Originally Posted by Butterfly1025
My experience has been that my angels of light can still teach me through reverse psychology when I fear or don't want to listen. Then my signs can sometimes lead me to disappointment although disappointment has taught me a few important lessons too. So just because a sign or message does not bring what you want, or can even hurt, does not mean it's of the darkness. Instead it's made me grow stronger and more able to own my truth.
Lol that is EXACTLY what my angels have done!! Used reverse pyschology on me!! I'm so caught up in the whole sign stuff, or rather I had been caught up in it that I don't know when its a sign or not and now they've switched it up on me to the point I now know that its a sign from them.
I have to laugh at their sense of humor, they know I love a good laugh and will laugh at just about anything... they know I try to find humor in the most mundane things and I enjoy their sense of humor.
I've learned To find the positive in every situation that's thrown at me, even the most negative ones and that is when my angels shine the brightest -- or rather I shine the brightest. The angels don't like to take any credit, they are more than happy to oblige.
I know this will sound a bit silly but to me its been quite fun, uve taken a job recently in receiving in a well known store here in the US, and at first it wore me out to the point I was wiped out, so exhausted I didn't know what I was doing at work... I'm still exhausted but I can and do make it through an 10 hour day when I'm asked to work a few extra hours... well we have to "donut" or "nub" the clothes we hang, which means we put a plastic "donut" with the size of the piece of clothing. Sounds easy? Lol its not, believe me its a lot harder than you think!! Putting them on the hanger is easy its finding the darn size that's a pain!! Some of them are in the wrong places or mixed in with other sizes so you can be in search of a size 10 for a while... well the angels have taken it upon themselves to help me, I've been intuitively been guided to "find" the sizes I need!!
Ill be searching for a size 46 and bam!! The next pocket I look in viola there it is!!
I had to work over night when I first started and we were "donuting" like crazy and that's when it started to happen like crazy!!l I mean like every size was right there for me over and over!! It made my life a lot easier and it made thingsh a bit more enjoyable working where I do... especially that night.
I've been there a month and I've gotten better at my job and finding the correct sizes but every now and then when I have a difficult size to find there it is!!
Its amazing how happy the angels are to help!! What could have been a very difficult job has become a bit easier with their help. I lovge how they help me with this... they truly are for me, they want me to suceed. And I have with this job.
I struggled terribly the first few weeks, I'm slower than most because of my age and being so out of shape but I've gotten a lot quicker and though I'm still slow, but I'm accurate. I check for my own mistakes more than once. Being OCD helps lol!! I try not to let anything go out to the floor that's wrong!!
I've also learned that the angels don't need the recognition the way we do, a simple thank you, smile of gratitude is sufficient and they don't take any credit. Its what they do best -- help you when you ask.
I'm learning to trust what the angels send me, intuitively, the doubt is from me and yes from angels of darkness, however they aren't responsible for the mishaps as I once believed, they were things I was meant to go through and yes to make me stronger and wiser.
I've learned and have become a lot stronger and al whole lot wiser than I once was. I've learned to question, not to take things at face value the way I once did. But I've also learned whom I can trust and even if I'm not sure I have to have faith that all will work out the way its meant to do.
My not trusting and wanting to believe it was angels of darkness is my own insecurities, my not being able to trust. Since writing this I've grown a tremendous amount, both spiritually and mentally.
I've learned the less I rely upon my angels and spirituality the more my angels help me, the quicker solutions come to me. Its quite miraculous how far I've come, all I've been taught without even realizing that I was being taught a thing.
And even though I'm still going through a hell of sorts I've found the silverlining, and while I'm not satisfied with it, I've learned to be content until its time to move on. Not saying I won't and haven't balked at what's going on, I'm human and we have frailities but I've learned not to give up, that this is not the end of my journey regardless how stuck I feel.
Yes I feel so alone, very, very lonely but within my loneliness I know GOD is with me stronger than ever before. At one time I. Couldn't feel HIS love for me during my darkest hours, now I can, its then I stop to reflect and KNOW I'm not alone. HE Has sent HIS angelique beings of pure light to help guide me. To help lead me to where I'm meant to be.
I'm no special than anyone else, yet we all are very special and unique, some of us have recognized what it is we need and want, recognized the beauty of what GOD has bestowed upon us and while its taken some of us longer I know there is something more. And I'm not alone.