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23-01-2015, 03:07 AM
Advice Requested
I just need some advice, not necessarily healing, from someone who has lots of experience in the astral plane. You are welcome to private message if you want to.
Its a long story, but the fact of the matter is that I have a unmovable entity (karmic) in the astral field which is feeding in emotional thought forms into my emotional body. I would like some answers to some questions but more notably, how long do these emotional thought forms take to clear, does it depend on your attachment to them? As well as your Sadhana? My concern being is that its feeding in quicker than I can dissipate them.

23-01-2015, 07:43 AM
the best way to deal with your question,
is to simply is not to get involved with the thoughts.
As a river flows it should be the same with thoughts, let them flow without falling into them. As you not fall into the river.
They are a temptation to be pulled into them.
They try to upset you.
Watch them and just by observing, you will see what you need to face, in order to overcome some problem probably from your past.
hope this helps.

24-01-2015, 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Cintashanti
I just need some advice, not necessarily healing, from someone who has lots of experience in the astral plane. You are welcome to private message if you want to.
Its a long story, but the fact of the matter is that I have a unmovable entity (karmic) in the astral field which is feeding in emotional thought forms into my emotional body. I would like some answers to some questions but more notably, how long do these emotional thought forms take to clear, does it depend on your attachment to them? As well as your Sadhana? My concern being is that its feeding in quicker than I can dissipate them.
It is not likely karma but will be a negative entity but would need to know more history of your story

24-01-2015, 05:44 AM
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 80
You can try burning energised camphor placed in a burner with a tea light canndle in the space you occupy most of the time in your home,office.Alternatively you can burn sage,loban on a charcoal as soon as you feel you are falling into that particular emotional trap.
In some time the aroma of camphor shall infuse a sense of serenity and wellbeing.
Learn the art of letgo.

24-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,045
This article explains it well.
You could also put up pictures of known Spiritual people and ask them for help - l mean actual people with real knowledge and real power. The one's below for example:


25-01-2015, 06:15 AM
Thanks for the advice.
Madera - I tried that for 4 years, but did not help. The entity was too strong - it was not the general kind - as I said long story.
Thank you Durga - I have also tried doing that. I am lucky to know some very good people.
The list of things tried so far are : Reiki, Pranic, Kinesiology, Exorcism, Traditional Asian healer, meditation ( lots of it), ignoring symptoms, concentrating on symptoms, Psychic removal, Another alternative therapy called 'Bodytalk' or something, prayers to masters, as well as had some really high people work on it. Some things work temporarily, but its built a kind of 'retrieval form' of some kind - and returns very shortly after - usually within a hour or two. I have also tried removing it myself using a range of techniques, some instructed, some created... its helped with symptoms but not with the being itself.
I have resigned myself to the fact that the only way its going to go, is to keep working on meditation until it is transcended or something.

25-01-2015, 02:32 PM
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,045
When you say 'entity', can you be more specific. l mean how do you know it's an astral entity, because more often than not it's a thought-form (or elemental) of our own making, which we've been feeding for a long time - even lifetimes. How long has this 'entity been with you??.. lf it's taken possession of a chakra/chakras it will probably need a special knowledge or Power to remove it.
l know you mention 'praying to masters' and some 'very high people' working on it - but who are these 'masters' and 'high people', because the masters l posted are exceptionally powerful (this is not my ego saying this - these masters are highly regarded throughout the the world, and l know from personal experience how powerful they are). l don't mean any offence by this, but the one's you mention, like reiki masters just would not be in the same league.
Does this entity (are you sure it's only one?) make you do things against you will??.lf it keeps coming back, then there are probably a few reasons.
lf it's taking emotional energy from you, as you say, then l assume it's associated with a particular habit you might have, or it's pushing you into certain situations to enable it to feed..
Traditional exorcism doesn't usually work because it's a negative approach which doesn't help the spirit to move on (catholic belief that it's the devil etc).
Or the ppl you've been going to for help aren't as powerful or masterful as you think they are..
Or it's something you, karmically, need to experience..
lf it's karmic there might be an important lesson your supposed to learn. Also, connections from past lives can follow us into this one..
The last picture l posted was the Teacher Daskaslos. He was dealing with spirit-release problems on a daily basis (he's no longer in the body, but l know, from my own experience, He still works from the other side and also through His many disciples in circles, worldwide.. lf the three masters l posted can't help you, then, IMO, no one can..
Here's one story of how Daskalos removed two entities from a jewish woman. They had taken over two of her chakras. This woman thought she was being attacked by demons, but it turned out to be nazi spirits. Daskalos explained it to them (link to full story below if you care to read it - from the incredible book 'the magus of strovolos').
Full story link:
http://essex.thespiritguides.co.uk/A... ___6822.aspx
If you want me to help you, you must tell me whether you genuinely believe in God or not.
I do, I do,[the girl replied in earnest.]
Good! I could not have helped you otherwise.[Daskalos then offered his
diagnosis of the problem.
Your daughter, [he said to the mother,] is not suffering from demonic
possession. [He then looked at me and continued] Neither is she possessed
by elementals. [ Finally addressing himself to Hadas he said] Those you see
and whose voices you hear tormenting you are not illusions. They are human
beings. They are Nazis. [I saw horror expressed in the faces of the three Jewish women.] They are two spirits, husband and wife, who died during the
bombardment of Hamburg by the Allies. They took part in the Holocaust and
physically tortured a great number of Jews. When they departed to the other
world they carried with them their hatred for Jews. So they managed to get
possession of you at a time when their vibrations and yours were on the same
frequency. The husband took possession of your solar plexus and the woman your second chakra. But they have not been able to take over the chakra of your brain. They have managed to send to the asylum four other Jewish women. But you need not be afraid because today we will cut the connection and send them away. Since your religion is Jewish we
will do the exorcism in accordance with the Jewish Cabbala.

