Dear santacruz18,
Greetings, companion of consciousness.
A simple way to answer such question is to ask what the environment looks like inside their heart. Death is not closure, it is an opening. It is that which exists on the inside filling that which is on the outside, or that which you call environment.
You cannot hide anything from your soul, nor does it hide anything from you. This fact is demonstrated in the touching personal experience of eezi-ulgen.
To understand each individual environment of each individual soul upon passing you need to understand the process of biological death.
Biological death is merely the removal of a filter from the lens (human body) of awareness of the soul. The lens is used by your soul to filter out frequencies of light and information, so that it can experience a specific design out of its own light and frequencies. When you remove the physical body you remove the filter, and more light (love) and information (design) comes into your field of view, which is what is called "raising your awareness". Or said differently, changing the design of how you experience what love is.
As more awareness comes into view of the soul who has passed, more of what is creating their human persona is revealed to them by instantaneous experiential manifestation. Some will experience a transient glimpse of a personal hell, manifested from an absence of love for themselves. Though this is over very quickly, from the point of view of an external observer. Others, and eventually all, will experience profound bliss through love and acceptance. Both referenced experiences are created from the process of expanded awareness, and should not be considered as separate.
The environments experienced by the soul in bliss and acceptance will be associated with what their expanded awareness has allowed them to remember. Memories play a fundamental role in the reality you experience in any, and all, states of consciousness.
The soul in the process of unsubscribing to physical biological life will hold memories of environments which bring them feelings of peace, happiness and wellbeing. These environments will be recreated for them with infinite intricate detail, to help them understand that they have not lost anything they hold dear to them. As each soul accepts more love (light) into themselves more memories of other people, and other environments, continue to come into view and into their experience. These will be people and environments not even known during the previous lifetime, but which have played a significant role in the soul they have become.
Your imagination is an awareness of something which already exists. If you can imagine your loved ones in a specific place, then such a place already exists, but in a form profoundly more intimate for them than anything you can presently imagine.