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Old 10-07-2015, 02:29 AM
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Peter Michael's work on entity attachment?

I'm thinking about getting the audio to deal with entity attachment issues.

He claims to have a fool's proof, quick and definitive system to deal with entity attachments.

Anybody tried it or had a healing with him?
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Old 26-07-2015, 07:39 PM
LilMariposa85 LilMariposa85 is offline
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I truthfully don't believe an entity can truly get attached to anyone. Sure, they can follow us, and as long as we continually acknowledge them, they'll stick around. Ignore them, they'll move on. Plus there is the whole thing about shielding yourself. That will keep them at bay too.
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be."

-Anne Frank
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Old 30-09-2018, 08:17 PM
angel10023 angel10023 is offline
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Peter Michael?

Yes. Negative Spirits can attach to the human soul and even possess a person. This happened to me after a psychopath girl who pretended to be a Christian spiritualist did black magic on me. Now my life is living hell. I've tried everything to get rid of these things, but I can't. Been to just about every remote healer online by now with no results. I'd say 85% of them are frauds who think they are the only ones who have spiritual gifts. Some of them do have the gift to see...but remove...that's a whole different ball game. I've only come across a few pp who actually had the ability to permanently remove negs without the participation of the victim..and that was from talking with over 100 other targeted victims and asking them what helped them and what didn't. I've only met 1 person dealing with a real entity attachment who was actually helped by a remote healer. His name was Eric Raines. I met another woman who was possessed for 8 years saw over 75 healers and went to Raven Caldera in person and over the course of 2 days was set free. Raven was not able to help me b/c he saw my stuff is worse than demonic..sigh. The other two removal experts that were able to help serious cases are no longer doing this work b/c they came under serious attack themselves. I'm skeptical of Peter Michael. He does a bit of victim shaming in one of his articles..which isn't cool...and there are some rip off reports written about him. I don't even think Peter Michael is his real name..then he has this Alda woman doing work for him and he doesn't even bother to talk to clients directly. I think when I contacted him he was charging like $400. I've learned anyone charging desperate pp that much without results should be ashamed...but when you are in my situation you will pay anything for relief...these pp know that. I'm not saying he's a fraud..I don't know honestly..but there are definitely some red flags there. I've learned from doing this that a lot of healers can't even clearly see what is going on with me. I'm kind of at the point where if they can go in and see it and think they can clear it...I'll give them $. I have a friend who has a nasty attachment and he's been through the same thing with many of these so called healers. He just flat out tells them now...i'll pay you like $50 to go in and see if you can remove it..and if you end up removing something I'll pay you triple your asking rate. He's noticed that the genuine pp that want to help will try..and he'll give them a little extra for their efforts but so far no successes with remote.
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Old 29-03-2024, 08:41 PM
emerald forest emerald forest is offline
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I know this post was from 6 yrs ago, but I'll ask anyway before the removal and after you already piad him) and he keeps stressing that he will not guarrantee

Last edited by emerald forest : 30-03-2024 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 17-10-2018, 10:05 AM
desertguy desertguy is offline
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There is a book that is very helpful in this regard.The title is MIND MASTERY MEDITATIONS, By Dr. Valerie Hunt. She was a gifted intuitive, consciousness explorer, and Scientist who taught at UCLA and wrote a number of books. ON page eleven is an exercise called 'Increasing the Field Flow', and on page thirteen is an exercise called 'Vortex Spinning Information' From my own experience, if you do both of these exercises, any entities that have attached to you are forcibly thrown out of you. These exercises are very powerful. Dr Hunt doesn't even mention doing them for this reason; they just happen to do that as a side effect, as they clear your aura and chakras. I've truly never experienced anything as powerful in this regard. Hope this helps!
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Old 17-10-2018, 08:36 PM
kuurt kuurt is offline
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TheSeeker - Let us know how it goes, if you try it. I've come across him in my search for help, but I haven't actually tried him yet. I've tried other people for help, but haven't had any luck yet.
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Old 24-06-2019, 07:50 PM
frangipani2 frangipani2 is offline
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I worked with Eric Raines after reading the positive recommendations posted above. It was an awful experience. I wanted assistance with entity removal. I was plagued with extra terrestrial visits; waking up on space ships. He did not do what he advertised. He tells lies to get your money. I lost more than $1000. His website is called Unleashing Natural Humanities. I found this review about him online after my bad experience:

"A reader asked me about this site Unleashing Natural Humanity run by yet another type of ET which has no intention of unleashing us, Eric Raines (pic), Freemason. These ETs have their own underground network ..."
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