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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Faeries, Elementals, Nature Spirits, & Woodland Creatures

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Old 25-11-2010, 01:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Sangress
Does this mean I'll be a tree-hugger for real? ;p

Sure enough. Don't forget to leave an offereing of tobacco or a copper coin.
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Old 25-11-2010, 01:57 AM
Moon Willow
Posts: n/a
Wow Sangress, that's a great experience you've had.

To me, the fact that this encounter made your "heart lift" makes me feel like it does have something to do with the fae (as well as your special moment with the tree).

I was reading somewhere the other day too, that you can 'adopt a tree' which just means that if you find a particular tree that you have a bond with you can contact it where ever you are by just sitting quietly and thinking of your tree. So days that you can't get out or the weather is bad you can still say hello and feel that beautiful energy.

Happy tree whispering
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Old 25-11-2010, 02:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Sangress
I've never been one for fae and elemental's. I was under the impression that such beings were always some sort of urban humanistic legend/fable or simply that the world had changed too much to facilitate any spiritual/unusual beings who are connected to nature.

Was there even any wind in the first place? Was the tree moving of it's own accord?

What do you think of this experience?
Thanks for sharing your experience.
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Old 25-11-2010, 02:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Tree energy is so different than our own, Sangress. The tree would not have laughed at you, particularly since it was communicating with you. You pobably FELT SILLY, so misinterpretated the laughter. It was likely a chuckle as in , "Oh, so she finally gets it! Bloody well time~~~~"
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Old 25-11-2010, 04:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Or it was a "And the human freaks out....HAH!"

Guess I wont know till I ask.

Oh, also, got a flash of an image from a tree in my yard, (well, more of a thought and a feeling and a taste and an image) it all pointed to something man-made and unnatural interfering with the tree, and for a very long time too because (i think) it must take a while for trees to notice something "wrong" that isn't directly related to their natural way of existing.

Sure enough, when I looked it over more closely, it has a metal stake shoved through it that it's almost grown over, which I can't quite reach.

It want's the metal out because it's being poisoned by whatever the metal its made of.

Could it be copper? It's the only thing that comes to mind because I know that steel or silver has a different energetic feel to it.

I know there are a lot more peices of metal further up inside the trunk (not sure how I know) and I'm not sure whether I can get them out without doing more damage than good. *Sad face*

I mean, I'm not a tree doctor...so I guess I shouldn't feel so weirdly responsible for it all....O_o

Last edited by Sangress : 25-11-2010 at 04:32 AM.
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Old 25-11-2010, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a
What a lovely experience to read, thank you for posting this... I have also felt or sensed the energy of trees... tree spirits/elementals, who knows? I think these are all just words for the energy but I feel you are fortunate to feel it.
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Old 25-11-2010, 04:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Spiritlite
I love these stories, I don't know if this is really true but in the fairy bible I was reading last night it said that fairies or people of that realm don't like it when we share about our experiences with them and that if we do then they don't encounter us anymore.
Has anyone heard of this?

I have read the same in the Faery Bible too . I think that they don't mind if we share our experiences with them to those who would take the matter seriously and who do respect them, but they dont' like us making "light" of the subject with general friends-- especially when most of our friends and family probably don't believe in them , much less respect them to begin with. I'ts like the Bible verse that refers to not "throwing pearls to swine who would trample on them and not appreciate them".
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Old 25-11-2010, 09:25 PM
Posts: n/a
I've found that about 5 of my trees in my yard all have the same metal shoved in them.

I've been doing research and apparently copper is used to kill young trees, but it often doesn't work and continues to poison older trees until they eventually die early. (Well, an early death in tree terms.)

A lot of sites say its impossible to remove if the tree has grown over it without killing it outright and cutting the tree down is a no-no because of the metal, which is a health hazard...not that I would ever cut down a tree.

I'm going to keep looking around for information and ask the trees themselves whether they know a way to remove the copper.

I'm afraid I can't afford to fork out money to a professional, so it'd have to be charity work if someone was able to help.

Later on today I plan to visit "the tree" at sunset, when it's calmer than during the say. My energy is always amped up at night and easier to control and manage. I think it may be because my circadian rhythms are naturally switched, so I'm technically nocturnal....if I don't have to drag myself to school. lol.

Anyhow, three days after that I will have a chance to find the Ghost Gum.

I'll keep you all in the loop about any tree related events in the future.

Feel free to share your own experiences too, I like stories. :)
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Old 27-11-2010, 09:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Wow what an amazing experience!

It reminded me of when I was younger, me and my Dad had a 'special tree' that we used to visit, I could probably locate it still.

Also in the book Angel Answers by Diana Cooper, I'm sure Diana wrote about an experience when a tree spoke to her about the weather.
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Old 27-11-2010, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by KerryK
I very much enjoyed your experience and think that you have more been given a gift, even though the tree spirit may well have been 'toying' with you, it was playful and in no way malicious I would think.

I am much the same as you in that I connect with certain trees, quite deeply and tend to be a 'tree-hugger'. I will touch trees as often as possible and enjoy the rainforest old growth ones best. I'll try to send in energy as well as feel the energy inside of them. Almost a distant humming, very faint but it's there.


Hi Kerry

I'm a tree hugger too!! I always ask permission first though I have found the energy of some to be so powerful it almost knocks me off my feet! I live in Northern CA and there are redwoods on the coast. The redwoods are a group of very ancient venerable old tree spirits ... walking among them you almost feel the need to whisper... as though you're in church! It is quite amazing the peace and strength the exude.
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