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Old 19-12-2024, 09:50 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by jojo50
which makes everything in the bible true.

Really, I'm sure we can all find Biblical Scriptures which are definitely 'not' true, thankfully, imo.
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Old 20-12-2024, 06:50 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by jojo50
Sky, every human on earth once did or believed something. until they had reasons which caused them to stop, like with any other religious organization.

I often wonder why some only change their Religious Beliefs when they are told too rather than from personal insight....
Mybe the fear of being 'shunned' is the reason. I do actually know a witness family who 'secretly' do Celebrate the birth of Jesus, how sad.
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Old 20-12-2024, 08:13 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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...... and I know of Buddhists that 'celebrate' Christmas.

So what?

I find it to be 'corny' and 'interesting'.

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Old 23-12-2024, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Redchic12
JOJO…….”Jehovah God's words shows that there will soon be world peace. but that will come by through Jesus. So are you saying that the Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, who don’t believe in Jesus won’t find peace?

true, Jesus will be the one ridding this world of satan, his demons, and all who causes trouble. anyone here right now can find some sort of peace. it depends on how we live our lives. but in this world as we know it. NO one will truly have total peace. because there will still be sickness, death, sadness, hatred, and wickedness.

as you said, (because it's the word of God), soon there will be world peace. I'm saying what Jesus said, (John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.)

it doesn't matter who we are, what we call ourselves. what we believe or chose not to believe, God's word still stands. in order to have total peace that
Jehovah God will bring by means of his Son. we MUST, take in knowledge of those two. as well as following the steps Jesus placed before us.
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Old 23-12-2024, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by sky
Yes 'some' of the opinions/words of the Scribes are very wise and worth quoting imo....

and what about the words Jesus spoked? he was more "wiser" than any Scribe.
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Old 23-12-2024, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by sky
Leave out 'soon' and yes I do believe peace 'is' possible.....

I know peace is possible, but I didn't ask, if you "believe peace is possible." I asked, you really believe that soon, all humans will bring peace. because as you stated something to being within? mankind has been on earth for a very long time. if you believe man can bring on worldly peace. what's taking so long, we're living in the time of the End of this system now?
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Old 23-12-2024, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by sky
Really, I'm sure we can all find Biblical Scriptures which are definitely 'not' true, thankfully, imo.

the bible was allowed by means of God's Holy Spirit, to the men who worshiped him. though many translators removed like God's name. or other verses in some bible versions. Jehovah God still made sure that there are versions were his words were left untouched.

every story, even if it seems unbelievable, happened. the purpose was so that those in our day, could see the many same struggles and problems existed in the days of old. showing us that God provided a way out for them. and he will do it for us

also, the bible was meant for those who believe in God and all he stands for. so those who doesn't believe, it wasn't meant for them. though if they feel they can benefit from God's words, that good too.
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Old 23-12-2024, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by sky
I often wonder why some only change their Religious Beliefs when they are told too rather than from personal insight.... Mybe the fear of being 'shunned' is the reason. I do actually know a witness family who 'secretly' do Celebrate the birth of Jesus, how sad.

I agree, one shouldn't change their beliefs, just because someone told them to. I wouldn't, but then I even as a teen did what I wanted to do, and not what others thought I should do. you're right, "personal insight." many I know, changed their religious beliefs, because they of the teachings. it wasn't in line with God's word, these wanted the truth.

I also find that many won't!... change their religious beliefs. because they don't want to be seen differently. yet Jesus and his followers were looked at differently. even his brothers thought that he was going mad, because of what he was saying. though he spoke the truth.

as we say, we're like anybody else, because we too were the world. so, we still have to fight, as the bible showed, our old ways and habits. we who hide from humans. seem to forget, it's not humans that we have to answer to, but God.
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Old 23-12-2024, 07:00 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by jojo50
and what about the words Jesus spoked? he was more "wiser" than any Scribe.

Unfortunately I wasn't present when Jesus spoke....
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Old 23-12-2024, 07:03 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by jojo50
we're living in the time of the End of this system now?

In your opinion, to which you are entitled....
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