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Old 11-06-2024, 12:52 PM
Dadspirit Dadspirit is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 118
Need your urgent help

Hello All,
I need some advice. I was doing candle visualization last night for my niece to guide her cancel her registration for one university so that we can register her for the one close to her sister as they are extremely close and have to be together.

So, I lit a small while candle in candle holder and turned off the lights in my room and sat in quite and closed my eyes and visualized that she has canceled and she is happy being with her sister and telling us all about it and the new university.

I opened my eyes,and I saw a light blue small circle of light around the candle and a small purple color with mix of darker blue and white next to the flame on the candle holder. Then, out of the sudden, the flame divided in two connected in the middle like an arch and the two flames in both sides where tall (not two tall). I closed my eyes and continued my visualization. Thanked universe, blew the candle which gave lots of white smoke, and turned on the light in my room. The candle was as i had it with no stone nothing.

I have done this work before for other things but never seen such a thing. Can some one please let me know what it means as I feel there is a major message for me that I am missing.

Thank you so much and many blessings.
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Old 11-06-2024, 05:48 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Blue is inspirational while purple is majestic, but more importantly it is not so much what you saw as it is what you felt while observing this. Feelings will give you an indication of what you are in touch with regardless of what you may see. Touch is the primordial fundamental sensation on which all of our other senses are based, especially in meditation. What we feel when we meditate is what we are in touch with.

Having said this, going into our mind to analyze what something may mean. I might say you may have witnessed a loving entity, angel or deity, offering you the blessing which you received in your meditation. White light, blue, and purple, are all angelic influences. Do not allow your mind to make it in to something urgent. The human mind wants to always know what the heart already knows. Feel first before you think; this is just my opinion.
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Old 11-06-2024, 07:58 PM
Dadspirit Dadspirit is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 118
Thank you so much. For me, it was a bit scary because I did not expect to see such a thing. I was manifesting for some thing for my niece. I hope it all comes to be good

[quote=Starman]Blue is inspirational while purple is majestic, but more importantly it is not so much what you saw as it is what you felt while observing this. Feelings will give you an indication of what you are in touch with regardless of what you may see.

Last edited by Native spirit : 13-06-2024 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 11-06-2024, 08:52 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Expectations can take us out of our heart and put us in our head. When engaging in a spiritual practice, like meditation, it is important to keep our heart open and our mind quiet. But don’t worry, these are lessons which many, if not most, are learning.

I would even go as far as to say do not have any expectations about what you are asking the universe for your niece. On a sublime level expectations can get in the way; put it out there and then completely let go of it. In my opinion this is best if you want it to come back to you untainted. It is called a meditation practice because learning takes place every step of the way.

Dadspirit, you are new to this forum so I will let you know not to repost the entire quote of those you are responding to; just repost a few sentences or just put the other posters name without quoting them, as I have here in this post. The Moderators here can explain it further. Everything in life, in my opinion, is about learning. I will sent out positive vibes for your niece’s desires to manifest with no expectations attached.

Peace and Good Journey
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Old 13-06-2024, 09:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Also the flame splitting into two might symbolize a connection or partnership, reflecting your intention for your niece to be close to her sister. It sounds like a visual affirmation that your efforts are aligning with the universe's energy.

It's amazing that you saw such clear signs! Trust your intuition. what you felt during the visualization is really important. It seems like a positive sign that your intention is on the right path. Keep focusing on your goal with gratitude and positivity.

Many blessings to you too!
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