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Old 27-01-2023, 10:43 PM
utopiandreamchild utopiandreamchild is offline
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Children are innocent and only immitate what they see in the world, it is not until they become young adults that they are responsible for their actions.

We should teach our children to be lawful, righteous and just and to be positive and love imo.

Life is measured by how much one loves. The more love one has, the more abundant life is. Amen
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Old 28-08-2023, 09:33 PM
onhtwndr onhtwndr is offline
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society changing

I think the cruelness of kids is part of the society being so unhealthy. Has only worsened over the last 2 decades with social media. Hopefully it shifts when the capitalist system ends & an new earth forms.
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Old 29-08-2023, 07:40 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Kids are mean but they are also Innocent they mimic what they see around them.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 12-11-2023, 03:43 PM
Panlibertas Panlibertas is offline
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Originally Posted by John32241

This Earth culture you speak about has been taught to our children. Kids emulate what they see from adults.

When society has strict rules and punishment systems in place, it is very hard to evolve compassionate thought patterns.

Gradually over time society will discover the value of compassionate actions. The tone of our religious teachings, laws of the land and educational conditioning will shift from sadistic ways to more humane approaches to these things. Then the model a child grows up with and follows will change for the better.

You can heal all of these traumas that is caused by laws and punishments though, but at first, you need a revolution that makes the whole Gaian society compassionate.
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Old 13-11-2023, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Native spirit
Kids are mean but they are also Innocent they mimic what they see around them.
Yes thier cruel parents.... If they dont like someone they try to force it on them also
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