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Old 26-01-2017, 02:31 AM
Branflakes0609 Branflakes0609 is offline
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Mirrors used for seeing into past lives?

I find myself often staring into the mirror. I don't know if I am looking for something or waiting for someone to appear and talk to me.

Asked a few psychic advisors about it. One said use the mirror for scrying. She didn't go into depth with it so I'm not certain what it means exactly.

But I've had three tell me that I have met someone from a past life and should look into the mirror to figure out my past lives. Well, I read up that all you have to do is gaze into the mirror 5-20 minutes and the features of your face will change and you will get images of your past lives.

And one ever done this? Does it work? I've tried but nothing happens. What actions should I take to succeed in this? I'm open to any suggestions!! :)

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Old 28-01-2017, 01:03 PM
enesbud enesbud is offline
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You don't have to look into a mirror in order to see images of your other incarnations..

Just look at other people.. They are just your other incarnations distributed all around in space..

Look at pictures of people who lived in the past.. These are images of your past incarnations..

We are all different incarnations of the same eternal unified cosmic spirit.. Whether in the past, present, or future..

We are all incarnations of each other..
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Old 29-01-2017, 03:15 PM
Branflakes0609 Branflakes0609 is offline
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Wow! That's the first time I've heard that. But it gives me something to think about! :)
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Old 29-01-2017, 05:07 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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Scrying is one of many methods of seeing past lives . One can use a mirror , candle flame , or boll of water for scrying . Some other methods include guided self hypnosis . You can find the methods on the net and in books .
p.s. I had a post on scrying in the links sec. of this forum , I dont know if its still there . You can do a search , sites are easy to find .
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Old 05-03-2017, 05:14 AM
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Originally Posted by desert rat
Scrying is one of many methods of seeing past lives . One can use a mirror , candle flame , or boll of water for scrying . Some other methods include guided self hypnosis . You can find the methods on the net and in books .
p.s. I had a post on scrying in the links sec. of this forum , I dont know if its still there . You can do a search , sites are easy to find .

People predict things in the same manner right.? I have been to a psychic who gave me an insight on who I will meet in the coming months by lookin through a glass of water. Well the physical attributes of those people were true.
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Old 05-03-2017, 02:49 PM
Carnate Carnate is offline
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This is one of the fun tricks I use to impress people who are just getting into spirituality. It's quick and easy, and pretty much always gets results.

This doesn't just work with a mirror. You can look at other people's past lives as well.. you just need, you know, another person :P

Dim the lights so you're getting close to the point where your colour vision is fading; and you're at the edge of making use of your night vision (so you're at the juxtaposition of seeing in colour and grays). This level of lighting is important because both the rods and cones (photoreceptors) in your physical eyes are not able to see clearly. This results in your extrasensory perception taking more of an active role.

Look at your friend or yourself in the mirror, and relax your physical eyes.. just stop focusing. Pretty quickly (seconds), the face will wash over with that of another person/being. Wait a bit, and it'll chance to another face, then another.. and it'll keep changing over time.

You'll find that the past life that has the most relevance to the person shows up the most. With a very small amount of practice, you can see good levels of detail, and move your focus around the face without breaking the effect.

There have been times when the face moves, talks (wordlessly), looks at you, and interacts with you to a certain degree. But remember that this 'overlay' is just an echo of a past life, it's not a new/different entity. It's completely safe.

I've done this in larger groups, with everyone in the room describing the same face on each person. It's always nice when some people are on the edge of 'believing', and then they have this experience that nudges them over the edge. Suddenly, a world of possibilities opens up for them.
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Old 05-03-2017, 05:44 PM
SaturninePluto SaturninePluto is offline
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Very interesting method you have written. I will have to give that a try sometime.

I have a natural affinity to mirrors personally.

I had never heard of using them to see if you will into the past as the thread posted has said.

It is nice knowing there are different methods of individuals looking for the lives of their past. Personally I have been using meditation coupled with a self-hynosis video on youtube. I have found a little but not much luck. My biggest issue is while I am meditating on a past life, so many images come- colors/ symbols/ that it is very hard to distinguish which pertains to which and they all seem to pertain to differing aspects of my own spirituality that I am trying to learn.

Yes though, I will definitely be trying the mirror in the dark method. :)
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Old 05-03-2017, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by SaturninePluto

Very interesting method you have written. I will have to give that a try sometime.

I have a natural affinity to mirrors personally.

I had never heard of using them to see if you will into the past as the thread posted has said.

It is nice knowing there are different methods of individuals looking for the lives of their past. Personally I have been using meditation coupled with a self-hynosis video on youtube. I have found a little but not much luck. My biggest issue is while I am meditating on a past life, so many images come- colors/ symbols/ that it is very hard to distinguish which pertains to which and they all seem to pertain to differing aspects of my own spirituality that I am trying to learn.

Yes though, I will definitely be trying the mirror in the dark method. :)

The progression of symbols and colors that you describe are normal for one who is developing astral (high astral) vision. When you see them, usually moving from right to left in your field of view, know that they are indicators of ability, of disciplined efforts. As you progress they will disappear and be replaced by a truer vision method. If you agree and if this seems make sense to you then follow through.

And pardon me for butting into your thread.
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Old 06-03-2017, 07:26 PM
Carnate Carnate is offline
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Sorry to carry on with the side topic, but I can attest to the random images being a sign of developing skills. I've recently (last two weeks) been trying to open my third eye again.

I'm often bombarded with series of images, clear as day that can be seen with my eyes (not in my minds-eye)... or at least it takes up the space of my normal vision. These images pop up one after the other at about 2-5 each second. You know, fast enough to see and recognise them, but not really long enough to get any detail from them.

However, occasionally I do see images, objects, people, scenes, etc that remain in sight for roughly 10-30 seconds. Sometimes it's like a short movie that plays out, or a face will smile at me, or an object will move/rotate. I'm still a bit surprised at how clear these 'visions' are.

The lack of coherent pattern to these images means I've got no real control over what shows up. I don't yet really choose what comes through. As such, using this skill for a strict purpose is not yet possible.

This may be similar to what SaturninePluto is struggling with. There's skill developing, but not the technique to manage it.
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Old 06-03-2017, 07:41 PM
Akaash Akaash is offline
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I have a friend, who told me that, after looking at yourself through mirror for a long time, you can see your face is changing in many different faces. Maybe, the faces you will see are the other avatars of you from your other lives.
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