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Old 28-03-2024, 01:53 AM
Makoiyi Makoiyi is offline
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Location: Up a mountain communing with the Grandfathers, Ancestors, Ravens n Horses beside the Stones
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I guess I'm kinda lucky really as I live every day up close n personal with many amazing Corvid's. I'm a licenced Corvid rehabber for several Vet's in my local area. But as there are so few of us in this country I can and do end up with Corvids of all kinds coming here from all over the country.

Currently I share my life with 47 of them. Some like the 3 Raven's here are Permanent residents as they are deemed unrealisable for various reasons by Vet's so they remain with me under licence. Other's are here whilst they are in recovery and once healthy and fit and given the all clear by the Vet are released again.

I truely am lucky to be able to spend time with these amazing birds and I truely value every moment I spend with them as they each teach me so much.

Crows are born survivor's, they are inquisitive and funny but also can be bully's. The definitely have their own version of laws and the flock live by them very closely. Its one of the reasons that they can stay in large flocks and survive so well. To my people Crows are known as the messengers who move between the realities.

Raven's though related are a whole different ball game. These guys are the Protector's and Keeper's of hidden Secrets and Knowledge, they connect directly with the Ancestor's and are their messenger's but when needed to if they think its right they will also guide you through the realities to them.

Raven's will bring you a message but will also teach you a lesson some times a hard one and very often add the trickster element so that you remember it, because you end up with you laughing at yourself.

After spending any amount of time with a Raven you will never look at life through the same eyes again.

I have one Raven here who is very , very close to me his name is Manitou. He will always be his own Raven but for a short time each day he will land on my shoulder, drop down his energy and want to spend a few moments just having a Raven cuddle and his head feathers rubbed and his neck scratched by me.

These moments are just pure magic for us both. We connect on a level and in a place that is Sacred to us. No ego, no stress we just connect for those few moment's. Then as quickly as he arrived he's up and flying away to join his sister. I say good night and know that same time tomorrow we will get that mutual hug again.

Intelligence wise these guys are like a 10 - 12 year old human with the emotions of a 2 -3 years old and a steak knife stuck on their face. Believe me when they get upset or scared it gets painful if I'm not care full and its my blood that gets shed not theirs.

They are very protective over those they class as part of their family. And despite their size and weight and that multi tool beak. They can and are very gentle. They are long lived birds the eldest recorded in captivity was 60 years.

One of the most amazing experiences of my life was when I was sick with pneumonia and bronchitis. How Manitou and his sister came into my bedroom from my art studio where they lived and they nursed me, checked on me that I was still alive, ( Not just to check me out as prospective dinner though no doubt in a different place and time I possibly would have been).

They made sure that any human visitors of my family were checked out as was any the drinks my family bought me. They made sure I wasn't to hot or to cold.

If I was to warm Manitou would perch on the stool next to my bed and fan me with his open wings until I cooled back down and check I was ok then they tucked me back in along with all their treasures in my blankets.

Whilst Annimikii his sister would sing me to sleep with her amazing selection of gentle soothing noises. Raven's do have a full range or sounds that they can make its not all loud and ear piercing they do sing quietly and nicely as well. Especially to settle their young or partner.

My family had never seen anything like it, they didn't mess on my bed or in my room. No they went to their perch area next door for that. But they stayed with me for 48 hrs making sure that I was ok and in their own way nursing and protecting me. It was a very interesting experience just how caring these birds can be.

Just listening to them and reading and understanding their body language is how I work with them But we also have something more, a mutual un written language that I can use to communicate to all birds and animals with. Something us daft humans forgot over time. Its something I've been relearning for years. Mind you the Ravens also like to throw in the reminder that we can also talk your language by saying something in human to me often in a line of words that make sense , just because they can.

Magpies well these are the real tricksters they live to play pranks on anyone and everyone they decide is worthy of this attention. They love to give gifts and share in what's yours. But what they keep are not just priceless treasures they also keep secrets and are able to find and protect that which is hidden. They use their amazing voices as an attraction to draw things away from what they are protecting. They are also the watcher's and they will alert you to anything amiss in any reality.

Jackdaws again a Corvid but again different from Crow's. I have to say hands down I love their antics and outlook on life. They are very protective of those they consider family. But they can be total little terrorists just for the fun of it. They also like to discus everything over and over repeatedly whilst getting louder. They always talk it to death before they do anything though. But in those quiet moment's they carry an amazing energy and can find the ways to guide you between the realities.

Rooks are like the record keepers and clergy. They are the Druids, they like their ceremony and routine. There is something very regal about them as well. Hang with them long enough and you know that they love the Standing Stones and old Sacred sites, they are able to access the realities and records of the Ancestor's.

This is what my Ancestor's thought of these birds along with a few things that I have learnt first hand along the way. I don't see them as the harbingers of death that some people think. To my People and Ancestors they were the bringer of the light and life, teachers and tricksters but always helpers. In reality they are also a major part of Natures clean up crews and our eco system, be thankful that they are as there would be a lot more funky things laying around out there if they weren't. And we'd be over run with the nasty types of bugs and rodents which are the major part of their diets in the wild.
Religion is for people who are afraid of hell......
Spirituality is for those who have already been there......


Here's where we go off the map.
Out past the power lines,
up that little side road without a sign.
Hidden from the mainstream.

Keeper's of the Ancient future, Keepers of the Drum.
They don't preserve it.....
They live it......!
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Old 28-03-2024, 02:55 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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It is lovely to see you back

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 29-03-2024, 04:38 PM
Windspirit Windspirit is offline
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When my husband see's a crow, he always thank it for bring the magic.
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Old 06-04-2024, 04:05 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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I have a new deck too Crow Oracle cards. I have yet to experience them.

I have always had the crow around me, it is a bird that I resonate with.

When I walked my kids to school there was a crow that would want walnuts open. They would drop them form the power lines onto the sidewalk in hopes they would open. Or at times put them in the road so a car ran over them.

I would step on them and open them. This crow soon realized that I would do this and would be there every AM with a walnuts to drop for me. I would open most of them. Some if not ripe would not open so we would use a rock to open them. This went on for a few years same crow same time each AM.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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Old 26-04-2024, 09:45 AM
PinkFlower PinkFlower is offline
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 186
Crows are fascinating creatures indeed! I love crows too. There's a lot of them where I live and I'm always amazed by their perspicacity.
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