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Old 26-07-2021, 06:32 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
I hear you. To step over a starving child without noticing or caring, because its future outcome will be what will be is, is infinite compassion.

You hear nothing.

The "dynamics" of faith, its inevitable outcome, is to help the child. It would be the "appropriate statement".

Last edited by The Cobbler's Apprentice : 26-07-2021 at 07:13 AM.
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Old 26-07-2021, 06:41 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
I hear you. To step over a starving child without noticing or caring, because its future outcome will be what will be is, is infinite compassion.
That's a strange thing to say . Your obviously not understanding.....
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Old 26-07-2021, 11:40 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
I saw that post. You did point to the "treacherous sea of language" which can not only trip the dullard. It can also be used by the skillful mind to churn up visions of truth, turning water into wine for those dying from thirst. Samsara and Nirvarna vanishes? I did not imbibe the Bentley-Hart brew you found sublime....

I actually said that Mr Hart's words were "worth quoting". Not "sublime". To be honest this is now the third time you have "misunderstood/misrepresented/put words in my mouth". I begin to suspect that either your reading comprehension is wanting or you have some sort of axe to grind.

This is not a competition.

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 27-07-2021 at 09:12 PM. Reason: Admin has asked 2-3 sentences when quoting others
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Old 26-07-2021, 01:07 PM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415

The progressive approach to faiths of tradition is an insidious attempt to corrupt society that is anchored to well-defined principles of ethics and morality. The attacks on Christianity in the west, and the westernization of Eastern religious philosophies, serve the advancement of hedonism.

Samsara and Nirvana vanish when they become one to allow rimpoches to lie with married women, and priests to defile young boys.

There are many - very many - who like Thich Nhat Hanh (whose personal morality is unquestionable and impeccable) who are able to recognise that often, for the expression of the heart of any tradition to remain the "same", must nevertheless express itself in ever new forms. To declare such people as mounting some sort of "insidious attempt to corrupt society" is to my mind absurd.

When has "society" ever been anything else but corrupt? Where were the traditions then? "One at a time"........it has always been thus. A Tradition never saved anybody.

" Progressives" as you call them, in my own reading of them, are well aware of the possibility of corruption. They are also well able to see how allegiance to absolutes in morality has itself led to such "well defined principles" being in effect corrupted; and those who upheld them have in the past opened the way to religious wars, Inquisitions, bigotry and intolerance.

In sum, the denigration of "the other" simply because they are judged and condemned rather than being understood.
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Old 26-07-2021, 04:42 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Great Compassion is vital to Mahayana, so not surprisingly there are mantras with that focus. This one advocated & used by Master Hsuan Hua has amazing powers for good, if used with full sincerity - as the following video shows. The text of it online in many places.


Last edited by Skull : 26-07-2021 at 06:08 PM.
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Old 26-07-2021, 05:10 PM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by sky123
That's a strange thing to say . Your obviously not understanding.....

Language is a treacherous sea, sky. If we all understood each other, humanity - as a whole - would be enlightened. We mustn't give up on one another.
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Old 26-07-2021, 05:18 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
Language is a treacherous sea, sky. If we all understood each other, humanity - as a whole - would be enlightened. We mustn't give up on one another.
Ok I'll keep trying.
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Old 26-07-2021, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ayar415
What do mean by "a false conclusion about non-moral action"?

This part: Just look at it he said, don't do anything. Watch it without succumbing to any impulse to feed the poor...
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Old 26-07-2021, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ayar415
You are postulating something here that is beyond the realm of the intellect and the 5 senses. I prefer to stay on this side of reality.

There is wholly human created reality. It is real to us and us only. If all human's disappeared, so would this "reality." One can see and understand this conceptual reality for what it is, which is seeing and understanding more reality.

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "intellect." Something few understand is understanding is pre-verbal. To express something in words, in language, means that "something" pre-existed that way to express it.

Something else few notice is conceptualization through language is retrieved. It is not present until we "get it." It is not present until it is. It is transitory and we (conscious awareness) is not.

I suppose you are using the word "intellect" to refer to mind created by language and thought. Consciousness has it's own understanding and intelligence that is not based on thought and thinking. We can observe these things which means we are not them.
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Old 26-07-2021, 06:14 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Skull


Great Compassion is vital to Mahayana, so not surprisingly there are mantras with that focus. This one advocated & used by Master Hsuan Hua has amazing powers for good, if used with full sincerity - as the following video shows.

Compassion is something we all need to work on. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

   ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜ ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜

        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
   ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜ ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜

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