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Old 18-11-2023, 05:07 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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How to make sure that we are following God's guidance?


How to make sure that we are following God's guidance?

I mean the God around and inside us. Also known as the "Higher Self".

I believe that "accepting to change for God" is a good way. Are there other methods?


Last edited by green1 : 18-11-2023 at 06:15 PM.
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Old 18-11-2023, 06:01 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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I am not in line with “orders” or “suggestions” from God, but I do embrace intuitive guidance. The guidance which each person receives is unique to each person’s journey, and in my opinion we are all being guided.

Again, in my opinion, we receive lessons constantly and the lessons are repeated until we learn them; the lessons are not the same for each person, but learning about your own consciousness can give a basic outline of the lessons which you specifically might need to learn.

Human consciousness sloshing around like water in a swinging bucket, heavy and frozen like a brick, flowing like a river, or expanding beyond our physical body, are but some of the states of our being. Attitude is a state of consciousness as well. To listen deeply we have got to learn how to let go of all of the concepts, even those I am sharing here.

God’s law, or cosmic law, is immutable, you can not go against it; you can only inflict pain on yourself by ignoring it. There is a belief in some religions that “not a leaf falls from a tree except by the will of God.” Yes, I do believe that which I call “GOD” is in absolute and total control. We suffer when we stay on the surface and get caught up in duality.

Below is a link to a little book called “The Kybalion,” it was a big help to me when I began my conscious spiritual journey. You can download and get this book for free at this link. I discovered this book back in the 1970’s and read it many times over a long period of time, getting greater insights into what it was saying each time I read it, especially The Seven Hermetic Principles. Many of these principles can be found in Christianity, Buddhism, Jewish mysticism, etc.

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Old 18-11-2023, 06:18 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Starman
I am not in line with “orders” or “suggestions” from God, but I do embrace intuitive guidance. The guidance which each person receives is unique to each person’s journey, and in my opinion we are all being guided.

Thanks Starman! Yes I meant "guidance". I edited the title of the thread.
Thanks for providing your suggestions and the link to the book. It looks interesting!
Originally Posted by Starman
We suffer when we stay on the surface and get caught up in duality.
So why some people suffer from hunger, etc.? It is certainly not God's will. Is it? How can suffering people learn to follow God's guidance?

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 19-11-2023 at 10:48 AM. Reason: Shortened quote as Admin has asked to 2-3 sentences
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Old 19-11-2023, 02:32 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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i don't think you can. I think any attempt to 'automate' this or any other process related to how to relate to the things of god will eventually end up wanting....
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Old 19-11-2023, 11:19 AM
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imperfections in life

Originally Posted by green1
why some people suffer from hunger, etc.? It is certainly not God's will. Is it? How can suffering people learn to follow God's guidance?

God is the facilitator of life through His maze of rules. He is interested in improvements in the world but only through His rules and NOT just through magic wand. While God can do anything / nothing / everything , whatever it does may not always be as per the will of humans.

According to me , He may keep imperfections in His world

1. So as to provide goal posts to reach/ challenges to overcome / mystery to uncover . This may provide meaning and purpose to many . God expects good humans to use their intellect/resources to overcome such problems .
2.So that It makes other 'irresponsible people' to understand /appreciate how privileged and blessed they are (that they dont have such problem ) and to stay grateful for the privileges we get and enjoy (without our asking) .
3. So that It inspires / exhorts people to develop empathy for people in such situations just like God as God never abandons such people in pain .

These may not comprehensive list of reasons for such imperfections but it may provide glimpses into the universal mind living with imperfections in this world.

Suffering people can know God's guidance by introspection , retrospection , meditation etc and study of wise people experiences/science/scripture and then follow such guidance lovingly with hope & faith without any grudge.
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Old 19-11-2023, 02:09 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Thank you very much for your responses everybody
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Old 19-11-2023, 07:13 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Every rule which God has, most often called “cosmic laws,” overlaps other cosmic rules or laws. No rule or law stands alone and often by following one law you are adhering to other laws as well.

In my opinion all of God’s rules or laws are extremely simple, so simple that a new born baby can, and does, follow them. The issue is that adults only embrace the rules which they want, and some create new rules and say that is what God wants.

Every religion has their own outline of God’s rules written in their particular “holy book.” But it is my opinion, and experience, that the Laws of God are written in our heart.

The silent word within us is a holy word. It cannot be touched by this world, or pronounced by spoken language. It contains all we need to know on our earthly journey, and beyond. Learning how to feel on finer and finer levels can bring us the confidence in our journey which we may seek.
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Old 19-11-2023, 11:15 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Listening requires attentiveness to yourself. It also requires you to listen to yourself truthfully in ways more than you might perceive yourself, moment to moment. Like the continuum life is, we are that..
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 19-11-2023, 11:15 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Listening requires attentiveness to yourself. It also requires you to listen to yourself truthfully in ways more than you might perceive yourself, moment to moment. Like the continuum life is, we are that..
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 19-11-2023, 11:15 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Listening requires attentiveness to yourself. It also requires you to listen to yourself truthfully in ways more than you might perceive yourself, moment to moment. Like the continuum life is, we are that..
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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