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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Complementary Therapies & Traditional Medicine > Reflexology

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Old 14-03-2015, 04:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Reflexology for pregnant

I have treated with Reflexology on about 1/2 occasions in the last 3 months just for relaxation and well being. These treatments have been given since a miscarriage in early pregnancy. I'm pregnant again approx. 6 weeks along.

Now the concerning is can I carry on using this treatments or not ?
Thanks much for giving opinions,
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Old 24-03-2015, 11:04 PM
Golden Angel Golden Angel is offline
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Hi massatab, I would say if you have had a prevoius miscarraige then i would at least wait until after your first 3 months of pregnancy before having another treatment.
Love GA x
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Old 02-02-2016, 01:08 AM
Star Wolf Medicine Woman Star Wolf Medicine Woman is offline
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Wow I should have noticed this subject earlier...
As well as being a Reflexologist I am also a Midwife... Reflexoogy can be of value for relaxation yes and yes I would prefer the client was about 20 weeks myself. This is a safer time period..

If you have both qualifications Reflexolgy can also be used to 'Turn' a baby in utero if the baby has an 'Unstable lie' or if its breech and one would prefer it to be Cephalic presentation to enable a vaginal delivery... In the UK a breech presentation or transverse lie etc at say 37 to 40+
weeks is a presursor to a planned C Section and most mums would like to avoid this if possible...

I hope our newbie's pregnancy has gone well..
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