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20-07-2016, 05:22 AM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 360
Crystal Hypothesis - Energy Ranges
Some insight into the crystal work field:
-Requires to have a base understanding of Chakras.
-Base understanding of common knowledge workings of popular crystals. We'll be using Selenite & Black Turquoise properties.
-For my analogy I will be using gravity to explain this concept.
Gravity: A force that attracts a body towards any other physical body having mass. For most purposes Newton's laws of gravity apply, with minor modifications to take the general theory of relativity into account.
This goes over a fundamental but often overlooked concept on energy ranges of crystals by using analogies that explain why crystals size, level, and pureness need to be considered before any crystal work is performed.
Have you ever seen those sci-fi shows when the captain of a spaceship flys too close to a planet, black-hole, or any cosmic object that projects its own force that drags the ship into it's gravity well?
Newtons law of gravity tells us that objectively, all objects possess their own gravity field, based around the magnitude of their mass. Even we humans possess our own gravity fields; however, due to the very nature of our mass in comparison to one another, it goes undetectable unless you use very sensitive machinery. That is unless you are a bacteria! Where do you think those your mama so fat jokes come from.
That being said, it is hypothesized by crystal workers that all rocks possess their own energy, that taps into different vibration wavelengths. Going into the deeper logic on my hypothesis on why this is requires another post, but to sum it up, it is based around quantum mechanics and the theory on the wave-function principle.
So if rocks all work atomically on their own wave-pattern - what the hell does this all mean?
Well slow down, first we have to remember that all rocks are atomically made up of different elements. One slight deviation from the base makeup completely changes the object! Let's also not forget, that wide-known within the field, it has been empirically noticed that different crystals create different effects. That is where concepts such as 'protection', 'healing', exc... comes from. Explained further, certain crystals behave differently through their own independent, but intertwined properties. Did you know that selenite can be used to cleanse other crystals? That black turquoise is one of the most strongest crystals of protection? Of course you did!
Now here is what isn't common and goes unnoticed by many. Why is it that the moon can effects the earth's currents, yet if I were to hold a chunk of it in my hands, I wouldn't even get a ripple if I held it to my bath water? Easy!
There's not enough of it to create an effect.
So that begs the question - how much selenite and black turquoise is needed to create the effect? The answer is it depends!
Common question: If selenite acts similar to a generator or vacuum, and is self-efficient - how else would it be able to cleanse other crystals without needing to be cleansed itself - then surely if I hold a piece of selenite to another crystal, in order to clean it, then it should work right? Incorrect!
There has to be balance between the interacting forces. This beings us too a important fundamental concept that my hypothesis is explaining. Much like a fire, light, or even a onion, there exists important metric characteristics based around three variables for every crystal.
1. The crystal's size
2. The crystal's level
3. The range between the two interacting masses.
How many layers does a onion have? In darkness, how far does light travel? If I were to light a small light bulb in a room, wouldn't that light be strong enough to light the entire room? Of course! But here's another question for you. If you take that same light bulb and place it inside a bigger object, let's say a gym! Do you think that light will light the entire gym? Of course not!
The light is impacted by the magnitude of the gym. What happens if we up the power of the light? If the lights level becomes high enough, the gym too will be lit. Another experiment for you.
What happens if I start a fire on a cold wintery night. You are huddled by the fire and I ask you to step backwards. You oblige. Then again. The more you step back from the fire, what do you think will happen? Obvious! You will feel the effect of the fire less. Unless of course, the fire becomes bigger, or the fire becomes smaller.
1. The fire's size vs. you
2. Fire is fundamentally static the same strength universally. (It gains or losses levels based around the size. Crystals on the other hand can stay the same size but lose power much like a battery! )
3. The distance between you and the fire.
Remember, crystals however need to be charged much like any electronic. If a crystal is only at 50% charge, then it is fundamentally equivalent to a crystal at half it's size!
One important lesson that can be taken from this is disproving what I see many crystal workers doing as they gauge the feel of two crystals while in a store! Unless of course, you want a crystal that comes fully charged! In truth, you should be buying based on size and pureness of the element in question.
One day, tools will be available that will allow for crystal workers to gauge the levels of crystals, much like how we can gauge the levels of batteries currently available to all of us in a supermarket. Unfortunately, the crystal field is in its infancy and there is much to be learned through advancements and pioneers of the field. Currently, it is impossible to effectively gauge, due to a lacking of funding and interest, of the effective levels needed to create the desired effect when creating a catalyst effect between two interacting forces such as - crystal A and crystal B, or crystal A and human A.
1. A safe bet is to remember that crystals need to be placed as near as possible to the chakra points to create the desired effect.
2. Crystals generally need to be have a greater mass than the other crystal to create the desired effect. For example, using a small piece of selenite to clean a large rock will not work. Using two crystals equivalent in size will work, but it will need a large amount of time, and one should also rotate the crystal much like roasting a chicken in a oven. (All sides of the chicken will be cooked in the oven; however, the side of the chicken closest to the furnace will absorb a greater quantity.)
Hope this helps!

