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Old 02-10-2015, 11:01 PM
Posts: n/a
The crows, the signs and the witch.

Hello I have a long story to tell, I feel that it is worth sharing, maybe even mildly entertaining. Any insight would be appreciated. Please no harsh comments, been through enough guilt tripping, I blame myself for what happened. I’m seeking any wise words from people who actually have had experience with this sort of phenomenon.

A little about myself, I’ve been intuitive for as long as I can remember. There was a time when I was a kid where I would get nightmares every night, I remember seeing a black apparition open my door and walk across my room. I remember waking up sweating at 3am every morning, having the feeling that there is someone there watching me. As I was growing up I grew accustomed to this feeling, just felt all too familiar to get scared at anymore. So I’m use to this sort of thing.

This year has proven to be quite the spectacle when it comes to the phenomenon that I have been experiencing. It all started with my birthday this year. My folks were out of town and I was having little kickbacks and parties every other day. The day after my birthday I come home to big empty house (my parents are wealthy), so I thought to myself, why not throw another get together, I invite a bunch of friends and one of my homies brings over a girl I’ve never seen before and me and her hit it off. First night we go out, people thought we were together when in fact that was the first night we had ever hung out, we looked good together.. she read my palm that night, she was a intuitive girl with a gift or curse.. We start going out every day, one thing led to another and I fall in love with this woman. She was married going through a divorce, it was a surprise to me, me and her were about the same age, I’m still young, I’m 22. We would talk a lot, she would share stories of the traumas she faced growing up, unspeakable traumas that left internal and external scars. She would tell me how her mother was into witchcraft and how she use to practice it. She would often say “There are some things I can’t tell you.” In one instance we were hanging out, by the DMV so she can get a copy of her driver’s license, as we were waiting in the parking lot a flock of crows stopped where we were parked and they started foraging for food right next to us. She said it was a sign, a good sign, a sign of change as she would say.

She was broke and made her money manipulating men to her will, she was a pretty gal with bad intentions. I was so hypnotized, I couldn’t see it, not at first. She sold me an image of herself, it felt so real I couldn’t believe it. I paid for all the dates and I even paid for her month’s share of her rent. The signs would increase with frequency. She hated moths, they would appear and she hated the moths so much “kill those ****s” she would say. Then they started appearing to me. Along with the crows. I disregarded them at first, just a coincidence.

Then the dreams started happening. The first one, very vivid and scary. I was in my house where we had first met, she was standing there smiling at me with this very sinister smile. I asked what’s going on, she blinked and checked me out and made eye contact, still smiling; then the whole house started to shake violently and she was still smiling. I had trouble waking up from the dream like I was stuck and couldn’t get out and then I managed to wake up. Didn’t even sleep 5 minutes before the dream happened, I went to my dad and asked if I can sleep next to him (That’s how scared I was at the time). I call her the next morning and I tell her about my dream, she also had a really bad dream involving an earthquake except it involved gore. Coincidence? Maybe.

A few days after she did a tarot card reading. A day later I do mine and showed her, she was astonished. It spoke of a great disappointment and that justice will be done for all my good deeds in the past. I didn’t think much of it.

I hung out with one of my old female friends for advice on how I should handle the relationship, when I went to go pick her up, I looked over my window, a huge moth was on the inside of my car. I had no idea how that got there, like it just appeared out of thin air. A week later everything goes south. I began to see who she really was. It killed me. My heart, shattered. I remember the dream where she was smiling. She went back with her ex-husband. I cried for 3 days and nights. Every night I would have these very intense lucid dreams. I kept a log of them for future reference.
“I saw crows/ravens yesterday while out with my brother. It was interesting I was explaining to him the things I have been seeing, it looked as if they were watching over me or trying to deliver a message. I have also been seeing glimpses of orbs from time to time.” “Woke up at 4:50 AM Had Another dream. Me and her had sex again(in the dream), I think it was at my old house. Then I was in a field somewhere, a dirt paved road, I was talking to an older wise man about the things I’ve been seeing, he said it’s a good sign with a surprised look on his face. She was also there and said the same thing.”

