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Old 11-12-2024, 02:02 AM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by SaraTherase
This causes me to question within myself and others where is the fine line between genuine spirituality and spiritual ego?

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.

One could be well studied in and very knowledgeable of spiritual things but not yet more connected with their Soul, Higher Self (higher vibrating self), Innate, Smart Body, and what some call God.

The connection is an energetic connection and entanglement with love energies. Pure unconditional love energies.

Once more connected, we will start to see everything from a positive and benevolent perspective as our true nature of love moves front and center and our ego moves to the background.

At our state of consciousness we can not completely do away with the ego, which was designed for our survival to stay alive and out of harm, and so it is still needed in this spiritually young world in which evil and danger are still naturally prevalent and dominant.

Our first reaction will always come from our ego, but the more connected we are the faster we switch over from the ego to our true nature of love.

Reading between the lines, that would mean there are no Saints or fully "enlightened" persons who are still in the physical human form.

To completely do away with the ego and be 100% pure unconditional love we would no longer be in a physical form and simply vanish and merge with the Whole which is the infinite conglomerate, infinite meld, infinite confluence of love energies.

Good to know the more sincere love we have in heart and mind the less we will get our buttons pressed easily. Then we will complain less, blame less, and judge others less.

And what we do for others will be done out of an innate passion without expecting praise, acknowledgment, benefit, or reward in return.

What has been said is not a criticism of humanity, but rather to highlight that it is all part of our spiritual evolution to love.
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Old 15-12-2024, 02:46 PM
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helping others

Originally Posted by SaraTherase
This causes me to question within myself and others where is the fine line between genuine spirituality and spiritual ego?

First I would appreciate you wish to help others spiritually like many others on this forum . That is very much commendable .

Ego as a mental body that allows us smooth navigation in the world is great and very much required and is not harmful at all .

Trouble starts when Ego starts putting more importance to self and less to others ' ego and starts discriminating and indulges in self-aggrandizement. This kind of ego can be out of money / position / name/ fame / power/ knowledge (including spiritual knowledge) / physical beauty . Such ego is harmful to one's own ego in long run as it is not sustainable and enjoyable but also to other's ego and does not lead to great experiences .

If a person is having ego of spiritual knowledge indulging in discrimination and self aggrandizement ,then first of all he/she is not spiritual at all or at best he/she is learning ropes of spirituality. Another thing you should be more focused on yourself for your own spiritual work/ growth than depend on such people for approbation or for forming a spiritual grouping with them. As such ego are not sustainable , reality will take care of it in due course .

Last edited by HITESH SHAH : 15-12-2024 at 03:31 PM.
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Old 15-12-2024, 03:27 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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Originally Posted by wstein
Sadly, not all that pursue 'spiritual careers' are spiritual themselves.
Thoughtfully, is this something to learn (and do) both by follower and teacher. Everyone knows spiritual, part of the conflict we feel before we manifest. We create, nothing more. It is not forever. It more a question of why imo? Speak with ego and find out. Can one speak with ego?
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Old 17-12-2024, 08:50 AM
vortex vortex is offline
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you are human you have a powerful tool the mind
but its just a tool and you can tell it to shut up
the truth is their are no truths just the ones you create
your reality is an illusion of what you believe it to be or make it mean
its one of the wonders of being human the freedom to be any thing you want

what are you making ego, spiritual mean to you it will be different for every one
it will change, as you discover new ways of being "i hate the word learn" wit new beliefs but know its all an awesome illusion of your creating
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Old 17-12-2024, 10:45 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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What I say is if you cant help others without getting the praise don't do it at all
I help people what they do after is up to them.
I help them find their way but I have seen them after and they walk straight past but that is their problem not mine

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
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Old 19-12-2024, 07:35 AM
Rah nam Rah nam is offline
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Spiritual Ego sounds like an Oxymoron to me.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 19-12-2024, 03:47 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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Originally Posted by Rah nam
Spiritual Ego sounds like an Oxymoron to me.
Ego can be thought of relative to consciousness related to what we decide to do. Yet we are spirit. All of this is at the same time. Does spirit do what Ego says. Are we opposite of spirit. Act seems important. Ego seems to influence so much here yet there are elements of spirit consciousness.

Do we become an entirely different consciousness because spirit is aware also. Body can't comprehend spirit. We move forward, some returning or into others realms and consciousness continues as it continued. Spirit is conscious and acts as well. Spirit is aware.

Spirit must act with awareness and it experiences. It takes back it's lessons maybe just as we act with awareness here. Ego is that awareness. I think spirit thinks and acts. I think it all has to do with consciousness. There are young and old spirits and do spirits act differently. The pure God world is not the same. So much is what we can accept and cannot accept. Hope to hear more information.
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Old 19-12-2024, 10:06 PM
Nathaniel Nathaniel is offline
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A ‘spiritual’ ego is a person based or partly based on a set of thoughts around the idea of what ‘spirituality’ or ‘being spiritual is’ (usually picked up from what others have said maybe through a book or a teacher or other spiritual egos). Thus a rigid belief system is formed and the person acts and speaks in accordance with what they ‘think’ they ‘know’.

‘Being spiritual’ has got nothing to do with thinking or acting in a certain way. It’s got nothing to do with what you or I believe. Truth doesn’t care about our beliefs and opinions. Truth is regardless.
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