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Old 18-01-2015, 08:55 AM
lanm1192 lanm1192 is offline
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Strategies for dealing with and removing negative energies/entities.

Hi, I've been having issues for six years now regarding negative energies that I think have attached to me. They are disruptive of my life, peace of mind. Nothing truly horrid, but they are a major nuisance, at the least. They speak to me, and occasionally they make me see things that aren't there, or maybe them, I'm not sure. I did years of psychotropic medication, went through many combinations, to no avail. I eventually came off of them a couple of years ago, and again, everything was the same save for some gained energy and exuberance.
The thing is, they speak through me and move my body. If I try to meditate, or relax at all, my arm will swing wildly into the air, or if I'm sitting on the ground, my body will lunge forward as though I've been kicked. Or if I try not focusing on them too much they can interject through my voice, but mostly they seem to prefer messing with me when I try to pay them no heed by putting innapropiate feelings in my body, to say the least, as though I'm actually being touched...

It's insanely bothersome. I can't really work with visualization either, because whatever image they choose to take on invades my "safety zone". I mean, I've managed to move past sleeping pills only with the aid of crystals and thinking about the light, which is lovely, but I really feel I need help finding a workable option to get rid of this.

I know there are many things within myself I need to improve and work on, and maybe I'm using this as an excuse not to, but I honestly feel so frustrated with even trying when I can't get two seconds to myself to even try to see, understand, and work through the issues. I don't even know if I can trust whatever intuition I may be developing, from my perspective things are more muddied up than in the typical beginning of exploration.

If anyone is able to offer any advice on what I can do to better my situation, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
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Old 18-01-2015, 10:23 PM
Mr Interesting Mr Interesting is offline
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All I can think of is finding a shaman or some other practitioner of such arts where beliefs are held that such things occur.

While saying that I'm not saying I don't believe you because I do but such occurrences have never happened to me pr have I had a need to believe in them so in that respect they are beyond me.

But what I have had a fair amount of experience with is past (I posted this and then noticed I'd written part lives which is quite the Freudian slip but an insightful one) lives, both my own and connecting with others, and in a sense they do come in and take us over but the effects are so much milder... at least they were in mine.

Was has occurred to me too whilst reading this is that it could also be a follow on from a past life where the strength of it has become physical and the connection to be integrated may be leavened from the style of life from which it came which therefore is why I suggested a shaman of some description.

I remember something a while ago about various shamanistic societies where the afflicted, how we might see such in the west, is seen as a gift to the people of the spirit world working through the chosen to bring knowledge to those living in this world.

So I suppose what I can see, like I've seen in my self, it's a matter of research combined with feeling our way instinctually towards understanding and integrating your full self beyond the normal assumptions of how interesting and varied we can actually be.

And I wish you well! Your strength and resilience are obvious as befits such a journey of discovery.
Once upon a time was, and was within the time, and through and around the time, the little seedling sown, was always and within, and the huge great tree grown.
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Old 19-01-2015, 12:19 AM
lanm1192 lanm1192 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Interesting
All I can think of is finding a shaman or some other practitioner of such arts where beliefs are held that such things occur.

While saying that I'm not saying I don't believe you because I do but such occurrences have never happened to me pr have I had a need to believe in them so in that respect they are beyond me.

But what I have had a fair amount of experience with is past (I posted this and then noticed I'd written part lives which is quite the Freudian slip but an insightful one) lives, both my own and connecting with others, and in a sense they do come in and take us over but the effects are so much milder... at least they were in mine.

Was has occurred to me too whilst reading this is that it could also be a follow on from a past life where the strength of it has become physical and the connection to be integrated may be leavened from the style of life from which it came which therefore is why I suggested a shaman of some description.

I remember something a while ago about various shamanistic societies where the afflicted, how we might see such in the west, is seen as a gift to the people of the spirit world working through the chosen to bring knowledge to those living in this world.

So I suppose what I can see, like I've seen in my self, it's a matter of research combined with feeling our way instinctually towards understanding and integrating your full self beyond the normal assumptions of how interesting and varied we can actually be.

And I wish you well! Your strength and resilience are obvious as befits such a journey of discovery.

Thank you. I've been trying to avoid such things because they cost money, and I have no method of determining whether or not it's the real deal, and some people of such sorts charge quite a bit.

