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Old 28-11-2023, 06:21 AM
vortex vortex is offline
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Why do we make being spiritual so complicated

Why do we make being spiritual so complicated its like a foreign language

I feel so sorry for new people who want to understand it or find out whats happening to them

i would love to know how you put things simply for others to understand

here are some of mine

guides god extra
all energy is one, we don't comprehend that so they come in forms we relate to like gods perspective, guides perspective

vibrational frequency
as understanding grows your perception changes so how you relate to people and the world changes

healer or energy worker
if you have funny sensations in your palms of hands or and souls of your feet and can have funny feeling at the top of your head, a natural energy worker

talking to them
if you have conversations with your self in the car or in other places
when you stop the, i should of, if only, that's good, that's bad, the critical voice, ego, extra
you could have some awesome conversations

don't sit in a corner your mind will go crazy
as artiest say get in to the zone, alpha, meditated state.
find what works for you , running, art, crafts, listening music, gardening, mediation class/groups are good places to learn
music and head phones worked for me
when you have mastered that go sit in a corner if you want to

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Old 28-11-2023, 07:31 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Hi vortex. Nice to see you and a lovely question.
For me personally I just embrace everything spiritual into my life, my being , as and when it happens which is daily.
( At first as you say it's difficult to understand quite what is happening).
Difficult to generalise how I would express or advise others as we are all different and for me it would be a case of it being on a one to one with any individual to find out first exactly what they are experiencing ....
As for trying to explain myself to non spiritual people well forget that. They soon start backing away and the assumption is that I've got a few screws loose LOL..

This is a lovely topic though and actually very diverse.
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Old 28-11-2023, 07:32 AM
Nikos1982 Nikos1982 is offline
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I personally followed Spirituality when I was in need for answers that the world couldn't give me....

Like it was a board in a sea that would provide me some help..
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Old 28-11-2023, 08:21 AM
vortex vortex is offline
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Originally Posted by AngelBlue
For me personally I just embrace everything spiritual into my life, my being , as and when it happens which is daily.
( At first as you say it's difficult to understand quite what is happening).
Difficult to generalise how I would express or advise others as we are all different and for me it would be a case of it being on a one to one with any individual to find out first exactly what they are experiencing ....
As for trying to explain myself to non spiritual people well forget that.
i agree

you know i do drawings for people and they ask questions and if its physic or experience type the replies just come but human labels and terminology its not so fourth coming eg vibrational frequency 4d, 5d, so i say its just human labels, terminology just follow what feels right for you

why do we have all these labels when it could be very simple
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Old 28-11-2023, 08:59 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikos1982
I personally followed Spirituality when I was in need for answers that the world couldn't give me....
Like it was a board in a sea that would provide me some help..
In many ways I can relate to this.
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Old 28-11-2023, 09:09 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by vortex
i agree

you know i do drawings for people and they ask questions and if its physic or experience type the replies just come but human labels and terminology its not so fourth coming eg vibrational frequency 4d, 5d, so i say its just human labels, terminology just follow what feels right for you

why do we have all these labels when it could be very simple
...Because we are human and life is ruled by time and labels .
You and I both know in our ideal worlds no such things would exist.
And wouldn't that be a perfect world ?
But for now we have to adapt, from the second we are born , to conform to these instructions.
But some of us break free from the shackles and chains LOL...
Oh yes... Some of us rebel and do our own thing haha.....

Yes, I do indeed know that you give your spiritual input through your art and I still have the picture that you drew for me.
You are so talented and so unique in what you do . You have a true gift as I keep saying .

Spirituality I feel is a very personal experience .
Also it can be a very lonely experience which is why I joined the forum to be around like minded people , and I have learnt a lot.
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Old 28-11-2023, 10:54 AM
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Thanks for making these words simple and meaningful to others who are new in it.
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Old 28-11-2023, 04:04 PM
vortex vortex is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikos1982
I personally followed Spirituality when I was in need for answers that the world couldn't give me....
Like it was a board in a sea that would provide me some help..
its awesome you can do this keep doing it, be your own guru
also be so grate full you can do it
its like this for me to and so awesome it happens
i count my self so lucky
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Old 28-11-2023, 04:19 PM
vortex vortex is offline
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Originally Posted by AngelBlue
But some of us break free from the shackles and chains LOL...
Oh yes... Some of us rebel and do our own thing haha.....
yip so with you on that
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Old 28-11-2023, 04:50 PM
vortex vortex is offline
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Originally Posted by Glenda
Thanks for making these words simple and meaningful to others who are new in it.

thanks with what i do i have the privilege to meet some awesome people
and some are so being it or them and the blurb that comes out of my mouth and their responses just blows me away and sometimes are so young

but its the the ones that are stuck like "i cant meditate" well don't "i don't get vibrational frequency" extra i really try and help

the funny thing its me personalty that wants to help
may be i am getting in the way ill put that in to my awareness and see what i get
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