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Old 11-02-2012, 07:54 AM
Silver Silver is offline
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Lightbulb Professional Massage~

I posted on another thread as an aside that I was getting my very first professional massage earlier today and I did. It was grrreat! I was very nervous last week when I set up the appointment and the chiropractor's wife, who is the receptionist was very encouraging, and I needed that. The one thing she told me that came true was that the hour will go by very fast!

One of the coolest things is I had just recently purchased some really lovely massage oil online and I took it with me, hoping she could use it and she did. They say sure, bring your own oil if you want. I ordered it from Isabella catalog online, it's called Kate's Magik Aphrodisiac Fire and it's the perfect scent and one of his patients was in the hallway and smelled it and asked what that was, it was so nice. It's made with sweet almond oil, cold pressed avocado oil, vitamin e, along with the essential oils of sandalwood, patchouli, moroccan rose, and ylang ylang, which I love.

I realized today that even though I think both the masseuse and I were nervous, it was a wonderful experience that I look forward to repeating again soon.

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Old 11-02-2012, 08:39 AM
psychoslice psychoslice is offline
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If I was there with you I would give you a full body massage, I became a masseur many years ago, I have been back into it for the last few months, I massage a lady who lives just a few doors up from me, she gets a full body massage once a week for free, gee she's lucky lol.
A belief system is nothing but poison to your capacity to understand. Good words are used to hide ugly things. – Osho
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Old 11-02-2012, 08:55 AM
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What do you think of acupuncture................
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Old 11-02-2012, 08:57 AM
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the best

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Old 11-02-2012, 09:23 AM
Silver Silver is offline
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Originally Posted by psychoslice
If I was there with you I would give you a full body massage, I became a masseur many years ago, I have been back into it for the last few months, I massage a lady who lives just a few doors up from me, she gets a full body massage once a week for free, gee she's lucky lol.

You went to vocational school to learn massage? I didn't know that.

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Old 11-02-2012, 09:54 AM
psychoslice psychoslice is offline
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Originally Posted by Silvergirl
You went to vocational school to learn massage? I didn't know that.
Vocational, mmmm, I never heard that name before, no I studied Naturopathy, for five years.
A belief system is nothing but poison to your capacity to understand. Good words are used to hide ugly things. – Osho
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Old 11-02-2012, 10:25 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by psychoslice
Vocational, mmmm, I never heard that name before, no I studied Naturopathy, for five years.

Do you work in that feild?
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Old 11-02-2012, 11:09 AM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Hey SG ..

I am so glad you had your massage the oil sounds divine ...Hope your feeling wonderful . (((Hugs))). U deserve the Best SG XX.

Oh to have a massage weekly ****SIGH****

Wow Slice I didnt know you studied Naturopathy ..The Things we learn as we plod along .


Last edited by Smiler : 11-02-2012 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 11-02-2012, 12:44 PM
Squatchit Squatchit is offline
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It sounds wonderful SG. I wish we had 'smelly' computers so you could waft the oil across the oceans to give me a whiff!!

Did you fall asleep during the hour? Was there background soothing music? Did you feel refreshed and rejuvenated afterwards, or sleepy and dosy, or.....?

I only ask because I've never had a massage.
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Old 11-02-2012, 09:34 PM
psychoslice psychoslice is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
Do you work in that feild?
Hi Gem, no I don't work, I'm on a disability pension, I use to practice but at that time I didn't have enough confidence, so i just gave it all up.
A belief system is nothing but poison to your capacity to understand. Good words are used to hide ugly things. – Osho
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