I have come across someone who does free phone counseling, and through my experiences with him I'm certain he's intuitive, at the least. He seems to speak in riddles a lot sometimes though, and again, I still don't have the capabilities to really discern people or the like.

I've never heard that past life thing, I may look into that. I'm beginning to wonder if this is somewhat karmic though. I don't know, I would love to find a way to honestly be rid of this, so I can start moving forward in my life, but maybe that's the point, if this isn't truly mental illness (which I do highly doubt it is at this point). I might need to learn to stop waiting around and work to persevere despite the **** around me, honestly become stronger and more capable. I don't know.

Either way, I suppose, I have a lot to learn lol. Thank you again.
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Old 19-01-2015, 05:27 AM
Mr Interesting Mr Interesting is offline
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Riddles are a good sign. We don't always understand them on the surface as it tends to be, in my opinion, higher selves conversing.

Yes, I agree with the advertised shaman being somewhat of a silliness only modern organic shelf lives could throw up and in that respect it might help if you dug up 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron. I used it years and years ago to fine tune my intuition and start the process and it's a very good introduction to doing things on the cheap... which is how it should be.

The kind of Shaman you might want could be very well hiding in plain sight and they're really just people who understand connections and have their own strong ones to natural things... you might even be one! (Not that we don't all have the capabilities so much that it's somewhat easier for some)

The other stuff which might help is videos by Teal Swan on youtube who advocates integration over releasing... quite interesting.
Once upon a time was, and was within the time, and through and around the time, the little seedling sown, was always and within, and the huge great tree grown.
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Old 19-01-2015, 11:40 AM
dryad dryad is offline
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If they are negative entities or ghosts that have attached to you I might be able to get rid of them for you. If they are past lives they are being unusually intrusive but again can be released. You might want to close your crown chakra to prevent this happening again too.

Shamans charge so much for entity removal (assuming they are legit in the first place and not just scamming for money) because you actually have to go up against a negative entity in order to remove it. You are literally asking to be attacked. If its a low level thing its probabaly not a big deal but I have come across actual demons doing this too. Not the sort of thing your average healer can deal with. So consider that the shaman is potentially risking a lot just to help someone they dont even know. Puts the price in another perspective I think but I agree some of them are ridiculously high.
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Old 19-01-2015, 01:06 PM
lanm1192 lanm1192 is offline
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Mr. Interesting- Thank you, I will look into to those.

Drayad- While I could understand the danger, it's still very disconcerting with no real way to prove that they are legit. If you would be willing, I am of course happy for the chance, but are you going to charge? I know the forum rules state it's not allowed, but still, I do have to ask.
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Old 19-01-2015, 08:15 PM
dryad dryad is offline
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I just thought you should understand what you were asking for.

There is a thread in the aura section called energy cords going out from heart. Look it up. It has instructions for something similar. Might work for you.

Am I going to charge? Well that would depend on whether or not I want to help you for free now wouldn't it? I am aware of the forum rules and I dont remember asking for any money. I also didnt actually volunteer. Im also not a shaman. Just in case you were confused.
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Old 20-01-2015, 03:07 AM
lanm1192 lanm1192 is offline
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Originally Posted by dryad
I just thought you should understand what you were asking for.

There is a thread in the aura section called energy cords going out from heart. Look it up. It has instructions for something similar. Might work for you.

Am I going to charge? Well that would depend on whether or not I want to help you for free now wouldn't it? I am aware of the forum rules and I dont remember asking for any money. I also didnt actually volunteer. Im also not a shaman. Just in case you were confused.

Thank you for the link. And sorry for being presumptuous, just your wording "I might be able to get rid of them for you" sounded as though you were making an offer. Anyway, thanks again.
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Old 20-01-2015, 03:04 PM
Tim Lewis Tim Lewis is offline
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Hi lanm1192,
You are looking for something workable and free to help you deal with entities and I have a link to share with you. I have shared links to this info a few times here. I do not mean to sound like a cheerleader, but it does work. http://spiritual-rescue-technology.com/?page_id=57
I have been working with Spiritual Rescue Technology on a solo basis for 1 1/2 years and worked with a few individuals from time to time. If you need assistance, I would be glad to help you. I will accept no money or compensation.
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Old 20-01-2015, 04:15 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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^I like it. I think many entities are misunderstood.
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