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Old 29-03-2024, 06:25 PM
emerald forest emerald forest is offline
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Urgent! Seeking expert in entity removal/ Peter Michael?

Hello, I am looking for someone who can do an entity removal. I came across Peter Michael's website (its called Entity attachmment) and read his manual. Its impressive, but beyond that I know nothing about him. Has anyone ever had him do a removal or know someone who has ? Would much appreciate any feedback on your experience with him, or wha t you have heard about Peter Michael.
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Old 03-04-2024, 11:57 PM
Jan058 Jan058 is offline
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Hi, I don't know your solution, but I hope you get help soon. I avoided him because of this review of his book "the Spiritual Clearing Guide" on Amazon.

"The audio at another website includes a guide which talks about asking for help from Lucifer that actually defied God and was a fallen angel named "Devil". So watch out what you are following. If you raise your vibrations by detoxifying your body, including not eating meat (killing karma lowers vibrations tremendously), and getting into meditation, the negative forces can't approach you or stay with you as they won't be able to stand the light of your soul."
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Old 04-04-2024, 02:06 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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A good friend of mine is an advanced medium, who has done hundreds of entity removals, in as he says that he himself does nothing other than to connect the client with universal consciousness, after which ‘higher powers’ intervene if and as required. He does not charge money and can do sessions on phone even.

What we need to understand is that it is our fear that attracts harmful entities and our desires attracts other entities. Ultimately, even after entity removal, the aura needs to be strengthened to prevent further attack.

In some cases forgiveness issues are involved, past life karma and so on. However, unconditional love is the force that paves the way for healing both the entity as well as the victim.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 05-04-2024, 08:45 AM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by Jan058

"The audio at another website includes a guide which talks about asking for help from Lucifer that actually defied God and was a fallen angel named "Devil". So watch out what you are following..."

Is it possible for angels to regress to evil and become fallen angels?

Or maybe Lucifer, the bearer of light, is an analogy of us.

We are the fallen angels not because we turned evil, but because we are the spirit angels here in the physical human form that is purposely “disconnected” from God to be in very low wisdom and then given free will for the ongoing test between light and dark energies or between high and low consciousness on this young planet.

What will we choose and how will we behave when given free will, and left alone with minimal divine intervention and “disconnected” from God for fair free will.

God being highly intelligent, efficient, and never wasteful does not do things without purpose. What we do here as humans living life and making choices is part of a much bigger and grander divine plan that will impact God’s new creations to come.

God doesn’t judge us to reward or to punish based on our choices. God doesn’t judge, unlike what we do to each other.

To believe otherwise is to believe God maliciously gave us free will to freely choose, and then delights in torturing us eternally in fire for making poor choices. That is not God.

The big question is, could we then work our way after many human lifetimes here to gain greater wisdom and benevolent maturity to choose love over our ego.

The love that is cloaked within us that is the Kingdom of God and which is our true nature, as oppose to our false nature that is the ego which shuns love for survival by embracing fear, envy, selfishness, hoarding, conquering, hierarchy, separation, and supremacy.

When we uncover the love within and express that love to all through compassionate action, we then could gradually transform this chaotic and harsh spiritually young world to become a paradise.

To bring Heaven to Earth.

Love is the universal Truth. Love that encompasses compassion, benevolence, and joy.

Love is light, and light is wisdom. We are the bearers of light referenced in the Bible as Lucifer.

No Satan and no devils, just humans who made very poor and malicious choices out of free will exploring and not knowing any better yet. All as expected when we purposely come in as humans with very low wisdom to start.

Truly an amazing but extremely challenging and very long term human adventure we bravely and passionately “jumped in line” for when in our true home on the other side of the self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.

Perhaps good to keep in mind, our intentions and thoughts are very power energies. Believe in Satan and devils, and they will become part of our personal reality.

Choose love instead. Love is much more than just simply a human emotion.

Love is the most powerful and highest vibration multi-dimensional quantum energy and much more. And love unites, never divides.

The caring and compassionate God is pure love that can only be unconditional love. Conditional love is not love, but rather it is a form of deceit and manipulation to gain control over others.

A piece of God is within us and that is love, waiting patiently for each of us to uncover at our own personal pace courtesy of free will. God and us are not separate.
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