One of the best things that has helped me when healing is allowing myself to immerse in whatever I am feeling instead of trying to distract myself from it.
I am not sure if this works for everyone, but it might work for some here that are going through their healing process.
Immersing myself in my emotions and triggers often helped me get through them and with each step of immersion, the reactions and emotions leveled out.
How did I immerse myself? What I would do is:
- Listen to music that fit with my mood and let my emotions flow with it.
- Sit and face my triggers and work out why they were happening.
- Lay on my bed to meditate and reflect on my issues.
- Research why I was feeling a certain way to gain clarity and then use what I found to apply it in a way I could work with.
Of course it wasn't linear. I'm still working at it as well!