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05-12-2020, 01:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,324
I am familiar with similar stories and it seems so hard to deal with these things in a healthy manner
This is exactly it.
I’ve got that angry and bitter “button” in me - a little bit, so I do know within, how it can escalate.
& I was thinking about - just that – yesterday, and would you know, a very mentally disturbed young (mixed-blood) traveller from somewhere urban down South entered the scene.
Hadn’t seen that for yeeeeears!
You really need a spiritual Elder to deal with this – and once they have calmed down – to show them the alternative way of respect for everybody, and how that works.
How to ‘shine your spirit’ and build your “personal power” (in indigenous way) with this alternative …
Out of Nordics or Fennoscandia – I love the Icelanders and Norwegians the best. I cannot say one negative thing about them – we rally around and support each other, we stay ‘real’. This ‘one blood’ feel as there is no racial barrier, what I’ve experienced, although we make fun of each other:
So. Apart from mainly indigenous flags & Australian – my flag is also for ever:
Last edited by sentient : 05-12-2020 at 04:49 AM.
05-12-2020, 04:14 AM
I do like good stand up.
I think that another responsibility I have in life is to make people laugh.
Yeah on the meeting the new travelers come to town.
It can be a anxious time until the new person gets figured
out. Find out someone's true intent.
I got stung by a wasp and it hit me twice, ear then under the eye
before I even new what was happening.
I was so happy because I new exactly what it wanted from me.
Pure honest true communication.
As far as joking and teasing each other, in Indian country
that's how you know your liked.
Probably the most realistic look at the type of sweat lodge
I am familiar with.
The building covering the lodge isn't necessary except up in the cold regions.
This just started playing after another vid. and caught my interest.
05-12-2020, 04:31 AM
Probably one of the best rare looks inside a live Native American Church or tipi meeting.
At least that I've been to. There are different styles.
This one is a wedding so that is probably why they allow the recording.
I figured I would show a different style.
This one is a birthday meeting again as to why they allowed the camera.
Last edited by ImthatIm : 05-12-2020 at 06:28 PM.
06-12-2020, 02:54 AM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,324
I'll bet your chuckling because of the bluegrass in the vid. I know I am. LOL where's my chuckle emoji ?
I only listened to the first song of the video, the second song is for Alaskans.
Now – I do not belong to any Church, but I had written in the Christian section about Orthodoxy.
Here is a summary:
Even though I was brought up as Lutheran, I failed to see/experience the spiritual aspect of that Church, (others no doubt can) - but I do have great respect for the old ways Russian Orthodox Church and this respect is still very strong in our collective conscious, in our collective memory.
Since our Church was and still is the Forest – the Orthodox ways blended in well.
The Face of God Film: The Orthodox Church on Climate Change:
Sacred sites were not destroyed and the “Spirit Trees” were not cut down, instead Holy Icons were placed on them (& that tree is the "Guardian Spirit Tree” of the Bear):
No priests high on pulpit delivering sermons of our evil ways - that we are all destined to hell, because of our nature beliefs …. Instead, there was this inclusion of just joining in the singing and chanting.
How should I say this, in the body of Christ (the Orthodox Church is) and by the Grace of Holy Spirit – there was no need to defend territorial belief system grounds …. boundaries.
In that embodiment of Christ, we ALL … Christians, Indigenous, Wilderness ….. found our belonging, our “unified home” ….. in One Love - in One Sacred Reality – in One Spirit.
Sergius of Valaam, a Greek monk not fearing wilderness nor its natives and Carelian Herman of Valaam – both founders of the Valaam Monastery on our ancient Sacred Site, (where we took offerings and at the time when Bears were still revered as Totemic ancestors. So we also came to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus through Bear Ceremony).
Orthodox missionaries entered Indigenous environments “as guests in another man’s house” and that was true.
These monks were proper-right-way-humble, loving the Creation as God does, seeing the invisible God through ‘his’ Creation ….so they practiced what they believed, were willing to serve …
Where the Lutherans only saw Evil, the Orthodox attitude was: “God speaks in Skolt Sámi language as well” …..…. so the culture, language, tradition became interwoven with the Orthodox Church.
