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Old 08-06-2024, 03:22 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Finally got my Hyalite!

I had waited for months for the hyalite to finally be in the shop!
They'd bought it at the Tucson fair in Feb, but they went differently about doing things this time.
Normally as good as all crystal were in the shop shortly after arriving but now they did it in bits and pieces and I think hyalite is one of the last.
I grew impatient, checked elsewhere online for similar hyalite, reasoning that if they bought it there other sellers did as well.
I found only one, from the US, expensive and then there's shipping, customs and so on on top of that.
Plus it still wasn't like what the shop owners had bought.
So I waited, and waited, and waited.
Tempted to buy a gorgeous hyalite from Hungary. At least within the EU, no customs, price was good and the hyalite crystal clear!
But... one difference with the ones from Mexico: it was on brownish matrix and thus had an entirely different energy from the Mexican ones which have hyalite on white chalcedone. Oftentimes with beautiful light blue chalcedone opal underneath.
Those feel very different, more feminine in energy and with that softer, warmer, gentler even though they are very high vibrational.
So I waited...

Yesterday I checked the shop site, which I'd done for weeks, and my jaw dropped: the hyalite was finally up for sale!
They hadn't done a blog on them yet, which they'd said they'd do, meaning very few would know they were in the shelves. It being a working day, Friday, also meant the few that would see it likely couldn't go to the shop out of the blue.
But I could!!
I got dressed, made lunch on the go, and off I went, before lunch which for me is unusually early, hihi.

There were a handful people in the shop, NO ONE was even looking at the hyalites, while they were the first thing I saw when indoors. Normally I have to ask, not this time!
I made a beeline for the hyalite opals and was told I was the first one, they really had just finished putting them on the glass shelves.
Lucky me!
First choice so all the yummie pieces were still available, haha.

I immediately saw one like what I wanted: a shallow geode with white chalcedony, gorgeous intense light blue chalcedone opal and clear hyalite like a crown around the opening of the geode.
The ones with a full circle crown are the most expensive as then they're complete.
But the price was more than I could really afford right now. Yet I put it in my basket so I could still think about it.

After some 2 hours of walking around aimlessly, not knowing which one to take instead, I just forced myself to decide. I went for a smaller piece with lighter blue and a near full circle crown of clear hyalite.

Nevertheless, I kept thinking of that gorgeous one, but told myself this one was okay, it was good and so on.
Then at home, about to cook dinner, I suddenly said out loud "Sod this shizzel!" turned off the gas, picked up my phone and called the shop.
That beautiful one was still there -of course it was, it was meant for me, hihi- and they now put it in the back with a note, saving it for me.
So next time I go over I'll pay for it and take it home with me.
I was SO happy to have the one I truly wanted, the one that touched my heart.

For now I'm content with these two, the smaller hyalite and the li'l rose quartz dragon that was too cute to ignore. It'd been calling out to me from the moment I saw it.

The dragons is deep pink, but not as intense as in the photo, that's due to the light setting of the camera. But it sure as heck isn't a pale pink rose quartz!
The hyalite near-full crown is crystal clear. It seems a tad milky because of the blue & white chalcedone on which it has grown.

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Old 26-06-2024, 11:58 AM
Bubbles Bubbles is offline
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the milky hyalite makes me feel the watery refreshens of 10 000 Selenites ;0

the milky hyalite seems as if i entered the purifying bathroom of an advanced ufo or walking through divine halls

it looks beautiful indeed
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