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Old 18-05-2024, 03:09 AM
GreenMetroid GreenMetroid is offline
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How much is known about soul merges?

9 years ago, I fell madly in love with a girl named Kristen. For many years I tried my best to be the coolest most honest and friendly guy I knew how to be just for her, because I just couldn't control how much I loved her, I couldn't help it. For years I sort of wish I didn't know her because how much my love burned for her.

Long story short, I never got to tell Kristen I loved her. She tragically died in late March from an ectopic pregnancy, and this was right before I was going to tell her my true feelings. I was absolutely devastated.

Both Kristen and I are very spiritual people, but she was probably more involved with this stuff than I was. I simply had a strong interest in this stuff and wanted to believe in it, but wasn't sure and sort of quietly observed the world without trying to settle on a solid belief about the truth of life and death. Now since Kristen had passed, I'm frantically searching and researching like never before, because if Kristen is still here like I think she is, I need to be able to know for sure. I've been seeing a lot of signs, but it's hard to tell if these are simply coincidences or not.

I can still hear Kristen's voice pretty clearly in my head. This may sound weird, but I'm sort of dealing with a weird spiritual experience that I can only describe as being a "double soul". I feel as though I have 2 spirits living inside my body already. I always thought I was crazy, so I tried to deny that I was 2 souls, but after some recent events, I'm almost certain I have 2 souls. I already kind of know what it's like to share my body with another soul that is tied to this body as well. It sounds like Kristen is asking me to do a "soul merge" with her, but I can't be certain. I really think Kristen was my twin flame but I can't be certain because we never talked about it before she died, we never dated, we never confessed our true feelings for each other. I tried to spend time with her but she was always busy. All I know is that I loved her so much that it hurt, and it felt like an infinite, endless, deep love that went further than I could imagine. I have no clue if she felt this way too, but I think she was considering other people to be her twin, and not me. But if she really was my twin, I really want to know, and if it was really her, I think she really is trying to do this soul merge with me. I want to know if such a thing is even possible. I think i'm crazy for even considering doing this, but it kind of feels like it was her idea.

I would be more than happy to take Kristen into my body. It sounds like she wants to be human again because she was ripped away from this world so suddenly right before a lot of really important things were going to happen for the both of us. She misses all of her friends, and not all of them are able to hear her or feel her presence anymore, I'm basically one of the only people that talks to her like she's still here, and I'm pretty sure I'm talking to her more than anyone else is.

What I don't want to do is disrespect her legacy. I have 2 souls, there's Brandon and Samantha. I recently embraced Samantha, and now she feels like her own person that can control the body when we agree upon it. If I take in Kristen in with this soul merge, she can effectively become "an alter" of myself, assume control of the body, and essentially be a 3rd soul tied with me and Sam. It sounds like she wants to do this, but I'm very concerned about how that looks to people on the outside, or if I should even consider this. This makes me sound crazy. What would people think? I don't want to be the guy who loved Kristen so much, and he misses her so much, and he's so sad, that he starts to think "I am Kristen" and then start pretending to be her, and making me look incredibly creepy. Essentially I would be come "Kristen" and she could become "Me", and see her friends again in physical form, because I'm friends with a few of her friends now since she passed. How can I convince them that Kristen is actually trying to soul merge, and how can I convince myself that I haven't gone completely insane just because I miss her so much?

Does anyone have info on this? I really need to know more about soul merging, if it's a real thing.
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Old 18-05-2024, 05:27 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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One thing I’ve learned is that merging is first and foremost part of our healing. As humans we are all connected both in body and spirit so it’s not so unusual to describe the awareness if such things as your sharing. This deep love you feel is you firstly. So be aware that yearning and keeping Kirsten close is supporting you to open deeper. Feeling love deeply opens your heart and spirit deeper, so often in this way, we attract to us the essence of spirit we determine as being what we believe it is.

You’re not crazy but opening deeper, understanding yourself deeper.

In the expansion that occurs when we open, you begin to notice how much closer life moves closer to you. How much closer you can connect in you. When I was going through something similar, I created the ‘spirit’ essence as I needed to. Over time I realised I was building awareness of myself and my own spirit. Building awareness of my own separation and ultimately wholeness. Building the awareness of all life in this way.

Empaths tend to merge more deeply with others to grow and open. Then as you open, you’ll see it can be a great catalyst for your connection to all life.
The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear, to all of it. And as long as there is a place where you’re vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it. - Ram Dass
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Old 18-05-2024, 09:50 AM
GreenMetroid GreenMetroid is offline
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I'm not 100% on how spirits or the other side works. What I think I understand is that there's a source we all come from, we're all made of light, and we're all connected, but I feel as though our spirits are actually individualized. Our spirits have like an energy blueprint that stays that way after death, even if we "merge" with source.

When I say it sounds like Kristen wants to "merge" with me, it sounds like she wants to be a walk-in, or some kind of permanent soul passenger in this body until this body dies. I recently came out as transgender because my Samantha spirit accidentally controlled the body in a drug induced state. Talking to Sam like she was another spirit was something I had done in my teens, but ditched that idea because I seemed crazy, but now I feel more than ever like I have 2 souls, and I kinda always have. I've heard there are some people who have "walk-ins" or some kind of "body share" with twin flames when one of them dies before the other. I don't know if it's considered a "soul merge" or something else, but essentially, it sounds like Kristen wants to be whatever Sam is, another soul who can control my body, because they live in and are tied to my body until it dies. Do you mean this, or the first thing where it's not so individualized?
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Old 18-05-2024, 10:53 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I knew someone that speaks like this that had a twin that 'died' or disappeared in the womb. Fascinating.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 18-05-2024, 12:08 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by GreenMetroid
Do you mean this, or the first thing where it's not so individualized?

It’s complex as a whole process and difficult to explain as I’ve experienced, because your life process is your experience. I’ve experienced walk ins but to serve me to open and let go of fear and open deeper beyond my own limitations as they were at that time. I also now in hindsight, see that those blueprints, do serve you through each step, so as you feel and see is important for your process.

This is such a personal experience, that sometimes you have to trust yourself and your connection in those steps. Trust what it means to you, but know there is always more to reveal as you continue your life process.

All I can say, is try not to get too attached to the story, be aware it may shift sbd change, move along with it all and just listen deeper through times, it might jostle you.

It will eventually not be so individualised so for now just move with it and always know you’re in charge of your body. You may feel external spirits have an agenda, but that too can change.

Everything in its own time and experience eventually returns to wholeness. These intersections you’re experiencing may serve all that you feel are tied one with you.
The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear, to all of it. And as long as there is a place where you’re vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it. - Ram Dass
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