In Alaska God speaks Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, and Yup'ik languages, so efforts were made to first understand it, then to preserve the language and the culture.
We believe(d) in the Eagle-like-“God” – but you could enter into communion with the Eagle through the Orthodox Church also:
That picture, which I absolutely love - I trust is named - “Faith of Ancestors”.
...... to receive the One Spirit, even the Eagle accepted Orthodoxy into its heart ..... And we accepted Christ.
Great and entertaining video on Alaskan Native Culture and Stories – Orthodox view:
Showing respect I assume:
06-12-2020, 07:00 AM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,324
Originally Posted by sentient
IF you listened and enjoyed the first talk – here is the continuation to it:
I remember watching this in NITV (National Indigenous Television) news at the time:
Talking about the old traumas to deaf ears (mainstream culture) and getting all bitter & twisted in the process is not the way.
But of course the truth needed to be told again and again until it was heard and acknowledged.
But now connecting globally, realizing the parallels – well, you know you are being heard, understood & it is time to move on from the ‘rut’.
All my ‘white’ friends are anti-racist, work with reconciliation and environmental issues and together with Indigenous groups we have gotten things done.
This hate-the-white-man activism leads nowhere, but self-destruction – it destroys the culture too they are pretending to respect and defend.
No spiritual Elder teaches that.
06-12-2020, 06:23 PM
Sentient I want to first go back and acknowledge a flag you brought up awhile back.
Peace sign and Reggae colors. Green , Red, Black, Gold *** *** Mr. rabbit represents the peace symbol on the flag you showed.LOL
INI. Jah Rastafari.
I acknowledge your vid. tracing back some history back
to Kali.(If I remember right?)
I will tread lightly and just say, medicines from our Mother Earth
and Her natural Loving curing ways, show up when they are needed.
First I start off with the Sacred place my feet are connected to.
I stand on a Living Loving GrandMother Being. She holds me tight and
gives and gives before our very eyes all we need for Life.INI
So yeah, I raise that flag and dance under it at times
and get Doctored by Love and peace and recieve Wellness.
Wellness for All Life in a circle. Jah Rastafari INI.
Another branch and form of worship from the line of Father Abraham.
I also follow the Tree. Another Branch from Father Abraham.The Tree and the Circle of Life are One.
I believe Jesus The Christ, was saying "I am The Spirit of the Tree of Life.
The Way The Truth and the Life" "I Was, I Am, I Will Be".
But, I may be alone in this. LOL
I feel kind of behind on all these great topics you have
put in front of me, to examine. I've only been practicing looking
at others ways by reading and writing since Nov. 2018.
I had the Indian Bible once (Black Elk Speaks) but the first Medicine person
I carried Rocks for threw it on the ground and we took off in His van down the Red Road.
He said something like "we live Life, we don't read it."
Before that I would only really study the people around and before me
and hear stories of other Ways/Paths.
Then years later trying to learn my Wife's Ways. Find my place in them.
Work medicine, and help others, which gets hard with 2 competing systems.
Traditional Ways and Frog skin Ways. LOL.
She comes from Blackface and Redface Dancers in the Smoke House Ways. Lower Salish.
Land of the Sqidalitch and the Sasquatch, Salmon People,
People of the Grasslands and People of the River.
Looking at theirs Ways of Worship and of Living in a Sacred balanced manner.
So all this writing really is my weakness. But I have committed to improve it.
There are many things I should be getting involved with, but health problems
have slowed me down to typing with 2 fingers and a thumb dancing on a keyboard.
Also to keep my brains misfiring and focus under control and memory nerves firing better.
I attempt communicating with written words. It is hard.
They tell me I have full body peripheral neuropathy pressing down on my physical functions.
Anyway I only brought it up, so you can know that my communication skills, might get
even worse, quick or slow in the future. Who knows. I just don't want you to think I am not paying
attention to your writings. I can read better than I can write.
