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Old 08-10-2023, 10:20 AM
SamiManifests SamiManifests is offline
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Hey there!

Letting go is like a skill you can get better at over time. Here's what I do, and maybe it'll help you too:

1. Self-awareness: First, recognize and admit what you're holding onto. Figure out what's stopping you from moving forward, like attachments or beliefs.

2. Accept Things as They Are: Understand that not everything is in your control. Some stuff just happens, and that's okay. Embrace what's going on without fighting against it.

3. Release: Make a conscious decision to let go. Trust that things will work out for the best, even if they're not what you expected.

4. Stay in the Moment: Practice being present. This could be through meditation or just taking deep breaths. It helps you see your thoughts without judging them.

5. Be Kind to Yourself: Treat yourself nicely. It's okay if letting go feels tough sometimes. Give yourself love and patience as you work through it.

6. Enjoy Now: Focus on what's happening right now, not the past or future. Do things that make you happy and keep you in the moment.

7. Believe in the Journey: Trust that things will work out. By letting go, you make room for new things to come into your life.
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Old 20-12-2023, 03:58 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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I’m not sure that we have to let burdens mature until we can let them go. To me, there is never a bad time to heal. That sounds like letting a rotten tooth get worse and more painful before we decide to go to the dentist.

If you have a burden, it will never be of use to you, whether it’s ‘mature’ or not, so let it go now. Now is the time to start healing yourself, because now is the only moment you have.

Ask the Higher Powers for help. If you have a burden which you are getting fed up with, then it’s a sign from the Higher Power and from your inner self, that NOW is the right time to get rid of it, and they can help you. Ask them to heal it for you. They are ready and willing to help us with anything we wish, but they need us to GIVE THEM OUR PERMISSION FIRST, because they can’t impinge upon our free will.

But when we give them our permission, and then really believe that they are helping and healing us, then they can enter our lives and sort things out. They can physically take the burdens out of us and heal them; transmute the trapped and discordant energies into positive ones.

Or they can take a more figurative burden (such as debt for instance) and heal that too. Provide us with a solution to something which has been an Albatross around our necks for lifetimes.

If you are just going round in circles, or feeling that you are pushing a boulder up a hill, then you don’t have to endure it a moment longer. Let it go. Ask for help and keep on asking for that help. Place your mental focus upon the healing and the letting go, rather than the burden itself.

Affirm many times a day: I FORGIVE AND I MOVE ON.
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Old 20-12-2023, 07:53 PM
Gem Gem is offline
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When I listen to people advise on letting go, there's usually an undertone of ways 'get rid of' it. It's like a list of do this and that so that it goes away, but I ask, why is there an aversion toward it in the first place?
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha
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Old 20-12-2023, 08:04 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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my thought always was, letting go is useless if I am making a list of things of how to do it. Because maybe I can make the first thing go away, but then I've grabbed at a whole lot of other things that are probably just as undesirable if I weren't busy being happy that they let me let go of the original thing...
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Old 24-12-2023, 08:36 AM
Maisy Maisy is offline
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I made up my own phrases for letting go:

Something like:

Divine Not Caring.


Divine Not Interested.

Like a state of mind where I can't be bothered about being bothered.

Not only letting go, letting go of the one that wants or needs or desires to let go.

Letting go of the idea there is something I need to do about something.
Supreme laziness!
Like a content cat laying in the sun.
Nothing to worry about or stress over.
No one there to care or think.
No one home.

Fully there of course as we always will be.
But "there" or "here" as what?
Someone carrying around an opinion or idea?
Or one taking a break from any mental activity at all.
Supreme not caring, not interested, empty like a glass.
Others come to offer me things to pour into my cup...
Even my own mind offers up some liquids...
Yea no thanks, all is well and I am fine.
Leave it empty always.
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Old 24-12-2023, 10:18 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by Maisy
Leave it empty always.
Emptiness is full
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Old 24-12-2023, 01:12 PM
Hemera Hemera is offline
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Re post 31

Great post SamiManifests. My approach is similar but not so structured. I can often feel in my body where there is resistence/tightness/stress which indicates that I'm holding onto something. Then I try and breathe through it. Often it's when I've been lost in thought and I can recognise that and bring myself back to the present.

It takes practice, but gets much easier over time. Regular meditation has helped me massively.
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Old 27-12-2023, 06:51 PM
winter light winter light is offline
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For present moment circumstances that come up, I'm 100% with this guy, and seems related to what Gem is saying. He talks about the process and value of taking full responsibility our feelings about whatever is bothering us. As a way to transform ourselves and the world through an inner process.

Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len Part 1

For past memories that keep returning my focus is to look at the letting go as a grief process. And it takes as long as it takes. Cannot force it but just need to let go as well as I can in stages. And at each stage, identifying the feelings in the present and witnessing them as appearances, instead of thinking they define my reality. And all the while trying to acknowledge whatever progress is made along the way as a sign of hope. Because it seems to take forever.

Also do lots of energy work which is important for me as well but I think that is beyond the scope of this discussion.
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Old 01-01-2024, 02:22 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Most people forget or are ignorant to the fact that most burdens that are activated throughout our adult life, hold roots deeper related to our earliest foundations.

If those roots remain, things continue to spiral and cycle in various forms of those roots.

You can snap your fingers and say, what’s done us done. I forgive and forget. But ultimately the damage of such things if layered over other other things will contain the body.

It may only become a less invasive experience as you chip away, but remains until it’s all let go of.

And by letting go, I’m speaking to the depth of death.. where it dies as a ‘whole’ arrangement created through core issues, which means you’ll see a complete change in the patterns of its inception.
Rest in the incomprehensible nature of it, in the unresolvable nature of what this is. Feel the immediacy of this moment, its shimmering aliveness. And as you feel it, notice how it does not need your effort. It does not need your agreement or your understanding. It simply is- Nic Higham
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Old 01-01-2024, 01:16 PM
Hemera Hemera is offline
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Very true Justbe. Our wounds are stored in our bodies as well as our minds and emotions - healing is a holistic process and is like the layers of an onion. You might peel only one or two layers at a time, but over the course of years or a lifetime more may unravel.
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