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Old 30-12-2024, 10:53 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldcup7
Non-duality teaching expresses that there is no other. Although it can be conceded that there may appear to be others, and this could be considered as a reflection of the True nature of being.

These are results from google for "do non-dualists believe others don't exist?"

Answer: No, non-dualists do not believe that other people don't exist; rather, they believe that at the deepest level of reality, there is no fundamental separation between oneself and others, meaning that everything is ultimately interconnected and part of a single, unified consciousness, so the distinction between "self" and "other" is considered an illusion.

I think I said the same thing. Me and you both exist as individuals but we are the same thing. Awareness. We appear to be different only because we are identifying with different content and involved with different content.

But even if we had the exact same content and same view, we would still be two different points of perception. The source is such every "atom" of it is self aware. Awareness is what it is. We are all connected to the same source and also part and parcel of it. You are me exist but we are not "others." We are one.
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:08 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Do pardon me if you think I’m speaking out of turn.

no i thought that a perfect thing to say. I learn slowly, but I do learn
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:10 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
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Originally Posted by J_A_S_G
One way to think about it is can we experience anything apart/separate from consciousness? That being the case I think it makes more sense to investigate consciousness itself and not the experiences which appear in consciousness.

I think the "means" one may use to "investigate" would be thought and thought is what ego is made of. So to me this investigation would be a trap of sorts or a "trick" of the ego. There can be no method or technique of willful action to find something that has never been missing. The "means" to find it is what made it missing in the first place in other words. Nothing is missing. But an ego seeks, that's what it does. It wants to find. An assumption from mind something is missing, some knowledge or achievement or realization, sets up mind as the self. Mind has proclaimed something is lacking and mind then believes it will find a method or technique and so on to find what it has proclaimed is missing. The mind, the known, wants to experience the unknown. An experience and perception and a seeing of what exists apart from itself. The center with a border wants to experience and see what lies beyond itself. It can't! Only with the center and border gone can one perceive what was beyond it.

An attention tangled up in mind is what prevents a direct experience of the divine. Which has never been missing or somewhere other than here and now. I think we have always been enlightened and one with the source. We don't experience this because we have our attention on other things. We have turned our back to the light but the light is still there and always will be.

The "how" to face the light is also an ego question. A mind question. We are facing the light! We are the light.
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:17 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by JustBe
As I’ve mentioned a few times, unless people drop their own stories to allow others to share their experiences, people will continue to project into others their views.

well one of my biggest problems for a long time is, I knew exactly how messed up I am, and I just assumed everyone else was messed up in the same way... and then knew about all the bad things that would happen next...

but I've been trying to listen to what others are actually saying and it seems that isn't the case after all. I realize now a lot of people have problems just not the same ones I have that make it so messy for me.... And I'm kinda grateful for that realization....

as far as my post that you are replying to in some ways i probably shouldn't have made it, I felt like I was flying off the handle a bit. My actual take is that whatever I think I know doesn't seem to matter to others and that seems like that has to be ok... But like you say there is more than one person in the room, and I think that even as it isn't fair for me to be projecting my own wants/desir3ies on everyone else it also isn't fair to me to sit here with totally buttoned lips trying to pretend I don't have wnts/desires myself....
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:25 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by Maisy
Like say someone thinks "this is boring" and is experiencing that. Are they aware this "boredom" experience in this right now is not the only one possible now? A slight shift in ones awareness or ones relationship with their mind etc can majorly alter or change how this now is experienced.

yes very true... but on the other hand I find such questions extremely thorny. Because on the one hand I have, being trapped in some 'bad now' and on the other all the ways people say one should use to get to a 'better now'. As well as what that 'better now' should consist of.

All that just ends up hurting my head. Because somehow no matter what I do in trying to figure out the best way to be in a later now it is always at odds with who I actually am in both this now and the later now? Or it feels something like that.
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:40 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by Maisy
This phase will last for about a billion years.
this presumes a 'now' that none of us existing in this now right here right now will actually have, projected from a series of 'nows' that we already have had that are way way way way way divorced from the now that it talks about.

I've learned to be somewhat skeptical about such claims, ok they may be for real or they may not. It isn't something I am able to know myself. But even so, no matter what the truth content is for it, how does that help me here, in this now that I'm in right now?

We are like "on a ride." Get in the body, have this story, then leave the body.

for me part of the ride means I get to learn I don't GOTTA sit passively through the ride as if in a theatre watching a play....
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Old 30-12-2024, 11:42 PM
J_A_S_G J_A_S_G is offline
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Originally Posted by Maisy
The center with a border wants to experience and see what lies beyond itself. It can't! Only with the center and border gone can one perceive what was beyond it.
What's it like to experientially perceive what's beyond it? By that I mean what does it feel like that might be different than how reality is normally experienced?
JASG AKA JustASimpleGuy
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Old 31-12-2024, 12:20 AM
J_A_S_G J_A_S_G is offline
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Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
I've learned to be somewhat skeptical about such claims, ok they may be for real or they may not. It isn't something I am able to know myself. But even so, no matter what the truth content is for it, how does that help me here, in this now that I'm in right now?
My perspective on the Now as it usually seems to be used is it's pretty much mindfulness. Being present in the moment. Having a more focused and less scattered and reactive mind.

I think there's a deeper meaning that points to how we know the Now. I'll leave it to the man himself, the legend, the author of "The Power of Now" - Eckhart Tolle to clarify. https://youtu.be/eGH6sdODcOw?t=972
JASG AKA JustASimpleGuy
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Old 31-12-2024, 12:38 AM
J_A_S_G J_A_S_G is offline
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Originally Posted by J_A_S_G
I'll leave it to the man himself, the legend, the author of "The Power of Now" - Eckhart Tolle to clarify. https://youtu.be/eGH6sdODcOw?t=972
Wow! I haven't listened to this in 6 or 7 years and listening now it's nothing short of classic Advaita Vedanta.
JASG AKA JustASimpleGuy
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Old 31-12-2024, 01:58 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldcup7
Non-duality teaching expresses that there is no other. Although it can be conceded that there may appear to be others, and this could be considered as a reflection of the True nature of being.

Can I ask you goldcup.

Before you understood non dual teachings did you see yourself differently to how you see life and yourself now?

Most people here are navigating non duality through a views from past conditioning and perceived separation, align the teachings, to experiences of building an awareness of it, in that way.

I suppose I’m curious as to yiu before all this your conveying here?
Rest in the incomprehensible nature of it, in the unresolvable nature of what this is. Feel the immediacy of this moment, its shimmering aliveness. And as you feel it, notice how it does not need your effort. It does not need your agreement or your understanding. It simply is- Nic Higham
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