So point is, I respond as quickly as I can manage with my spastic brain firings. INI
Hopefully I will eventually be able to type directly from my
Heart to my hands and bypass the brain altogether. LOL
Last edited by ImthatIm : 07-12-2020 at 11:59 AM.
06-12-2020, 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by sentient
I only listened to the first song of the video, the second song is for Alaskans.
Now – I do not belong to any Church, but I had written in the Christian section about Orthodoxy.
Here is a summary:
Even though I was brought up as Lutheran, I failed to see/experience the spiritual aspect of that Church, (others no doubt can) - but I do have great respect for the old ways Russian Orthodox Church and this respect is still very strong in our collective conscious, in our collective memory.
Since our Church was and still is the Forest – the Orthodox ways blended in well.
The Face of God Film: The Orthodox Church on Climate Change:
Sacred sites were not destroyed and the “Spirit Trees” were not cut down, instead Holy Icons were placed on them (& that tree is the "Guardian Spirit Tree” of the Bear):
No priests high on pulpit delivering sermons of our evil ways - that we are all destined to hell, because of our nature beliefs …. Instead, there was this inclusion of just joining in the singing and chanting.
How should I say this, in the body of Christ (the Orthodox Church is) and by the Grace of Holy Spirit – there was no need to defend territorial belief system grounds …. boundaries.
In that embodiment of Christ, we ALL … Christians, Indigenous, Wilderness ….. found our belonging, our “unified home” ….. in One Love - in One Sacred Reality – in One Spirit.
Sergius of Valaam, a Greek monk not fearing wilderness nor its natives and Carelian Herman of Valaam – both founders of the Valaam Monastery on our ancient Sacred Site, (where we took offerings and at the time when Bears were still revered as Totemic ancestors. So we also came to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus through Bear Ceremony).
Orthodox missionaries entered Indigenous environments “as guests in another man’s house” and that was true.
These monks were proper-right-way-humble, loving the Creation as God does, seeing the invisible God through ‘his’ Creation ….so they practiced what they believed, were willing to serve …
Where the Lutherans only saw Evil, the Orthodox attitude was: “God speaks in Skolt Sámi language as well” …..…. so the culture, language, tradition became interwoven with the Orthodox Church.
In Alaska God speaks Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, and Yup'ik languages, so efforts were made to first understand it, then to preserve the language and the culture.
We believe(d) in the Eagle-like-“God” – but you could enter into communion with the Eagle through the Orthodox Church also:
That picture, which I absolutely love - I trust is named - “Faith of Ancestors”.
...... to receive the One Spirit, even the Eagle accepted Orthodoxy into its heart ..... And we accepted Christ.
Great and entertaining video on Alaskan Native Culture and Stories – Orthodox view:
Showing respect I assume:
Bear ceremonies.Double thumbs up.
Eagle ceremony and Honoring the Eagle nation
is part of the first Chanunpa(Pipe) also.
Represented by Eagle Feathers on Pipe.
As you can witness on video.
So I am the choir. Say it loud. We say from the Eagle to the mole.
Represents all of the animal nations. From Highest to the lowest.
Not much to say about Natives and Orthodox church.
I am happy to hear that they see and act better than other sects.
We don't have Russian Orthodoxy to deal with down this way from Alaska.
I have heard stories of a Alaskan Native tribe that come down this way
during the Big Ice days when the food was scarce.
I don't have much to say on racism and being stuck in the past.
Except I don't like it.
Learn the history and deal with it in a Spiritual way.
Traumas traumatize and they make overcomers. Me thinks.
Everyone gets their chances to overcome problems
and put them in there proper place.
Last edited by ImthatIm : 07-12-2020 at 12:01 PM.
07-12-2020, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,324
Originally Posted by ImthatIm
Sentient I want to first go back and acknowledge a flag you brought up awhile back.
Peace sign and Reggae colors. Green , Red, Black, Gold *** *** Mr. rabbit represents the peace symbol on the flag you showed.LOL
INI. Jah Rastafari.
I acknowledge your vid. tracing back some history back
to Kali.(If I remember right?)
Oh, do you mean this?:
Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I will tread lightly and just say, medicines from our Mother Earth
and Her natural Loving curing ways, show up when they are needed.