20-07-2016, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,488
Originally Posted by Johnathanrs
One important lesson that can be taken from this is disproving what I see many crystal workers doing as they gauge the feel of two crystals while in a store! Unless of course, you want a crystal that comes fully charged! In truth, you should be buying based on size and pureness of the element in question.
If you see me in a store holding crystals and trying to choose one, it isnt that Im trying to guage the power or strength of the crystal which im trying to choose but rather Im holding it to feel its energy signature and what that signature/vibration can do. I prefer to guage myself what a crystal type does then just reading of what its supposed to do. Even a very weak non charged crystal may have quite dramatic affects on someone if its a vibration that person is really needing to help something. The most important thing is getting the right type of crystal for the person, there may be a clearer and bigger one there but it doesnt necessarily mean that one is going to be better for the person.
Often too even a tiny crystal could help someone or be too much, I was working with the tinest piece of amber (Im not sure if that counts as a crystal but Im just using this as an example) and that was great, while a little piece to citrine makes me feel quite ill, its vibration is wrong for me. The size of crystal needed may well depend on a persons sensitivity to them. I go by feel now instead of by books as using a wrong for me crystal can be a bad thing (a piece of hematite actually left 3 physical burns on my hand when I tried using it for grounding while meditating holding it as books suggested it was good for that). My suggestion is that everyone should hold their crystals before buying them to help them work out what "feels" right... is this crystal really doing good things for you?
One may also choose to leave a crystal in a store if its carrying a very bad vibation and rather just choose another (though of cause these still could be taken home and cleaned but I'd rather not if its bad).

20-07-2016, 01:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,436
I also buy from the heart and intuition, not from the head.
All that stuff about gravity and chakras etc. doesn't interest me, but to each their own of course.
I don't buy crystals for chakras either. I buy them because my energy system and/or my body needs them. That decision and desire comes from the gut and heart, not from the head. And not from books either.
I just feel drawn to a crystal or not. And when I do, I read its properties and it's always spot on.
When a crystal doesn't 'speak' to me, it won't work for me, not even if the books say it would be right for what I'm looking for. Thing is, you sometimes need something else first.
An example, you may want to work on your ability to receive, feel and give love. So the books may tell you to buy rose quartz. But it might not work for you at all if you first need to address issues with self-esteem in order to be able to receive/feel/love. Meaning you'd need crystals to help you with that. Maybe citrine, maybe yellow calcite etc.
Anyway, we all got our own way I spose. But from the head is not mine. Never proved to be beneficial to me either.

20-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,488
Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
And when I do, I read its properties and it's always spot on.
i find that too, I do sometimes read on my crystals after I've felt what they are like and hence brought one and so far its always been spot on but it may be stronger for me in one aspect of what it says then other aspects it mentions.

