Originally Posted by SaraTherase
This causes me to question within myself and others where is the fine line between genuine spirituality and spiritual ego?
There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.
One could be well studied in and very knowledgeable of spiritual things but not yet more connected with their Soul, Higher Self (higher vibrating self), Innate, Smart Body, and what some call God.
The connection is an energetic connection and entanglement with love energies. Pure unconditional love energies.
Once more connected, we will start to see everything from a positive and benevolent perspective as our true nature of love moves front and center and our ego moves to the background.
At our state of consciousness we can not completely do away with the ego, which was designed for our survival to stay alive and out of harm, and so it is still needed in this spiritually young world in which evil and danger are still naturally prevalent and dominant.
Our first reaction will always come from our ego, but the more connected we are the faster we switch over from the ego to our true nature of love.
Reading between the lines, that would mean there are no Saints or fully "enlightened" persons who are still in the physical human form.
To completely do away with the ego and be 100% pure unconditional love we would no longer be in a physical form and simply vanish and merge with the Whole which is the infinite conglomerate, infinite meld, infinite confluence of love energies.
Good to know the more sincere love we have in heart and mind the less we will get our buttons pressed easily. Then we will complain less, blame less, and judge others less.
And what we do for others will be done out of an innate passion without expecting praise, acknowledgment, benefit, or reward in return.
What has been said is not a criticism of humanity, but rather to highlight that it is all part of our spiritual evolution to love.