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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Faeries, Elementals, Nature Spirits, & Woodland Creatures

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Old 24-11-2010, 07:21 AM
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Odd Encounter

I've never been one for fae and elemental's. I was under the impression that such beings were always some sort of urban humanistic legend/fable or simply that the world had changed too much to facilitate any spiritual/unusual beings who are connected to nature.

I'm not entirely sure of the experience I had a couple of days ago, but it has been on my mind so perhaps all of you can help me figure it out.

As always, I was walking in the same park I wander through to clear my mind and, seeing my "favorite" tree (and being slightly less than sane) I greeted it by putting my palm on the trunk and flashing what little energy I had within and around it.

I do this often, it was no different to any day, but this time something odd happened.

Instead of just feeling the low thrum of energy that is its awareness flashing back at me, I swore I felt the tree shift under my hand, not much at first, but then it felt like it was shivering under my touch.

I didn't react to it, I felt no danger.

Then I noticed a feeling on my palm, it took me a while after to figure out what it felt like, but it was like someone tracing a finger tip on my palm, or tapping it.

After that I looked up to find the branches in the tree swaying in the wind, it made me smile for some reason...made my heart lift. It was a happy kind of movement.

Then I realized that all of the grass, the plants around it and the tree directly beside this one (which had its branches touching this tree,) were still. Nothing else except the tree was being touched by the wind, I couldn't even feel the wind.

At that point I got a little confused and broke contact. The movement of the tree stopped, the tapping and "drawing" on my palm stopped and I swore I heard a sound from the direction of the tree.

I think it could have been a bark of laughter, but it was muffled or far away. Unclear would be a better word for it.

Then, suspecting (even though I knew that was not the case,) that perhaps the tree "disliked" the exchange I had made with it, I kept walking.

It's taken a lot of thought, but would it be ridiculous to entertain the thought that something, or someone, was inside the tree at the time?

Was there even any wind in the first place? Was the tree moving of it's own accord?

What do you think of this experience?
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Old 24-11-2010, 04:51 PM
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Hello Sangress

I enjoyed reading your encounter with the tree.

A lot of people think that nature beings are figments of the imagination and are just as you put it "urban humanistic legend/fable".

This is not so.

It seems to me that indeed the barrier between the dimensions is thinning or we are having accelerated spiritual growth and are connecting once again with the spirit forces of nature.

It is most likely that your favourite tree(or beings within the tree - for there are many) decided to respond to you.
They were making an energetic connection with you.

I would be interested to know what happens if you vist again and repeat the same action.

We speak about the "wind" as some abstract thing that just happens, but it is made up from many elemental beings.

There is nothing supernatural - there are just things we do not understand.

Everything is connected.

I like the pun(if intended) bark of laugher - very apt!

I have joined forces with Amethyst and together we are working on a site


to show and teach people who are interested about the true nature of nature spirits.

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Old 24-11-2010, 05:05 PM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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I love these stories, I don't know if this is really true but in the fairy bible I was reading last night it said that fairies or people of that realm don't like it when we share about our experiences with them and that if we do then they don't encounter us anymore.
Has anyone heard of this?
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Old 24-11-2010, 05:25 PM
Cassy Cassy is offline
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Originally Posted by Spiritlite
I love these stories, I don't know if this is really true but in the fairy bible I was reading last night it said that fairies or people of that realm don't like it when we share about our experiences with them and that if we do then they don't encounter us anymore.
Has anyone heard of this?

I've not heard that, but whenever I do share experiences with other people I always feel that they are then diluted in some way - if you see what I mean.
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Old 24-11-2010, 05:28 PM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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Diluted meaning they don't come to you as often?
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Old 24-11-2010, 09:22 PM
Xan Xan is offline
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What an interesting encounter with a tree spirit, Sangress.

It made me giggle to read about the 'bark' of laughter from a tree.

Go within, beloveds. Go deep within to the Heart of your Being.
The Truth is found there and nowhere else.-Sananda

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Old 25-11-2010, 12:42 AM
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I haven't had time to go back to "the tree" but I've been experamenting with communication between the trees in my yard.

Sadly they feel like that are asleep or dormant.

I mean, I feel their energy, but it's deep and dull and far away as though its far beneath the trees rather than inside them.

Their energy is unresponsive unless I irritaite them by borrowing some of their energy, but I find that their responses aren't coherent, only instinctual.

I think I'm only drawn to trees that are "awake" or have a resident living inside them.

Now that I think about it I've had other experiences like this one with the tree, but not so direct.

Like the time I felt something was wrong and followed that feeling to a large hill where an old tree was being cut down because it was uprooting a highway barrier. I was devestated by watching that for some reason and I'd never felt such sorrow for (or from) a tree before.

It felt like it was the heart of the forest in that area, and someone was destroying it for no reason. Such a waste.

There is a ghost gum eucalyptus tree that I remember being drawn to in the same way (well, a much stronger way)as I did with "the tree" a few months back. It's in a large area of forest wedged in the middle of suburbia (the same area of forest as the tree that was cut down.)

I think I can find it again by spreading my awareness through the root system of the trees in the area.

Maybe that trees taken up the mantle of "the heart of the forest" or maybe its just a nice tree or it's housing spirits.

I'll let you all know how it goes and what I find out.
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Old 25-11-2010, 01:22 AM
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Sangess, there are chieftan trees according to Celtic folklore. Trees have incredible power. Did you know that there are trees, when threatened with an insect invasion, will send out a scent to other nearby trees. Those then continue the warning throughout the forest. The trees then start producing a chemical to protest theirselves from the insects.
The older the tree, the more wise and powerful it is. I don't think that the tree didn't like you; I think that it was greeting you.
And I don't thing the fae and elementals like it when we share our experiences out in the public. My bed-bouncing fairies have not visited me since I talked about it here on the forum. If I just told a single person, face to face, they stayed around. But perhaps the don't like their presence revealed via the internet.
Each tree has its own spirit, I think. And even bushes.
So Sangress, go back and visit the tree and speak to it.
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Old 25-11-2010, 01:31 AM
BlueSky BlueSky is offline
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What do I think?
I think it was a special moment between you and the tree.
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Old 25-11-2010, 01:37 AM
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Summerland, I did not know that, but it makes a lot of sense.

Trees seem to be more dynamic than most people think.

I've been aware that trees comunicated with one another for a long while, but I never had enough experience to consider elementals/fae/tree spirits seriously.

Does this mean I'll be a tree-hugger for real? ;p

And hmm. I'm not sure what to say to the tree...or whoever is in it...

Do I just walk up and mentally say "hi, am I talking to a tree or a spirit or both?"

Wow...I'm shy because of a tree. I'm not sure whether to laugh or shake my head at that.

And also, I swear "it" was mocking me when I heard the random laugh......A tree laughed at me...*facepalm*
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