First I start off with the Sacred place my feet are connected to.
I stand on a Living Loving GrandMother Being. She holds me tight and
gives and gives before our very eyes all we need for Life.INI
So yeah, I raise that flag and dance under it at times
and get Doctored by Love and peace and recieve Wellness.
Wellness for All Life in a circle. Jah Rastafari INI.
Another branch and form of worship from the line of Father Abraham.
I also follow the Tree. Another Branch from Father Abraham.The Tree and the Circle of Life are One.
I believe Jesus The Christ, was saying "I am The Spirit of the Tree of Life.
The Way The Truth and the Life" "I Was, I Am, I Will Be".
But, I may be alone in this. LOL
I have no intent to convert anybody into Orthodoxy – but father Michael Oleksa’s descriptions of Alaskan native culture, could almost have been a description of “us”, with differences as well of course, but which is why I found his talks so interesting. There is a thread of cultural commonality.
As the Tribe Called R.E.D. said when in Australia: “Travelling the world, you get to meet different indigenous people all over & the colonial experience is like a checklist” …
It really is – we have all gone through similar stuff.
And coming from a hunter-gatherer culture is like a checklist also – hey, we relate to nature the same way! So much so – I don’t even have to talk about it with my Aboriginal friends, we just enter the forest and attune to the environment - exactly the same way.
But then you do meet some indigenous groups (from abroad), who have been so insulated and isolated in their own bubble – that if you say, yeah, we have been through the same or similar stuff or we have that in our culture also …
They look at you totally distant and stunned. Or get angry “Who are you – some sympathiser “native wannabe”.
Or like a couple of days ago – this very mentally disturbed young man from urban down South somewhere – just a hint of Aboriginality in him and because he couldn’t get his way, get his moped on the local bus – it was hate-the-white-man activism – go berserk and start trashing about … because I am justified in doing so.
OMG! Where do these people come from!
I suppose they are coming from cultural and racial confusion & not having had Elders to show them the way.
The organizations I've worked with have also got camps for youth to reconnect to the culture, alongside with anger management, alcohol and drug addiction etc. etc. And those work the best (having done work experience with them).
Alaskan confusion talk:
07-12-2020, 04:10 AM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,324
Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I had the Indian Bible once (Black Elk Speaks) but the first Medicine person
I carried Rocks for thru it on the ground and we took off in His van down the Red Road.
He said something like "we live Life, we don't read it."
I do not know Bible, not really.
I enter the forest.
Before that I would only really study the people around and before me
and hear stories of other Ways/Paths.
Then years later trying to learn my Wife's Ways. Find my place in them.
Work medicine, and help others, which gets hard with 2 competing systems.
Traditional Ways and Frog skin Ways. LOL.
Yes. One has to be able to juggle 2 realities.
She comes from Blackface and Redface Dancers in the Smoke House Ways. Lower Salish.
Land of the Sqidalitch and the Sasquatch, Salmon People,
People of the Grasslands and People of the River.
Looking at theirs Ways of Worship and of Living in a Sacred balanced manner.
I am happy for you.
They tell me I have full body peripheral neuropathy pressing down on my physical functions.
Anyway I only brought it up, so you can know that my communication skills, might get
even worse, quick or slow in the future. Who knows. I just don't want you to think I am not paying
attention to your writings. I can read better than I can write.
So point is, I respond as quickly as I can manage with my spastic brain firings. INI
Hopefully I will eventually be able to type directly from my
Heart to my hands and bypass the brain altogether. LOL
I was very ill some 5 years ago.
It started off with getting a parasite and candida infestation in my gut – and before I knew it I had developed a leaky gut. With a leaky gut – one also gets a leaky brain (the blood brain barrier becomes compromised) …. Became intolerant to gluten, to soy and to some amino acids. Was severely B6, B12, Zink and Magnesium deficient …. Fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy … you name it!
And if I even had a hint of Soy or Gluten my brain would go into a fog and start misfiring, plus with gluten I would get joint inflammation flare-ups.
With a very strict diet I did get better – but slowly.
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