“ I remember looking at a grassy front yard and seeing 3 crows looking at me, I looked away and looked back at the yard and they were gone, then it struck me, I’m dreaming. I concentrated then, asked the crows for help to take me to her and a huge flock flew around me, lifted me up and took me a train station. There were so many people in the train station, everyone looked like they were on the move, like they needed to be somewhere. I saw the wise old man, I asked what was going on and he said “don’t worry if I can do it, so can you, give it three months” I walked around and there she was, she didn’t even know I was there, I called her name out she looked over then ignored me and left the train to depart somewhere else. Felt like a break up there wasn’t a good bye. I wake up.”

Next day I get a call from one of my friends, she needs to get picked up at a train station because her parents were out of town and there was no one to pick her up. Weird. I thought it would be easy to get over but that wasn’t the case. I would go out with friends to bars, clubs and stuff to try to get my mind off everything that has been happening and I couldn’t even enjoy myself, everything I did reminded me of her. It takes time, my friends would say. On the third day of tears, I remember waking up at 5 am, feeling very depressed. I look over and there was a big moth right on my window as if it was mocking me or telling me that I wasn’t alone. I cried even harder when I saw that sign right on my bedroom window, it didn’t make sense. I tried calling her again but that just ****ed her off. Her roommate told me that she really hopes I find someone that actually deserved me, that I was a really good guy. I guess she knew all the ** she was putting me through.
It would have been easy to move on. It wasn’t. The signs would appear to me every day. Every fking day I would see the crows, when I’m on my way to work, while I’m at work, while I’m walking around. They were there. It was interesting how they would interact, how they would appear and just stare at me. It got to the point that I would curse at them. I remember one just perching just feet away from me, cawing at me “**** you” I said to it.
Then they started slowing down. It took about 3 months until their appearances receded. Then I was visited by ravens, the one’s with yellow beaks. Which made the encounters that much more interesting because they would appear when I would endlessly obsess about it all. I had another dream. The dream was a text message exchange between her roommate and the witch. “You didn’t tell (niesmo) anything about me did you?” That’s what the message said. And then I woke up.

I got in touch with her roommates a few days later and they told me everything. They told me that I deserved to know the truth, everyone deserves to know the truth. That she was fake *** *****, they even questioned what I even saw in her. Thinking about the negatives gave me some immediate comfort. Next month she finally divorced her husband, guess it was never suppose to work out, not with him, not with me. She reconciles with me over FB..

A few weeks pass and I have another dream. It’s her finding out that I have been beating around the bush gossiping with her friends about her. She was ****ed in the dream with this weird smile, like I caught you smile.
I said things I should have not said, she found out that I was talking to her friends about her. She took it like I was talking ****. She blocks me, fair enough. That connection destroyed. Probably for the best, sometimes you have to burn a bridge to build a city..

A few weeks ago, I was obsessing over her. I was so frustrated and upset and yelled at the top of my lungs while I was driving (I've done this many times out of frustration). "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" This time, something heard me, something replied to me. It croaked back at me, from above, something was flying following me, it sounded like a vulture but it sounded evil... "Brawwwwwccchhhh!!! Braaaaaaaaaaaauck!!!" I stayed dead silent..

The dreams haven’t stopped, I still have them every now and then except they’re not about her. They’re just about what’s going on with me. They’re like little revelations.. as she would say. Maybe it’s a lesson that I’m suppose to learn, it woke me up from the sedentary life I had been living. Maybe there’s something watching out for me.. I no longer see the signs, maybe once in a while I’ll spot something out of place but they are no longer haunting me the way they did. The only thing bothering me is the sheer memory of it all, I was going insane when it was all going down.
Thanks for listening. Any thoughts?
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