be self treatment and meditation.
The palm healing is a side effect and practice to help integrate the 5 reiki principles. Not the goal.

I believe that that's why at first level it is often advised to do only hands on treatments. At some point in your spiritual development you'll find that the great white light or Dai komyo is all encompassing so that distant healing will always take place within your self.

There is no boundary between practitioner and "client". At that point all need for symbols etc will fall away.

The symbols were introduced to help people connect to certain aspects of reiki that in the earlier stages are easily missed.

So with that caveat if you find yourself in a meditative state and Reiki flows You can ask for healing to take place or Reiki to flow to wherever and whome ever in time and space.

I do think though that taking the time to practice Reiki a will allow for a more complete healing to take place then when one practices only every so often and let him or herself be distracted during treatment.

Hope this helps.
I do have to say that this is my understanding and many a mileage may vary..

With Love
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:01 PM
Alonso24st Alonso24st is offline
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Originally Posted by Catsquotl
I believe that that's why at first level it is often advised to do only hands on treatments. At some point in your spiritual development you'll find that the great white light or Dai komyo is all encompassing so that distant healing will always take place within your self.

There is no boundary between practitioner and "client". At that point all need for symbols etc will fall away.

The symbols were introduced to help people connect to certain aspects of reiki that in the earlier stages are easily missed.

So with that caveat if you find yourself in a meditative state and Reiki flows You can ask for healing to take place or Reiki to flow to wherever and whome ever in time and space.

I do think though that taking the time to practice Reiki a will allow for a more complete healing to take place then when one practices only every so often and let him or herself be distracted during treatment.

Hope this helps.
I do have to say that this is my understanding and many a mileage may vary..

With Love

I'm able doing a practice 45-50 min per day,as a noob of level 1,i use the two known basic methods of gassho and ho-ji-rei positions for meditation,when i'm doing channeling,i feel after few seconds the energy passing through my hands and then do my self help therapy following the 12 basic positions of the body with my hands.

Most i feel the energy when i pass my hands near heart,near foot,near down navel,near waist,a hot vibration.When i'm done with the level 2 and the 3 symbols i think i will be able to send reiki energy to others from distance too.
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