I had a bit of a project after my Ascension.. when you drop back into the solar system, how do you get knowledge back onto Earth? Well it does it automatically, through the third Eye chakra, Blue, right below the Purple Chakra. It’s where the universe is visible through your quantum superposition field as a caster. Blue Zones now &.. always beautiful Sardinia, longest living humans, coincidentally also Vegan. Would you look at that. Higher up though, space, space humans, it’s immortal you can live forever but the tracer of knowledge is coming back down to our highest position of visible light aka Sardinia Blue Zones, the projected blue beam of light. Follow it & get your vegan cookbooks out it’s time for some living ☮️☮️☮️☮️… 🛸✌️
Also, remember to plant 🌱 plenty of seeds 🪴 that’s an important topic of health science through reciprocation.