20-07-2016, 10:46 PM
Deactivated Account
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 446
As FairyCrystal said, we all got our own way.
Bigger Crystals are better for me. I am also very sensitive on how do they look. If they look attractive, I am more open to work with them.
Also, rare, unique and expensive is a big plus... I know it's very superficial, but it works well with me, and I don't have any problem with that. In my case, everything starts from my head. Real experiences I usually have in my astral projections, and they are amazing.
Fortunately, the New Age gave us freedom to be just who we really are.
Nobody's perfect :)
Johnathanrs, thank you for a really good thread.
best wishes:)

12-09-2016, 01:24 AM
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by Johnathanrs
Some insight into the crystal work field:
-Requires to have a base understanding of Chakras.
-Base understanding of common knowledge workings of popular crystals. We'll be using Selenite & Black Turquoise properties.
-For my analogy I will be using gravity to explain this concept.
Gravity: A force that attracts a body towards any other physical body having mass. For most purposes Newton's laws of gravity apply, with minor modifications to take the general theory of relativity into account.
This goes over a fundamental but often overlooked concept on energy ranges of crystals by using analogies that explain why crystals size, level, and pureness need to be considered before any crystal work is performed.
Have you ever seen those sci-fi shows when the captain of a spaceship flys too close to a planet, black-hole, or any cosmic object that projects its own force that drags the ship into it's gravity well?
Newtons law of gravity tells us that objectively, all objects possess their own gravity field, based around the magnitude of their mass. Even we humans possess our own gravity fields; however, due to the very nature of our mass in comparison to one another, it goes undetectable unless you use very sensitive machinery. That is unless you are a bacteria! Where do you think those your mama so fat jokes come from.
That being said, it is hypothesized by crystal workers that all rocks possess their own energy, that taps into different vibration wavelengths. Going into the deeper logic on my hypothesis on why this is requires another post, but to sum it up, it is based around quantum mechanics and the theory on the wave-function principle.
So if rocks all work atomically on their own wave-pattern - what the hell does this all mean?
Well slow down, first we have to remember that all rocks are atomically made up of different elements. One slight deviation from the base makeup completely changes the object! Let's also not forget, that wide-known within the field, it has been empirically noticed that different crystals create different effects. That is where concepts such as 'protection', 'healing', exc... comes from. Explained further, certain crystals behave differently through their own independent, but intertwined properties. Did you know that selenite can be used to cleanse other crystals? That black turquoise is one of the most strongest crystals of protection? Of course you did!
Now here is what isn't common and goes unnoticed by many. Why is it that the moon can effects the earth's currents, yet if I were to hold a chunk of it in my hands, I wouldn't even get a ripple if I held it to my bath water? Easy!
There's not enough of it to create an effect.
So that begs the question - how much selenite and black turquoise is needed to create the effect? The answer is it depends!
Common question: If selenite acts similar to a generator or vacuum, and is self-efficient - how else would it be able to cleanse other crystals without needing to be cleansed itself - then surely if I hold a piece of selenite to another crystal, in order to clean it, then it should work right? Incorrect!
There has to be balance between the interacting forces. This beings us too a important fundamental concept that my hypothesis is explaining. Much like a fire, light, or even a onion, there exists important metric characteristics based around three variables for every crystal.
1. The crystal's size
2. The crystal's level
3. The range between the two interacting masses.
How many layers does a onion have? In darkness, how far does light travel? If I were to light a small light bulb in a room, wouldn't that light be strong enough to light the entire room? Of course! But here's another question for you. If you take that same light bulb and place it inside a bigger object, let's say a gym! Do you think that light will light the entire gym? Of course not!
The light is impacted by the magnitude of the gym. What happens if we up the power of the light? If the lights level becomes high enough, the gym too will be lit. Another experiment for you.
What happens if I start a fire on a cold wintery night. You are huddled by the fire and I ask you to step backwards. You oblige. Then again. The more you step back from the fire, what do you think will happen? Obvious! You will feel the effect of the fire less. Unless of course, the fire becomes bigger, or the fire becomes smaller.
1. The fire's size vs. you
2. Fire is fundamentally static the same strength universally. (It gains or losses levels based around the size. Crystals on the other hand can stay the same size but lose power much like a battery! )
3. The distance between you and the fire.
Remember, crystals however need to be charged much like any electronic. If a crystal is only at 50% charge, then it is fundamentally equivalent to a crystal at half it's size!
One important lesson that can be taken from this is disproving what I see many crystal workers doing as they gauge the feel of two crystals while in a store! Unless of course, you want a crystal that comes fully charged! In truth, you should be buying based on size and pureness of the element in question.
One day, tools will be available that will allow for crystal workers to gauge the levels of crystals, much like how we can gauge the levels of batteries currently available to all of us in a supermarket. Unfortunately, the crystal field is in its infancy and there is much to be learned through advancements and pioneers of the field. Currently, it is impossible to effectively gauge, due to a lacking of funding and interest, of the effective levels needed to create the desired effect when creating a catalyst effect between two interacting forces such as - crystal A and crystal B, or crystal A and human A.
1. A safe bet is to remember that crystals need to be placed as near as possible to the chakra points to create the desired effect.
2. Crystals generally need to be have a greater mass than the other crystal to create the desired effect. For example, using a small piece of selenite to clean a large rock will not work. Using two crystals equivalent in size will work, but it will need a large amount of time, and one should also rotate the crystal much like roasting a chicken in a oven. (All sides of the chicken will be cooked in the oven; however, the side of the chicken closest to the furnace will absorb a greater quantity.)
Hope this helps!
Crystals have an aura directly proportional to their crystalline cluster structure, and size. A 2x2x2" crystal will have an aura with a 12.36" diameter. A crystal that's 5x5x5" would have an aura with a diameter of 30.901", 12x12x12" would be 74.16" diameter. The main idea is that two of the largest sides averaged out (inches), then multiplied by the golden mean (6.1803398875) = true diameter.
This aura can be seen through a certain perspective that can be attained by meditation, intention and grounding.

