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Old 12-11-2023, 12:39 PM
Uma Uma is offline
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Book1 Need support for weight loss for 50+ people

I had to be very specific in my title for this thread, because the weight loss journey is much more tough and very different when we are older and trying to change a lifetime of poor lifestyle choices while dealing with the realities of an aging body.

I'm wondering who else here has a 50+ body and is Vegan or mostly Vegetarian and has had success losing weight with this lifetyle. In my case I need to abstain from a lot of things that are bad for me and also reduce the food quantity quite a lot since my aging body can't handle what it used to so easily when it was younger.

I love the Marcus and Cara videos and follow many of their tips. Here's a link to their weightloss playlist [url] What do you think of these? Also the Blue Zone teachings (which is currently a Netflix movie).

Most of all what has worked for you?

Help me start my 2024 New Years Resolution early and stick to it!
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Old 13-11-2023, 05:57 AM
Rah nam Rah nam is offline
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I am someone who doesn't likes to give advice, so I just say what happens to me.
Every day I go into the garden and get a grapefruit. I did this since late winter, and we are now close to summer. Yesterday someone came to our house and said: you lost a lot of weight. I thought I lost some weight, but I didn't think it would show.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 13-11-2023, 07:07 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Hi Uma.... I can't give many tips as such but all I would say is make tiny little changes in your diet. By that I mean maybe slightly cut down your intake of carbs and substitute for extra salad or veg. You never need to go without , just tiny little changes, and the other thing that I DO know is excercise !!.
I don't mean go to the gym and go mad. I mean just keep walking, being active etc.

All my life I have been a UK size 10/12
And in all those years I could eat like a pig , but I realize now it was because I was so active . I never went to a gym but I never stopped running around looking after my kids or my jobs running around in catering or retail.

But since I became very poorly 3 years ago I can no longer be active , therefore I have gained a lot of weight even though I don't over-eat and when I do it's lots of salad/ veg etc.

But we will spur you on.
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Old 13-11-2023, 08:07 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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I looked at the list, and the titles indicate the content creators might be a little off track, but I watched the 3rd video on calories and it's totally accurate.

I skipped to their exercise video, and it's a little bit misleading, besides, people 'of a certain age' aren't typically partial or suited to High Intensity cardio exercise.

The problem with fat loss, especially in the aged, is you lose muscle mass as well as fat. Since the 'calorie burn' from exercise is not a particularly significant percentage of calories used, and food intake is a far greater contributor to weight gain or loss, it's best to regulate nutritional intake for fat loss and do resistance exercise to maintain muscle.

I skimmed across a few more videos, and on the whole, over all, I can only grade it as terrible information. What I like least of all is they are toxic focused and promote 'good and bad' foods, and that results in negative relationships with food. The sensational presentation with exciting music is really tell-tale of their informational hocum.

Sorry for negatively critiquing the overall video content, but it's only because I want people to benefit, and what these creators are saying is a bit of a hodgepodge, and very unlikely to work.

When I heard the hyped up narrative and stimulating music I immediately thought, 'what are they selling?' so I went to the very end of some videos, and sure enough, there is it, supplements, programs, books etc. not to mention the emina bag!. From the fitness and nutrition industry perspective, these guys typify the bulldust and scammery that unfortunately characterises the space.

If you want to discuss the situation you are in, I have a some expertise and experience as a qualified personal trainer with specialty qualifications in Older Adults. I'm not selling anything and I won't lead anyone astray. I can help with improvements and steer away from the bells and whistles, toward true and high quality information. Just hit me up if you want the dirt.
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Old 13-11-2023, 08:58 AM
hazada guess
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I was a fat kid and always struggled with my weight but Since becoming vegan,I lost loads.Now everytime i start gaining weight ,I become Vegan again.
Now,I'm vegan Monday to saturday and sundays I let rip .I dont drink alcohol and this way i maintain a healthy weight.
The reason i do this is because I can't follow a diet and it works for me.
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Old 13-11-2023, 10:21 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Some one told me years ago the worse thing you can do to your Body is to diet
each little and often.
you have to be very Regimented to diet stick to plans etc

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Old 13-11-2023, 10:39 AM
Uma Uma is offline
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Thanks everybody I really appreciate all this support.

Originally Posted by Gem
I looked at the list, and the titles indicate the content creators might be a little off track, but I watched the 3rd video on calories and it's totally accurate.

I skipped to their exercise video, and it's a little bit misleading, besides, people 'of a certain age' aren't typically partial or suited to High Intensity cardio exercise.
Gem, you live up to your name! Might take you up on that.
I don't agree with everything in these videos but do agree in living on mostly "alive" plant food that hasn't been processed to death - also in cutting out sugar and carbs, which has worked for me (albeit temporarily) in the past.
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Old 30-11-2023, 05:18 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by Uma

I'm wondering who else here has a 50+ body and is Vegan or mostly Vegetarian and has had success losing weight with this lifetyle. .

Most of all what has worked for you?

Help me start my 2024 New Years Resolution early and stick to it!

I am a (predominately) vegetarian. I eat mostly fish, legumes and tofu as protein. One thing I’ve noticed is even as I eat exceptionally well. Lots of fresh veg and salads, fruits etc.. if I eat too large portions of food I gain weight. Exercise now over 50 requires for me, regular and consistent practice. I walk, do yoga twice a week and half hr movement twice weekly doing core and step ups, weights etc.

I don’t want to be thin as I see many older people thin and lacking muscle mass seem to appear gaunt s
at times. I would prefer toned with strong muscles over thin body with poor muscle mass.

I’ve found snacking is a no no at this age, so I ensure healthful meals with protein portions at each to sustain me. Weight gain can happen overnight when older .. lol
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Old 24-12-2023, 05:03 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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I lost weight once and it seemed like I really didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
How I did it was eating and drinking fluids all of the time. I would go here and then there: exploring new neighborhoods and reacquainting with the old neighborhoods. I guess by walking, at least a few hours and in some cases, the whole day, helped a lot and nibbling on a little bit of food all day kept my stomach preoccupied.
I did have some issues. One place was out my 'way' but I loved going there. That place had only a counter but made the best Green Tea I had ever had. Once done with one cup of Tea, I would want more and more and more. I just loved that Green Tea but that Green Tea would dehydrate me and I would develop hydrating problems. LOL!

Not to forget, I would also ride in the back of Taxi Boats, standing up: taking in the views. I just loved exploring.

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Old 24-11-2024, 12:12 AM
Sapphirez Sapphirez is offline
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I know this thread is old, but I have researched this and it seems apparent that fruit is the fastest best way to lose weight. Raw food in general has long-lasting impact on weight loss, but fruit tested as superior to vegetables. Interestingly or not, we humans are a frugivorous species.

I know this isn't gonna be too popular but on that note I also must add that proper food combination can make a gigantic difference in health and is important to at least look into. But, according to research, in most cases the more fruits you eat the more unhealthy weight you'll lose. Herbs are wonderful too. Breathing also, acupressure and massages especially on the tummy. And essential oils along with other oils topically.
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