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Old 04-03-2018, 09:11 PM
LillyBelle LillyBelle is offline
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Question YouTube Hypnosis

Has anyone tried the YouTube hypnosis videos? They claim to do so much. Induce a OBE, make you lucid dream, even downright silly things like forget your name, etc. Has anyone tried them with any success? Are they safe to try?
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Old 04-03-2018, 10:23 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Originally Posted by LillyBelle
Has anyone tried the YouTube hypnosis videos? They claim to do so much. Induce a OBE, make you lucid dream, even downright silly things like forget your name, etc. Has anyone tried them with any success? Are they safe to try?
Yes. I tried some, successfully. It's pretty easy to recognize the serious ones. You can search through the spiritualforums for references too.

Why would anybody use hypnosis for silly things like forgetting your name?

In my experience self hypnosis is safe, and I recommend it.
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Old 05-03-2018, 12:21 AM
LillyBelle LillyBelle is offline
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I don't know,for fun, I guess. People do odd things when bored.
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Old 16-03-2019, 08:39 PM
Pewdiepie Pewdiepie is offline
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Some work if you submit and keep your focus on them, in my opinion
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Old 29-03-2019, 07:47 AM
Ambergris Ambergris is offline
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Yes, I have astral projected with binaural beats on youtube and used hypnosis as well however be careful! Recently there has been a bunch of these channels deleted from youtube because they were found to contain super creepy subliminal messages (look it up if you don't believe.) I would say most tracks on youtube are okay but just keep in mind that any sicko can make a video and post it online for free.
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Old 03-04-2019, 03:18 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Originally Posted by inavalan
Why would anybody use hypnosis for silly things like forgetting your name?
At the risk of sounding like I'm just being frivolous about this, and being sent to the corner of this sub-forum for time-out:

From sheer curiosity and fascination with how our minds work. It's a party trick, sure, and not of any actual use, but I find it fascinating to experience hypnotic phenomena and learn from that. How do our minds do that? How does suggestion in trance work, how can listening to hypnosis tapes in trance go in and re-program your mind to make things better? What do these phenomena tell us about how our minds tick? What does a simple trick like this tell me about how amnesia works, how hypnotherapy works? About how memory works? Intense curiosity.

And for fun, quite frankly. For sure, my daily self-hypnosis is about meaning and spiritual purpose. But it doesn't all have to be serious. It's a really good laugh, to know full well that it's a trick, yet your name is on the tip of your tongue, but just not *quite* there. It was hilarious to forget that the number 4 existed and count 6 fingers on my hand. Because the universe is playful, too, because synchronicity sometimes has such a lovely sense of humour and because laughter over silly things is good for the soul.

Don't burn me at the stake now, please.
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Old 07-04-2019, 06:16 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Originally Posted by Ambergris
Yes, I have astral projected with binaural beats on youtube and used hypnosis as well [...]
Hi Ambergris

Would you mind sharing which ones you used? I have found a number of James Ramey sessions on YouTube, including one for astral projection, but have not been successful with it.
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Old 10-06-2019, 03:08 PM
karok karok is offline
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I tried and it did not work for me
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Old 14-06-2019, 02:55 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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I had to literally go through hundreds of them, until I found a few that worked for me

Each of us has our own specific requirements in this department.

The ones I found to be most helpful, were the ASMR ones, where the voice of the hypnotist wasn't too distracting from the actual session.

I am not really big on guided imagery either and I get bored trying to visualise myself walking down staircases, one step at a time... finding myself jumping from the top step to the bottom step with a "okay, done that...next!". LOL

When they ask me to count back slowly from 10 to 1, "slowly" for me, means doing that in two seconds flat.

The ones I find to be most helpful, involve affirmations made in the third-person, without any of the suggestive preamble and with some soft, gentle music playing in the background...and if the voice can melt butter, not much else is required.
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Old 05-07-2019, 03:57 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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Originally Posted by Luna*
At the risk of sounding like I'm just being frivolous about this, and being sent to the corner of this sub-forum for time-out:

From sheer curiosity and fascination with how our minds work. It's a party trick, sure, and not of any actual use, but I find it fascinating to experience hypnotic phenomena and learn from that. How do our minds do that? How does suggestion in trance work, how can listening to hypnosis tapes in trance go in and re-program your mind to make things better? What do these phenomena tell us about how our minds tick? What does a simple trick like this tell me about how amnesia works, how hypnotherapy works? About how memory works? Intense curiosity.

And for fun, quite frankly. For sure, my daily self-hypnosis is about meaning and spiritual purpose. But it doesn't all have to be serious. It's a really good laugh, to know full well that it's a trick, yet your name is on the tip of your tongue, but just not *quite* there. It was hilarious to forget that the number 4 existed and count 6 fingers on my hand. Because the universe is playful, too, because synchronicity sometimes has such a lovely sense of humour and because laughter over silly things is good for the soul.

Don't burn me at the stake now, please.

I can't... I'm a trained stage hypnotist :-)
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