I found mine online as shops don't seem to stock it.
You can get some at;
Mine is very grounding and protective and keeps me connected to the Ancestors .
Here is what I wrote about it 2 years back.
Preseli Bluestone is a type of Dolerite found only in the Preseli Mountains of Pembrokeshire in Wales,Most come from a specific 3km slope on Carn Menyn, It is some 480 Million Years Old, It’s primary composition is that of Calcium Feldspar and Augite but also contains Pyrite and traces of Copper.
4500 years ago ,The Neolithic Peoples of what is now Britain transported 19 heavy pieces of Preseli Bluestone some 240 miles to the Wiltshire Salsbury Plain and if that feat was not in itself quiet awe inspiring a further 25 to 27 pieces were transported to the banks of the River Avon to the West of Stonehenge to form the recently discovered Bluestonehenge. The special significance of this particular type of stone to our Neolithic ancestors is now lost to us sadly.
Why go to the colossal effort and expense of moving four-tonne megaliths (240 miles) across land and sea from Preseli, a work of global engineering comparable only with the contemporary building of the Great Pyramid at Giza? And why then surround them so reverentially with 25-tonne sarsens?
A suggested answer is that the bluestone – dark blue when freshly cut and speckled with white Calcium Feldspar – was thought to have curative properties. In other words, Stonehenge may , amongst other things have been a “Lourdes” of these Isles.
Six years of excavation at Preseli have revealed settlements as old as 4000 years, before Stonehenge. Burials also suggest visitors from far afield. The hills are peppered with holy wells, most of them spilling over pieces of the dolerite bluestone placed at their mouths, some carrying carved decoration. The stone, unique to the Preseli area, was clearly special.
Holy wells and Springs have throughout history been regarded as curative, usually due to the Water containing trace elements of minerals such as chalk, sulphur or iron.
The many wells and Springs at Preseli appear to go back long before the bluestones arrived at Stonehenge. This suggests that the wells and their bluestones were already famed far and wide.
Some of the Enigma of Stonehenge begins to fall in place with this view. The crippled Amesbury archer and his son, who originated from the Alps and then Kent, perhaps in desperate search of a cure for the dental abscess and osteo arthritis he has now been shown to have suffered from.
Stonehenge’s reputation as a centre of healing must have been well known both locally and further afield, explaining to some degree it’s breath taking architecture,
Hence also the finds that were discovered from excavations two miles away at Durrington Walls. This revealed what was then a Neolithic City of some 300 houses,”the largest neolithic settlement in northern Europe”. Stonehenge was clearly a place of Pilgrimage comparable with Lourdes.
What it has yet to be solved conclusively is the most intriguing mystery of all. Why bring Stones all the way from South Wales ? The will to survive may be sufficient explanation for the appeal of the bluestones.
Medical science has found therapies in mud, herbs, roots, and vegetables. Is it possible there is something in Preseli Bluestone, when soaked in good clean water, that does indeed do you good? Certainly Springs were thought curative in as recent times as Victorian in the case of Buxton and most certainly with the Romans in the case of Bath.