Originally Posted by sky
We can agree to differ I have a distant Relative who was Canonized after being Hung drawn and quarted for His judgement/negative reactions etc: . Jesus also judged others and reacted negatively to their actions....
We can judge without being judgemental, we can judge out of kindness....
Hi Sky,
Agree, no need to argue but a civil discussion is nice! Sharing of ideas.
Could we kill without killing?
Could we judge without judging?
One of Jesus's greatest teachings is judge not lest ye be judged.
When we can't see the bigger picture yet to understand why things are unfolding the way they are, it would be inappropriate for us to make judgement on others.
It would be like a three year old child who is still counting with his fingers to judge the PhD mathematician that his answer to an elaborate equation is wrong.
As we move further along the spiritual path to love, our earlier judgments on others will turn to compassion for others from having been at that earlier point of less awareness, less wisdom, and less benevolent maturity.
Those who now are strongly against wars and killing had in this or past lifetimes being in wars and killed others.
Those who now despises scammers and deceivers had in this or past lifetimes scammed and deceived others.
Those who now wholeheartedly embrace God had in this or past lifetimes mocked and dismissed God.
All part of our human spiritual evolution to become wiser with more benevolent maturity.
And love will always unite, never divides.
Love is much more than just simply a beautiful human emotion.
Love alters our body's chemistry and physics to have a new benevolent mindset of greater caring, understanding, kindness, compassion, tolerance, honesty, integrity, and cooperation. All courtesy of us being more connected with our soul that is a part of God.
Then could Jesus, imbued with pure love or what some call higher DNA efficiency, react negatively and judge others?
Jesus, like many spiritually advance and connected human messengers here throughout the ages, never wrote any of his teachings for preservation. His disciples and others did, none of whom were connected nor had high DNA efficiency that is more pure love.
It then is natural and expected that those writers would inject their personal biases when putting the teachings of Jesus into words.
The writers indeed had a difficult task, that is to understand Jesus's wonderful teachings of pure love and compassion that were in color when they could only see in black and white.
Pure love that can only be unconditional love.
Because conditional love is not love, but rather it is a form of deceit and manipulation to gain control, over others.
There is no judgement nor negative reaction in pure love.
All the best!