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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Faeries, Elementals, Nature Spirits, & Woodland Creatures

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Old 02-09-2023, 07:48 PM
DinoRo9 DinoRo9 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2023
Location: Behind you
Posts: 42
Dinosaurs after Earth

This information was given to me via dreamtime from a raptor.
After dinosaur era on Earth was done. Dromeosaurs went to Pleadian star system where they took planet as next home. Creating a neutral pleadian culture. Biologically, human like pleadians, very similar to humans. Created a deeply harmonious society where meeting others was the best part off day, practices spirituality.
All this time they did observe Earth, since it is their last home. You know what humans have done on this plannet our unhappy history, so do they. THis created negative image of Earths humans. Then the big shift happened on their plannet, this influenced us. Appears that the spiritual council there was hyding one thing, problem that all dinosaurs have, back from the old Earth time. Councill was hyding this, because their planet would sink in chaos like Earth, so they made it unaceptable, certain behavior, more animal like behavior. When dino pleadians died they got to know this and it made them angry. THis race is old and has reacht high level in development, the last step is extra high, so this angers many.

IN after life very many dinos started to leave this planet and they come up with plan, since their problem is about the animal side, they will express it until its gone, unneeded. Where to do it? Earth, since humans will kill them self and nobody care about them. Here raptors also connected to reptilians who dislike humans. So the raptor collective mostly turned against humans, with exception, one group did not, as they know, that such path won't give results, will have to take proper way anyway. Reptilians will also betray them, since they have zero respect of nature spirits and will turn against dinosaurs, the same as did to humans. So this group took the Gods way, by properly working on these old energies, many also live here on Earth as humans.

I don't have info about other species, maybe they have different exp, but they are here.
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