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Old 04-09-2023, 09:02 PM
BadMedium BadMedium is offline
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Originally Posted by Lynn
As a Medium and a Psychic that was born open to it all and that has no down or off time from it I can tell you that the more you fight it the worse it will be
Thanks for your helpful message

Some concepts are totally new to me. I don't know what Grounding or Sagging is. I miss a properly framework to work with.

I already accepted my weird paranormal skills and I managed to gain some (limited) control over them.
When you hear someone simply ground and claim your space.
I think the main issue with these voices is that I hear them in hypnopompic state.

In hypnopompic state your conscious mind has no control over your actions. I can't claim my space. I can't just tell the voice "go away".

The voice wakes me up. I can hear it for a while. As soon as I come out of hypnopompic state, I stop hearing it. And then I can't fall asleep again

Besides, I can't understand or recognize the language it speaks.
Let them know you do hear them and accept them being there
No, I won't! I follow a strictly policy of not letting the entities I perceived to know that I know they are there.

Reason being, most entities I can perceive are negative. I can perceive what they do and it isn't any good.

Last edited by BadMedium : 04-09-2023 at 09:56 PM.
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Old 04-09-2023, 09:11 PM
BadMedium BadMedium is offline
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Originally Posted by Bluto
you could perhaps gently nudge her towards the light - tell her you empathise, then suggest she goes to the light,
I don't know how to do that

As soon as I come out of hypnopompic state, I stop hearing her. I don't know if she is still there or what. And I don't speak her language.

The only thing I've understood so far is the yawn. I'm pretty sure she did it on purpose. A yawn is a Physiological need and I don't think spiritual beings need to yawn.

She was meaning that she got bored of me not paying her attention.
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Old 06-11-2023, 08:41 PM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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Are you really that bad of a medium? Those are clairaudience abilities. And from some of your other posts, you also have Clairvoyant abilities as well. I suppose if you more grounded and can control it and use it right, you be a good medium.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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Old 10-02-2024, 02:11 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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The next time she comes to you and wakes you up, call on Archangel Michael as if you were calling him to come to you from another room, and ask him to escort her to the light. He will hear you and will come to you. From what I understand, this is one of his jobs. You can also ask him to protect you.
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Old 10-02-2024, 02:13 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Originally Posted by BadMedium
I don't know how to do that

As soon as you are awake and aware, just say out loud to her to go into the light where she'll find loved ones waiting for her.
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Old 08-03-2024, 12:19 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Here is a very simple Grounding I have always used and I have done in many workshops.

Tree Grounding

Take a seed and see it in the palm of your hand.
Add some soil and water to the seed.
Feel that seed start to sprout.
Feel the roots go into the Earth.
Feel the shoot go up into the sky.
As the roots go down into the Earth.
As the shoot branches out in the sky.
You are connected to the Earth and free to wonder in the Sky.
You are grounded and free.

Here is a House Blessing

House Cleansing Prayer
I pray and ask that through my connection with the Divine Spirt that my home be cleansed of all negative thoughts, suggestions, influences and energetic debris that can reside within the home’s energy grid plane. I ask that all these issues be sent to be reborn into positive healing light and there be no negative side effects for any family members of the home itself. I aske that the Universe Source energy allow my home to be filled with only positive healing light and sealed on an energetic level with a triple protection. Thank you for the healing work that has been done!

Here is a simple protection

Golden Mist Shield
The breath of life (Breath in, hold and slowly breath out)
And the light of mind (Breath in, hold and slowly breath out)
Creates an enhancement (Feel a vail wrap around you, breath out)
Of protection and comfort (Feel at ease, beath in, breath out)
As the air I breath is purified (Feel fresh air rush in, breath in and breath out)
I surround myself with an orb of gold. (See a golden orb of light encase you, breath in, breath out.)
This golden haze constantly purified (with every breath in and breath out)
And separated from any negativity, (Breath in, breath out, protection flow in negative flows out)
May my space be protected.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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Old 25-03-2024, 08:01 AM
SaraTherase SaraTherase is offline
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These issues seem to be consuming you and you know what they say "you are what you eat"...

I suggest taking your focus away from the paranormal and focus more on grounding activities. I know all too well how easy it is to focus solely on the spiritual or paranormal aspects but as we are living on the earth plane it is indeed a balancing act.

We must remember that we are living on earth not in spirit yet and that our focus and attention should be upon our everyday life and being in the present moment. Spirituality is apart of life but not life itself. When we become lost we tend to focus our awareness on the unknown which can sometimes be detrimental to mental health. I also suggest looking at yourself and where you are at in this point of your life to try to pinpoint and determine why your focusing so intently on the paranormal.

Sometimes one becomes so intrigued by phenomena that one can start to manifest out of the ordinary experiences. Like anything ignore it and it will go away, invest your thoughts and energy into it and the problem will expand.

Best of luck on your journey
With open heart and mind, expansive and aligned; we are love.
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Old 25-03-2024, 11:29 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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You need to concentrate on grounding before you do any mediumship work
you could also doing smudging around the house in every corner and open the windows to let the energies out,

you need to close down also you are to open the way I tell people is to visualise a door right where you third eye is when you close that door it should stop when you are ready open the door

you could try meditation connect with you guide ask him for help.
if you went to a spiritualist church they would help you

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 30-03-2024, 05:46 PM
blackraven blackraven is offline
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BadMedium - I used to wake up in the middle of the night and hear several people in my attic carrying on a conversation in different languages that I couldn't understand. Because this event was just one of many in my old, haunted house, I decided to get some advice from a person in town who called herself a Light Worker. She told me that I had a spirit portal in my attic and that I needed to close it by doing various blessings and protection, like burning sage, calling upon white God light to protect my home, and verbally out loud sending the spirits away. I did all those things and the voices in the attic ceased.

On another note: whenever I'm having horrible sleep paralysis (not saying that's what's going on with you), I pray out loud to God or Jesus and say, "Please Lord keep me safe and send this entity away." It usually works long enough for me to get my bedstand lamp on and sit with my heart pounding out of my chest.
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