Sangress, please keep us updated-I would love it if you could let this tree know that many of us you told about her send our heart's love toward her--and i'll add her in my prayers too
I was re-reading all the posts on this thread just now- and have my TV on the TLC channel watching "What Not to Wear re-runs. A commercial came on just now for Sara Palin's new reality show about her and Alaska- and the first thing you see her doing is cutting down a beautiful old growth pine tree with a chain saw and telling the person with her, "this is really dangerous".
I retorted back at the TV-"
Well then, why in the heck are you cutting down a perfectly beautiful healthy pine tree!"
I am really feeling the trees' Being's and presence around me more keener now that it is Winter-- even when I'm driving, I can sense a connection with certain ones I drive by. There definitely is a beautiful presence there.
I've been hugging the apple tree near our driveway this Summer - and will probably end up being cut down by my father eventually because the roots are pulling up the pavement on the driveway. Nevertheless, it keeps producing a wonderful supply of healthy apples each Fall -- including this past Fall, and this Spring it's blossoms were just beautiful. I've been hugging it and telling it that if and when the time comes that it should have to die-- that I will be there for it and plant another little tree nearby where it's spirit can regrow in it- and it also has the option of growing as a new tree in the Heavenly realms. Also I told it that I put it's situation before the Throne of God for help for it.
Birds have been all over this tree as I make sure to hang various birdfeeders on it. A bird even made her nest on this tree as well.
Over a year ago, I noticed a sparkly pink light zoom over the top of this tree near the Faery garden growing nearby-- and I think it was no cooincidence- The faeries are no doubt ministering to this tree, which is why it still lives. I feel that my human encouragement to this tree can further help and minister to her while the Faery do thier own kind of encouragment for her as well.
This Summer I was blessed with many types of birds- including hummingbirds gracing this tree. I don't want it cut down--and have put that before God in prayer that my father will "ease up" and never get around to doing this. If he does -- then I will go to PLAN B- and grow another tree somewhere near the vicinity.
Yes, trees and all living plants have a soul and awareness and they respond to love just as all living things do- including houseplants. I think in general, we humans are really missing out on how we can extend our heart to these living Creations from God. Instead we cut them down and hurt them.
There are some trees I pass by that if I don't touch them or greet them, I sense the trees dissapointment, so I end up walking back to that tree to make sure it knows I acknowledge it. I hugged a pine tree in our backyard that has been there since I was a baby. I actually felt it hug me right back!!! The energy I received back from this wonderful tree made me cry happy tears. I was so shocked that I was recieiving a response from a tree- especially such a strong loving response back!. It really changed my outlook and made me realize that it is not goofy to hug a tree- it is very appreciated. These trees are like our extended family that we take for granted :-)