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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Faeries, Elementals, Nature Spirits, & Woodland Creatures

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Old 01-12-2010, 07:19 PM
Apex Vega
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Tiny crystal-like beings, what can it be ?

The sky, and the space around me gets filled with all these "beings" that fly around me. They are really small, and i dont quite know how i can explain what they look like, except in the terms of small balls of light or crystal.. The size is that of a small flie.
I see them especially now. In the winter time, its easier to notice them outside in nature. If its because of the snow, or the cold or something else I do not know. I have been thinking that it might be tiny crystals from the snow, but the motion is much more alive than a flake or a crystal that is driven around by wind. And I have noticed it when theres no snow too. When I notice it and start examining, its like the sky is filled with ghosts of tiny insects that is filling the sky, not in a bad way though, at all. Its very beautiful.

I just wanted to check in with the vast knowledge that this forum seems to have in the area.
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:00 AM
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Fairies? The fairies we have around our house show up to me as pin point dots of light that are there one split second and then gone the next. Sometimes, when I go outside at night to call the cats in for dinner or take out the trash, a blue light suddenly appears and then it is gone a couple of seconds later. If I weren't already aware of them, I'd think either I was seeing things or imagined it.
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:02 AM
Kaere Kaere is offline
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Hi Apex Vega,

Kinda looks like a moving paisley pattern, yes? That sounds like something I see all the time. Some people say that it's just your retina reacting to the light in this way - and others say it's "prana" or the energy in the air. It's pretty anyway - enjoy it!

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Old 02-12-2010, 12:50 AM
Apex Vega
Posts: n/a
Hi Kaere,

Yes, a paisley pattern looks very similar.

Something like this:


Just that its moving somewhat fast, and consists of smaller components. Oh yes, I am enjoying it tremendously. So we have a scientific explanation on how our eyes can see the prana. Our retina must be highly developed huh ? ;p
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Old 02-12-2010, 01:09 AM
Kaere Kaere is offline
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LOL no, I don't think it's the retinas are highly developed but a more open third eye can help us see all sorts of things.

Or we're bonkers. Doesn't matter as long as we're not hurting anything imo.

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Old 02-12-2010, 01:20 AM
Apex Vega
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Haha, Its more fun to be bonkers.
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Old 03-12-2010, 03:43 AM
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I can see these too! Whenever I go out into the garden and look up at the sky there they are flying around. I have to say its much easier to see them at dusk. Although I can see them during them day too, I just have to look harder.

Was curious to know what they are too
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Old 03-12-2010, 03:53 AM
Kaere Kaere is offline
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When I first started noticing them, the thought came to me that they were all the spirits flitting around doing their spirit work. Millions and millions of them all through the universe.

I mighta been tired at the time lol.

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:17 PM
Apex Vega
Posts: n/a
Congratulations underlight!

You have either opened your third eye, or your eyes are one of the lucky pairs that are a part of the next stage in human evolution, or you are just completely bonkers! Have your pick
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Posts: n/a
I see these too, and I have many theories. Could be

Chemtrail particle
Some kind of retinal thing
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