I am looking to get opinions on a crystal/mineral purchase I recently made. I have been collecting crystals and minerals for a while now and I usually base my purchases on various reasons if one resonates with me. My most recent purchase has been a Madagascar Crazy Lace Silk Banded Agate. I know there are many people who believe there can be enlightened beings or spirits trapped in some stones and I felt the face I saw clearly in this stone struck me as being very sad. If you look closely it looks as though it is an older person and the face is being squeezed by two fingers.
I had this stone looked at by a shaman I go to for spiritual clearings and he claims that it is an elemental spirit that is inside. He said it could be mischievious if let out and cause mischievious things to happen. Nothing major but enough to make life a bit more frustrating. Not sure about this because another member of a blog I posted it in told me that if it is a "fae" that faes choose you. It is not my purchasing the stone that the stone presented itself for me to find it and when that happens if you develop a bond that they can assist in your transition as well as help manifest things that you would like to occur in your life (good things). I am now very confused about it and what to do. Any advice??? I need someone who understands elementals. Here is a pic of my stone.
I also have another post out that show another entity I found in another Madagascar Crazy lace silk banded agate. Same person I purchased this one from. How odd is that? Here is a link to the other post and stone.