25-01-2015, 03:29 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 4,163
Here's what I get for you Cintashanti when I ask Spirit about your situation.
This is an entity attachment coming from this (current) life time and can be dislodged by returning to higher frequency's and holding them there.
That is not so easy to do however, as you've discovered.
To break it down into basic physics we and everything in the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency range. Things that are near each other in frequency can form a harmonization - meaning they can hang out together. Thing which have too different of a frequency gap are repelled from each other and a harmonization can't be formed.
When two entities have a harmonization there is a great tendency to hold that harmonization because there are two beings supporting the energy. Therefore it takes greater energy to disrupt the bond and break the two apart. Once they are separated each will have the tenancy to return to their known and comfortable frequency which will make them again able to form a harmonization and attachment.
To break this cycle one must change their frequency and hold that change consistently thus being out of range for the other who can not attach again unless they too raise their frequency and given how difficult that is it becomes very unlikely for both to raise their frequency and hold it.
A raised frequency to a lower frequency being is like a dog whistle or some other highly annoying and uncomfortable sound (sound is a form of frequency) - the tendency is to avoid it not draw closer to it.
So to rid yourself of this attachment you must maintain a high frequency at all times after it is removed as you 'are home' for it and it will linger waiting for your mood and emotions to drop so it can re-enter your auric field and come home.
This will require a life style change for you most likely.
Complete monitoring and stopping of thoughts which lower vibration, adding high vibrations to your home and life style, learning about frequency and surrounding yourself by high frequency's (Selenite and Rose essence are the two highest naturally occurring frequency's on planet earth) doing regular meditation and spiritual work, surrounding yourself by higher frequency people as associates and friends and so on.
Learn all you can about frequency, from what goes into your mouth, to what frequency different emotions are, consider your friends and associates is anyone negative or a downer?, how about your neighborhood? Where is it in relation to lay lines and key lines? If plants don't grow well, there's crime and unhappiness and not much laughter the very area you live in could be lower vibration.
Check for items in your home which hold painful memories, release yourself of the items.
Have your house cleansed and purified (A Reiki Practitioner or shaman type can do this for you if you don't know how yourself)
Do regular cleansing and purifying on yourself and your auric field, I find kyanite and selenite very useful for this, sage is alright too but doesn't replace lower frequency's with higher energy like the mentioned minerals/crystals do. Frankincense and Muir are high vibrational also. There are many things which will work, the Intention is where the power is.
And so on.
Turn your life into a Sanctuary of High vibration, make your life a living intention of the Sacred.
The entity will find it a very uncomfortable place to be and in time will give up the idea that you are home and it will move on. Maintain the new life to prevent further attachments.
The entity can be removed and banished over and over, but will return home as long as you are its comfortable home. Make it uncomfortable and unwelcome by increasing your vibration and the vibration of where you live to the highest levels you can by whatever means you can.
As Sun Tzu would say "Control the battlefield".
Blessings to you.

25-01-2015, 11:31 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 850
Originally Posted by Cintashanti
I have a unmovable entity (karmic) in the astral field which is feeding in emotional thought forms into my emotional body. I would like some answers to some questions but more notably, how long do these emotional thought forms take to clear, does it depend on your attachment to them? As well as your Sadhana? My concern being is that its feeding in quicker than I can dissipate them.
Are you sure its an entity? Feeding in thought forms sounds more like something a rogue darkness would do. That would explain why you are having trouble removing it since its an aspect of you. You cant get rid of yourself no matter how hard you try. (Not true. There are still options but different options)
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