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Old 21-05-2011, 02:19 AM
SeekingTheShift SeekingTheShift is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 143
Quest For Hope - Cosmic Closet - Part 2

The Quest For Hope Begins

I have been in touch with the Guides for a number of years but the oldest notebook I can locate dates back to June of 2009. I let the very earliest books go because it seemed like the thing to do at the time. I had experienced some very aggravating dealings with coyotes/tricksters and all I wanted to remember of those days was the lessons I had learned. That using discernment is vastly important.

My main topic of interest for years has been the approaching Shift. I was perfectly content to just be open to what the Guides wanted to share about the times to come. The only other thing I desired to know was what I had come here to do in this lifetime. What was my quest?

Communication with the Guides became most interesting in early June of 2009. It was on June 11th that Elican began to present the Eight Fold Quest for Hope. The words are lovely and full of hope and our future possibilities.

1) Glow with the knowing that God loves humankind

2) Hold the love from this glow in each heart for this gift from God

3) Future people that live on Earth will have the gift of healing the Earth

4) The Shift to gift full knowing to right individuals that stay on the New Earth

5) Full knowing is a gift from the future. Each person to gain full healing in the Great Shift

6) Right thinking leads to the full use of our future gifts

7) Teach hope to the world for right thinking

8) The love flows over the Earth and gifts humans with true knowing for the future Earth

The language pattern of the Guides is a bit different… using words like element, glow, tone, eons, flow and illumination. I probably won’t use many direct quotes because their syntax is rather stilted. On the flip side I understood by the syntax that the information that was coming in was not from my ‘higher self’, but from outside of myself because I darn sure don’t use these words in my typical daily conversations.

Elican, my main guide/gatekeeper begins all of our conversations and typically lets me know if another guide wants to speak. After my episodes with the coyotes I decided that if I didn’t get an introduction from Elican… I ain’t talking to ‘em.

Elican began to talk about ‘illness’ which was/is due to the Shift… It took a while for me to understand they were referring to is what we call ascension symptoms. The stages of ascension can be hard on us as we begin to vibrate to ever higher frequencies, but each stage of the shift, bit by bit, is like a self-healing process.

Here is a quote… “Illness to heal starts with individual Quest for Hope. The Eight Fold Quest heals each person that quests for hope. The element (Healing) places a gift of knowing in the light of the glow for the New Earth.”

To my understanding, the date of the Shift is a set date. A date when the Earth moves from the fourth to fifth dimension. The shift from one dimension to the next is something that the Guides have repeated many, many times. It was eons ago that God/Source/All That Is chose the future date for the shift to take place. I have come to think of the 12-21-2012 date as an island in time.

For the Summer Solstice of 2009, a dear friend and I did a picnic/ceremony to celebrate the fresh season. That summer, the new energy that opened with my intent for the Solstice brought in a connection to new Guide.

The day after the solstice, June 22nd, I first encountered Hod. Hod’s intense energy was as huge as it was strong. Here is a link and quickie read about Hod which is also the name of the eighth position of the kabalistic tree of life. Remember that the number eight is significant in my life. http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Hod_%28Kabbalah%29

This was one of those mind bending bits of information for me. I had learned in past readings that I have lived lives in Egypt and worked with Thoth energy. Hod, is related to the energy of the Egyptian deity, Thoth. This was an unexpected validation for me when I learned of yet one more connection with Thoth. Hod was also the first guide to actually speak about cosmic connections.

“Off world means other beings from, yes, intergalactic planets. For light years intergalactic beings have traveled for Earth’s shift to assist humankind. As humans now awaken, Earth shifts to illness prior to shift from 4th to 5th dimension. 5th dimension to gift millions the gift of ultimate knowing.

Right thinking, Earth, yes, hopes to meet intergalactic family to teach students. For eons has Earth learned knowledge and lessons from off world teachers of the Shift. People from ancient Mexico (Mayans) learned of the Shift. A gift of learning for humankind. Knowledge was a gift to prepare Earth for the future Shift.”

Okay, enough for this writing. Reprocessing the material was surprisingly tiring, almost like receiving the words anew yet maybe even stronger for taking the opportunity to express and share the energy.

Hugs, hope and blessings.
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Old 31-08-2011, 06:43 PM
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Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
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Old 01-09-2011, 12:05 PM
SeekingTheShift SeekingTheShift is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 143
Good Morning Samuel,

Thank you for the post. Another 'key' the Guides shared is, Balance is the Key and hope is the door.

I also want to say thank you for bringing me the occasion to reread the post... Since I first typed it up I have come to understand that the Mayan Calendar completion date and 12-21-2012 are two different islands in time and I will make that change in the second section very soon. I am currently working on section 13 and then plan to update the site this weekend.

If you are interested in more of of the cosmic stuff please visit...

I am always interested and open to the thoughs of other folks.

Love, hugs, hope and blessings.
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Old 11-08-2012, 10:28 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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I didn't realize you had posted more... I got a wave of warm, loving energy when I read this, it is still flowing through me like a warm spiritual hug!

Thanks again.
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:25 PM
SeekingTheShift SeekingTheShift is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 143
Hi Nameless,

Again, thank you.

The Eight Fold Quest is lovely and simple. I am grateful to have been given the Quest to learn more about and in time, to share with those that are drawn to the ideas.

Love, hugs, hope and blessings.
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