Strategies for dealing with and removing negative energies/entities.
Hi, I've been having issues for six years now regarding negative energies that I think have attached to me. They are disruptive of my life, peace of mind. Nothing truly horrid, but they are a major nuisance, at the least. They speak to me, and occasionally they make me see things that aren't there, or maybe them, I'm not sure. I did years of psychotropic medication, went through many combinations, to no avail. I eventually came off of them a couple of years ago, and again, everything was the same save for some gained energy and exuberance.
The thing is, they speak through me and move my body. If I try to meditate, or relax at all, my arm will swing wildly into the air, or if I'm sitting on the ground, my body will lunge forward as though I've been kicked. Or if I try not focusing on them too much they can interject through my voice, but mostly they seem to prefer messing with me when I try to pay them no heed by putting innapropiate feelings in my body, to say the least, as though I'm actually being touched...
It's insanely bothersome. I can't really work with visualization either, because whatever image they choose to take on invades my "safety zone". I mean, I've managed to move past sleeping pills only with the aid of crystals and thinking about the light, which is lovely, but I really feel I need help finding a workable option to get rid of this.
I know there are many things within myself I need to improve and work on, and maybe I'm using this as an excuse not to, but I honestly feel so frustrated with even trying when I can't get two seconds to myself to even try to see, understand, and work through the issues. I don't even know if I can trust whatever intuition I may be developing, from my perspective things are more muddied up than in the typical beginning of exploration.
If anyone is able to offer any advice on what I can do to better my situation, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you.