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Old 10-04-2023, 11:57 AM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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Those who exercised regularly lived about 10 years longer

How Old Are You, Really? Your ‘Performance Age’ Can Tell You
It shows how healthy you are more than your chronological age does, according to new research.

Those who exercised regularly lived about 10 years longer than those who didn’t exercise.


Lifting Weights Just Once a Week Can Cut Your Heart Disease Risk in Half
It doesn’t need to be a marathon session to reap the heart-healthy benefits, either.

Some research shows low- to moderate-intensity resistance training helps reduce total cholesterol. Other research shows all kinds of weight workouts help with total and LDL cholesterol, but high intensity is needed to boost HDL cholesterol. The same review found people who burn out on cardio workouts can still keep LDL cholesterol on the downswing if they substitute weight training.
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Old 03-05-2023, 08:29 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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And the quality of their lives were probably better as well, even in those later years. Regular exercise is good for joints, muscles, body posture, blood circulation, breathing and endorphin production. Regular exercisers also find that they have more energy and look and feel younger.
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Old 03-05-2023, 10:30 PM
pixiedust pixiedust is offline
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Makes a lot of sense, thanks Alduous and Sir Neil.
I am pixiedust
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Old 04-05-2023, 03:06 AM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Although I believe that one's health is determined by their psychic makeup (non-cosmetics reference here), I work-out everyday about 30 minutes and take another 30 minutes brisk walk. They are remnants from my former me, remnants which I'm not yet ready to let go.
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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Old 10-05-2023, 11:28 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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The World’s Oldest Ultramarathon Runner Is Racing against Death
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Old 15-10-2023, 01:05 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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One's week's workout = one hour
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Old 11-02-2024, 05:33 PM
DaneA DaneA is offline
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There's consensus about exercise being an investment for ten years' time. Do the things that the body was designed for; try to give the body a full workout. Hatha Yoga seems to aim at this but aerobic exercise is helpful to strengthen the heart (while being sensible about it) - dance, swimming are aerobic, brisk walking to a lesser extent.
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Old 20-02-2024, 02:44 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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Want to Live a Longer, Healthier Life? It's Time to Start Strength Training
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Old 21-02-2024, 12:39 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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exercising cats
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