14-09-2016, 01:18 PM
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: New Zeland
Posts: 63
and what about that some people are saying that there are crystals that are bad for you? like there are some that works good with your enegry and some that are just killing. You feel headache and feeling nervous with one like that.. is there are classification, maybe like a astrology chart?

15-09-2016, 06:25 AM
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 543
Originally Posted by RosieGeller
and what about that some people are saying that there are crystals that are bad for you? like there are some that works good with your enegry and some that are just killing. You feel headache and feeling nervous with one like that.. is there are classification, maybe like a astrology chart?
People are different, so one person might have a positive experience using a particular Crystal, while another person might have a negative experience using the same Crystal. Also, sometimes it's possible that the initial reaction to a particular Crystal might be experienced as positive at first, but later, after the energy has passed through the system, there might be negative side effects such as headaches for some people. And most of the time, that has something to do with the type of Crystal that they're using.
So you can use other people's reccomendations as a guide, but that doesn't always mean that their reccomendations will be right for you. One Person might like a Crystal for it's calming effects, and another person might prefer a different Crystal that has more energizing effects, but either way, sometimes side effects can be experienced from the use of certain crystals or crystals in general.
Let's use as an example Rose Quartz. I have a Rose Quartz Sphere. Then again, I understand other aspects of the path, so I don't feel as much of a need to use crystals exclusively. Especially at night, because if I do, Usually, I wake up in the morning feeling more sleepy. But if I use my Rose Quartz sphere after waking up in the morning, usually that helps to make me feel more awake and concentrative, and because I'm going about my day in a state of activity, that doesn't allow any inertia to settle down into my system, and usually that works for me because I don't experience any side effects. But I can't vouch for others because certain people might can do that and get a headache. lol.
Another occasion when I like to use crystals is when I'm burnt out from doing physical labor. That's when I like to use my Shiva Linga Stone, laying it over my chakras. They may not have the wow factor of other crystals, but in situations like that, sometimes they can work wonders.

15-09-2016, 06:36 AM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 484
Originally Posted by Errol
Bigger Crystals are better for me
Yeah I hear ya bro ! bigger is better for me too

23-11-2024, 12:37 PM
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 431
wow, so right after i post a thread about crystals energy radius range proximity/estimation , i randomly click on page 51 on this subforum and find this post, just seconds later. what what what how can it be possible :)
i love the gravity analogy, it makes the energy dynamics of crystals feel more tangible
All sides of the chicken will be cooked in the oven; however, the side of the chicken closest to the furnace will absorb a greater quantity.
my guess as well hmm.. :)
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