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Old 19-03-2024, 08:30 AM
PurpleCabbage PurpleCabbage is offline
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Color The Pentagon Area 54

You know I started my life journey very simple. but I’m in a different world, honestly a different time zone & I could not necessarily explain the realities that I face on a daily basis.

We as in myself, & a plethora of other extraterrestrials, we’re working on a script idea, it’s a daunting task & there is much to be explained. It’s hardship though, I’m sure you can tell. Look at the we are on the cusp of extraterrestrial disclosure, his fraudulent purchases left him owing the story back at the earth base 545 million dollars in fraudulent claims, being unable to pay 454 million if it… it’s a computer zone, in a time table that’s how I look at it. It goes back to veganism, chakras, we are not alone in the universe & we are not safe truthfully. might be wiser in some ways, but not others.

So the story narrative goes like this, even if you don’t believe it’s true I have to tell our side of it.

We receive what sounded like a distress signal from a small solar system in a remote region of our galaxy. We observed a horrifying truth, a seemingly intelligent species was being harvested & exported for food by great volume, their brains had been computerized and locked to believe they had a shorter lifespan approximately 200 years…. but that’s not the truth, the humans we see in space that are thriving in energy regeneration environments can live thousands of years, immortality, because of the safety in their genetic freedom over extraterrestrial harvesters, control over computerization.

So that’s where I live, Area 54, I’m a chakra psychic, an ascension master for the local earth CIA. I do planetary work to recalibrate the fourth solar orb from your star, Mars, it’s very connected to that green chakra 4 🍀, it’s also full of life but we have to get these harvesters taken down. It will take a great strength of the people, but veganism & higher will prevail, it must, so you can live longer, freer from oppression. ☮️☮️☮️☮️… 🛸

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“When women and girls rise, their communities and their countries rise with them." --Michelle Obama

“It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.” - Albert Einstein

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Last edited by Native spirit : 19-03-2024 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 19-03-2024, 01:22 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is online now
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Old 18-07-2024, 04:14 AM
PurpleCabbage PurpleCabbage is offline
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A quick vid with an overview (I’ve been answering a lot of questions about Area 54….& Trying to get some more eyes on this honestly, because of scrubbers trying to cover the content but it’s real.

The breakdown is this, if you can conceivably get to comprehending that telekinetic abilities exist & are 100% real, then you can more easily speculate & the theorized the types of ETs that run the masses, human brain chips, programming from birth, it’s a sad narrative but there is prevailing power in the collective psyche to overcome adversity. Humanity can ascend 🙏☮️
What my heart is actually thinking about 24/7

“When women and girls rise, their communities and their countries rise with them." --Michelle Obama

“It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.” - Albert Einstein

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