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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Religions & Faiths > Light Workers & Earth Angels > Channelled Messages for Light Workers

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Old 14-01-2017, 02:47 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Message From The Angels

There is a saying "The universe doesn't give you more than what it thinks you can handle". This is very true. Being a Light/Energy Worker is a calling but at other times it can seem like a most unwelcome imposition. At times you may feel your gifts are a blessing and at other times, a curse. It seems to be a 'big ask' or task for any human being either way and it is. It's not an easy path and the burden is great. You are appreciated.

The world is undergoing massive change and transformation right now. Things may get better or they may get worse, but if anything it's going to be totally different to anything seen before. The need is there to trust in oneself and their gifts and abilities to see this is all part of 'the plan'.

Sometimes the path might not be clear to you and you feel lost or you're somehow 'waiting' for things to happen or you haven't been 'activated' yet. Worry not and have patience, just a little bit longer. What you are meant to do, your role and purpose will become clear. It is now, more than ever that trust is needed. Trust in yourself, trust in your own abilities and trust in a 'higher power'.

Above all, realise when things are out of your control to influence in any way. You can only do what and as much as you can - what is in your capacity and ability to do. You are a Light Worker and not a 'Miracle Worker' even though, these do happen occasionally. Please remember that.

For now, just take it one day and step at a time and do things you enjoy. Help others, but take time out to care and look after yourself too.

In Love and Light.
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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Old 04-03-2018, 11:31 PM
oookiritokunooo oookiritokunooo is offline
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The third part I felt related to me most because I'm in a state of Limbo as to where I have nothing to do right now lol... To whichever angel has said this Netan'el says thanks :)
“I’d rather suffer for the world then watch the world suffer.”
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Old 10-01-2019, 04:36 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
There is a saying "The universe doesn't give you more than what it thinks you can handle". This is very true. Being a Light/Energy Worker is a calling but at other times it can seem like a most unwelcome imposition. At times you may feel your gifts are a blessing and at other times, a curse. It seems to be a 'big ask' or task for any human being either way and it is. It's not an easy path and the burden is great. You are appreciated.

The world is undergoing massive change and transformation right now. Things may get better or they may get worse, but if anything it's going to be totally different to anything seen before. The need is there to trust in oneself and their gifts and abilities to see this is all part of 'the plan'.

Sometimes the path might not be clear to you and you feel lost or you're somehow 'waiting' for things to happen or you haven't been 'activated' yet. Worry not and have patience, just a little bit longer. What you are meant to do, your role and purpose will become clear. It is now, more than ever that trust is needed. Trust in yourself, trust in your own abilities and trust in a 'higher power'.

Above all, realise when things are out of your control to influence in any way. You can only do what and as much as you can - what is in your capacity and ability to do. You are a Light Worker and not a 'Miracle Worker' even though, these do happen occasionally. Please remember that.

For now, just take it one day and step at a time and do things you enjoy. Help others, but take time out to care and look after yourself too.

In Love and Light.


The words draw my presence in

The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 10-01-2019, 05:21 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

The words draw my presence in


Oh that time two years ago when I COULD channel messages....all that is gone now. Maybe this message I channeled two years ago is meant for me NOW and you are replying to bring this to my attention in the present.

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Old 10-01-2019, 01:19 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi

Oh that time two years ago when I COULD channel messages....all that is gone now. Maybe this message I channeled two years ago is meant for me NOW and you are replying to bring this to my attention in the present.



And remarkably, more so I’d say, since the message seems tailor made for me, as at this time ... meaning I’m at least two years behind you in time ... but hey, who’s counting?

The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 11-01-2019, 09:41 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

And remarkably, more so I’d say, since the message seems tailor made for me, as at this time ... meaning I’m at least two years behind you in time ... but hey, who’s counting?


No one, since it's all happening NOW, anyway ;)
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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Old 28-01-2019, 01:59 AM
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Just want to thank you for the message :)
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Old 28-01-2019, 02:20 AM
Azur-el Azur-el is offline
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Just reading the opening years later than posted and today I needed to read it. Know what I mean? jellybean
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Old 28-01-2019, 05:56 AM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Originally Posted by Azur-el
Just reading the opening years later than posted and today I needed to read it. Know what I mean? jellybean

Sure do. This is one of the reasons why this forum and all of its threads are so precious. A message sent can be for someone at a different point in time, it can address several people, have different meanings at different times...

It's a beautiful message, thanks again Shivani... <3
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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Old 28-01-2019, 06:06 AM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Actually I just got the message to add to this message ;

"For those of you who have not been sent on a specific path just yet; the change is happening a an accelerated speed at this time. Please, pay attention to your surroundings, appreciate the awareness change in people close to you, support them. Observe them and hold their space as they walk through the patrially painful process or awareness.

Also, stay open to the greater change on an accumulated level - in society. Be the midwives of change, with a calm, gentle presence let yourselves be known but stay out of the way for the natural process of this change.

This will ease the transition and gel us all together in sister- and brotherhood, for the work that lies ahead.

Love the newbornes, know they'll soon be fully grown and be part of the divine all-powerful collective we're in."
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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